Halloween party ideas 2015

Berikut ini adalah berita malaysia dan informasi terbaru hari ini untuk pemerintah diraja malaysia, selamat membaca, dan jangan lupa berikan komentar dan berikan pendapat anda tentang apa yang anda baca hari ini. selamat beraktifitas

Ini adalah tangkapan pertama individu yang berkait dengan Skandal 1MDB atas permintaan Amerika Syarikat, yang dijangka mengegarkan politik Malaysia dan juga perniagaan berkaitan di Hollywood serta Las Vegas.

Sumber yang rapat dengan pegawai Jabatan Kehakiman di Amerika Syarikat telah mengesahkan kepada Sarawak Report bahawa bekas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Aabar, Mohamed Al Husseiny, telah diletakkan dalam tahanan oleh pihak berkuasa di Abu Dhabi, yang kini memproses permohonan ekstradisi oleh Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat, berhubung dengan dakwaan berkaitan Skandal 1MDB.

Al Husseiny, berasal dari Kenya, masih memegang kewarganegaraan Amerika Syarikat, walaupun telah berpindah ke Abu Dhabi.

Tindakan ini adalah rentetan dari satu penyiasatan yang sedang dijalankan di Amerika Syarikat dan negara-negara lain dalam beberapa bulan ini terhadap kehilangan berbilion-bilion dolar daripada dana pembangunan Malaysia..

Baca ni..

First 1MDB Arrest - Former Senior Fund Manager Faces US Extradition Request In Abu Dhabi

The first 1MDB related arrest has taken place at the request of the United States, in a move that will send shock waves and shivers through the Malaysian political establishment and also in related businesses in Hollywood and Las Vegas.

Sources close to Department of Justice officials in the United States have confirmed to Sarawak Report that the former CEO of Aabar, Mohamed Al Husseiny, has been placed in detention by the authorities in Abu Dhabi, who are now processing an extradition request by the US Department of Justice, relating to charges concerning 1MDB.

Al Husseiny, who originated from Kenya, holds US citizenship, despite having moved to Abu Dhabi.

This is the first outward move in an investigation that has been ongoing in the United States and other jurisdictions for several months, into the disappearance of billions of dollars from the Malaysian development fund.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister, Najib Razak, who is the sole shareholder and signatory of the fund, has solidly denied that any wrong-doing took place.

Key player at International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) subsidiary 

Whilst CEO of Aabar (a subsidiary of IPIC) until July of last year, Al Husseiny was a key player in a number highly controversial deals involving 1MDB, from which billions of ringgit appear to have disappeared.

He also fronted a massive bail-out of 1MDB’s debts, in a surprise move last June.

It was one of his last actions in the post, from which he was summarily dismissed the following month.

There are numerous other questions concerning the management of Aabar, where Al Husseiny was regarded as a right hand man of the ex-Chairman, the high-rolling nightclub supremo, Khadem al Qubaisi, also CEO of IPIC.

Al Qubaisi was thrown out of all his official posts some weeks earlier in April of last year and following a period under house arrest he fled to the South of France, where he has considerable property.

Sarawak Report has identified that Al Qubaisi has also been removed from a number of his private business positions over the past fortnight – in the same period IPIC has mysteriously removed all reference to a number of key subsidiaries of Aabar (which were linked to Khadem) from its websites.

US dimension 

The effects of the news has already caused an apparent major loss of confidence in related businesses in the United States.

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