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Gadis 15 Tahun 'Terlalu Cantik Untuk Dilihat' Jadi Kegilaan | Seorang gadis berusia 15 tahun menjadi kegilaan netizen di China selepas dia menjalani pembedahan kosmetik untuk mengubah seluruh wajahnya.

Gadis 15 Tahun 'Terlalu Cantik Untuk Dilihat' Jadi Kegilaan

Gadis tersebut yang berasal dari wilayah Henan, dikategorikan sebagai 'terlampau cantik untuk dilihat' oleh pemilik media sosial yang menyimpan gambarnya.

Lebih mengejutkan apabila gadis yang bernama Lee Hee Danae mempunyai pengikut seramai 400,000 di akaun Weibo (laman sosial terkenal China) malah turut memberitahu tarikh hari lahirnya iaitu pada Mei 1999.

Menurut satu agensi berita tempatan China, Shangaiist, gadis bawah umur tersebut mendapat lebih 24,000 'likes' di dalam satu portal internet China, Tencent.

Tambah akhbar itu lagi, gadis tersebut bertindak melakukan pembedahan kosmetik untuk memenangi semula hati bekas kekasihnya, lapor laman web China, Cbg.cn.

Bagaimanapun, ada pihak yang berpendapat bahawa gambar tersebut adalah penipuan semata-mata atau disunting secara digital.

Dalam pada itu, pembedahan plastik seperti pembedahan kelopak mata dah Rhinoplasty (pembedahan hidung) semakin popular di kalangan penduduk China.

Gadis 15 Tahun 'Terlalu Cantik Untuk Dilihat' Jadi Kegilaan

Malah, ramai wanita yang menjalani pembedahan garisan-V untuk memberi garisan yang cantik pada rahang sehingga menjadi bentuk 'love' (hati).

Pembedahan paling popular yang diminati wanita China adalah melebarkan mata dan mengecilkan muka dengan dagu yang lebih runcing.


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pongo.jpgPongo is similar to Lonely Planet in that it's a simple, colorful FPS in which the goal is to get from one end of each level to the other in as little time as possible while killing stuff along the way. It does have a couple of differences from Lonely Planet that give it its own flavor, though.

The first difference is in the weapon itself. It can be a gun or a pogo stick, though not at the same time. The player must choose if they want to bounce or shoot things at any given time. There are no restrictions on when the change can be made, though, so it's possible to make a huge leap, switch to weapon mode in midair, kill every enemy in sight, switch back, and immediately make another jump on landing.

This, in combination with the fact that there don't seem to be any friendly NPCs that the play needs to avoid shooting, makes for a game which focuses on different kinds of precision than does Lonely Planet. There are sections that are mostly about platforming skill and mastery of the pogo stick as well as sections that focus on shooting. Elegance in transitioning from one to the other will be necessary to master the game and make the best times.

If you're happy with Lonely Planet and don't feel a need to try out something similar, then Pongo is probably not a game you will want. If you like Lonely Planet and would like to see a different take on the same kind of game, though, then Pongo is a game you should check out. If you haven't played either but don't really enjoy speedrunning, you might find that neither game is up your alley.

Pongo is available via Steam for Windows and costs $7.99.

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Penumpang British Airways Mabuk Ramas Buah D@da Penumpang Wanita  | Seorang penumpang lelaki ditangkap sedang meramas payu dara penumpang wanita selama lebih lima minit ketika mangsanya itu sedang tidur dalam pesawat British Airways penerbangan dari London ke San Francisco, baru-baru ini.

Penumpang British Airways Mabuk Ramas Buah Dada Penumpang Wanita

Menurut Portal berita The Mail Online, wanita itu yang identitinya dirahsiakan oleh pihak polis, sedang tidur apabila suspek yang bernama Vinay Pochampally, yang berada di tempat duduk belakang mangsa memasukkan tangannya ke dalam baju wanita itu dan mula meramas buah d@da mangsa.

Dia melakukan perbuatan itu selama lebih kurang empat hingga lima minit di hadapan penumpang-penumpang yang lain.

Yang menghairankan ialah walaupun insiden itu disaksikan oleh beberapa penumpang mereka tidak pula melakukan apa-apa tindakan untuk menghalang perbuatan suspek.

Bagaimanapun mereka melaporkan kejadian itu kepada krew kabin yang kemudiannya datang menghalangnya dengan serta merta.

Insiden itu dilaporkan berlaku dua jam selepas pesawat Boeing 747, BA285 berlepas dari sini pada 15 April lalu.

Pochampally dilaporkan berada dalam keadaan mabuk ketika itu.

