A perfect Jelly Bean Experiance for our Xperia devices
This Rom gives you the most Fluid UI , amazing gaming and multitasking and lastly Unmatched battery life ! What else do you need in a ROM ?
Perhaps the best JB gaming rom (consistent framerate during graphic tasks )
De-Bloated (All useless applications removed )
Some quality applications built in
Very Gaming Friendly
Great multitasking
Lot of available Free Ram
Extremely Battery Friendly ( Easily gets through 1.5 days of heavy usage for me )
One of the most Battery friendly and performance driven Rom out there.
Rock Stable ( panorama is the only bug I found )
Very Beautiful
All Android 4.4 Kikat Wallpapers
Android 4.4 Kikat fonts
Android 4.4 Kikat Launcher
Android 4.4 Kikat Bootanimation
Android 4.4 Kikat UI sounds
Latest play music with DSP manager equalizer
Special Tweaks by harsh for the perfect experience of a jelly bean rom.
Xperia NXT Keyboard and hardware keyboard working (sym button not working )
Google Keep
Doesn't get slow like ICS
This is a result of a lot of hard work harsh put into creating and testing the rom.
A must try rom for all !!
Experience the ultimate Jelly Bean goodness for our Xperias
Note : only for unlocked bootlader
1. copy super jelly bean and gapps to sd card
2. flash any jb kernel for your device..
3. (optional but recommended: flash stock ics .587 ftf excluding kernel and simlock.ta files..)
4. boot into recovery
5.full wipes
ie :
wipe data / factory reset
wipe cache partition
wipe dalvik cache
in mounts and storage , wipe system , data and cache
6. flash Super Jelly Bean
7.flash gapps : use this link : Gapps For SJB
(8. flash a patch (if available!))
(9.flash wifi modules of respective kernel (if they are needed)
Super Jelly Bean 8.0:
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