Halloween party ideas 2015

-XpossedInstaller  = repo.xposed.info
-SmileyReplacer = http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2138089/ repo.exposed.info
- koleksiemot nya = http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2138089

Truss downloadbahan di atas, taro d satu folder aja biar ga bingung /Sdcard/emot replacer

STEP 1 :
-instal exposedinstaller
-trus masukke exposed installer
STEP 2 :
-InstallSmiley Replacer
- masuk ke exposedinstaller
- tap module
- centangsmiley replacer nya
- reboot

-masuk keSmiley Replacer
-Tap “Choose a smile pack “
- Tap tandaplus “ + “ trus otomatis masuk k root explorer
-trus masukk folder tdi dmna kita download smiley pack nya di /SDcard/emot replacer/disini
-pilihsmiley pack yg d inginkan
-trus tap “Start Impot ‘ klo sukses ada notif “ Import Succsesfull , Delete original file? “ nahh pilih OK aja
- nahh truskeluar deh hasil file import nya , tinggal di Tap aja
- trus Tap “Restart the MMS/SMS “ otomatis akan ke aplikasi SMS , heheh :D

-buka SMS
-trus Insertemoticon

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