Halloween party ideas 2015

all working
except :
dualsim work but only one signal appear              
smartbright not work
room port from JIAYU G3

Download Rom + Theme :

How to install:
1. copy rom to SDcard.
2. go to recovery (cwm).
3. wipe data/factory reset
4. install zip from SD via cwm.
5. wipe cache parttion
6. wipe dalvik cache
7. Reboot.

Copy to sdcard folder MIUI => theme
then open aplication theme manager upgrade  => upgrade all done
(don't forget to create xiaomi account without that account you can't apply theme)

recommended change theme, becouse default theme glitch in frame work.

credits to:
me of course
SoCr@Te (www.needrom.com)

yang ada masalah sama google play not compatible bisa install :

Run WSM tools
Settings => manage WSM => install => reboot.

baru intall modul play store fix

Post a Comment

  1. Wah saya udah coba bagus.....tapi gmn cara ngilangin logo sony balik ke axioo lagi....

  2. gan link nya bisa diupdate lagi ga? link nya mati. mohon secepatnya ditanggapi soalnya ane perlu


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