Menurut portal itu lagi, mangsa menduduki barisan kerusi yang mempunyai laluan kecil di belakangnya.

Pochampally, mengambil kesempatan dari ruang kecil yang kosong itu untuk berdiri di situ dan kemudian melakukan perbuatan terkutuk itu.

Apabila mangsa terjaga dari tidur, Pochampally dengan segera menarik tangannya keluar dari baju wanita berkenaan dan terus bergegas menuju ke bahagian belakang pesawat.

Krew pesawat kemudiannya mengarah Pochampally duduk di tempat duduk berlainan di belakang pesawat sepanjang perjalanan 10 jam itu.

Sebaik sahaja mendarat di San Francisco, krew pesawat telah melaporkan kejadian itu kepada pihak berkuasa tempatan.

Kes itu sekarang dirujuk kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan San Francisco. British Airways mengesahkan kejadian itu tetapi enggan mengulas lanjut.


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hpaws-gameplay.gifAs you can probably guess from the title, Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! is a casual weapon shop simulator currently in development. The words "casual" and "simulation" don't often band together well, but this is one case where I think they do. The game doesn't have a long list of systems to balance, but there are enough conflicting choices to keep the game interesting. Players must learn to balance sending smiths out to go shopping or sell wares with the tasks of making things to sell and researching new recipes, all while still finding time for their smiths to take vacations. I would put it pretty squarely in the management subcategory of simulation games.

It starts out sounding like a weapon shop version of Harvest Moon; your legendary blacksmith of a grandfather has died and left you his weapon shop. Very quickly, you get hints that the agent in charge of helping you with the financial side of the shop is out to swindle you and that your grandfather isn't actually dead, but the main character is very trusting and so you just get to work making weapons to sell, increasing the fame and value of the workshop.

Making weapons is as easy as placing smiths at the various stations in the shop, choosing a recipe, and hitting go. However, each smith has a job that is best at increasing one weapon stat over the other possible stats. Which station you places them at determines which stat they affect during the time the weapon is being crafted. So if you really want an axe to have a lot of attack power and speed but don't care about accuracy, you can take an accuracy smith and put him at an attack or speed station for a while. You can also boost a stat twice, focusing on one or splitting your efforts between two. When boosting, you can use a smith on staff or hire a freelancer to lend their skills to your cause.

Once one or more weapons have been crafted, you can send a smith out to sell them to heroes in need. This is the first of several options for tasks outside the workshop that opens up and the beginning of where the game's depth starts to really show. You can sell any weapon to any hero, but certain heroes benefit more from certain types of weapons with certain primary stats than do others. The shop's fame and income only go up as heroes level up, and so it's in your best interests to help the heroes level up as fast as possible, which means matching the appropriate weapons to the right heroes.

6-select-offers.pngHowever, sometimes the hero who will benefit most from a weapon is not the one offering the most money for it. Do you need more materials to make new weapons? Maybe you really need that money right now so you can send a smith out to go shopping for parts. Eventually you gain the ability to explore other areas, looking for crafting materials, enchanting materials for buffing weapons, or ancient relics used for researching new recipes (which in turn require rarer materials in higher numbers), but the results of exploration are random. Only shopping is a sure-fire bet for getting the parts you need.

There are a lot of things to do outside of the shop, all of which are beneficial and all of which have their own experience levels. One of my smiths is Laura Craft, and since her namesake is obviously a certain female treasure hunter, I most often send her out when I need exploring done. But sending her out all the time would leave her job station in the workshop untended. The game also requires you to have at least one smith in the workshop at all times, not researching and available to work.

13-cutscene.pngThe best strategy I've found so far is to rotate through different kinds of weapons with a focus on different stats each time so that I can rotate smiths out of the shop. That axe doesn't really need accuracy if I'm going to sell it to a barbarian, so the accuracy smith can sell the other weapons I've crafted while the enchanting smith takes a vacation. When they get back, maybe I'll make a wand with high accuracy and magic stats while the attack smith explores and the speed smith takes a much-needed break. This lets me keep the workshop producing something constantly, which is important for paying bills, while bringing in needed materials and accomplishing other tasks.

The game has a pretty chill pace, with no way to speed it up and the passage of work time only stopping when you open certain menus. The interface feels like it's been made to work well on either computers or touchscreen devices, with few of the computer downsides that usually come with that. Notably, I would like to see a volume control implemented instead of just on/off, though there isn't an excessive amount of "swiping" or click-dragging required. Interestingly enough, developer Daylight Studios hasn't announced plans to release Holy Potatoes! on mobile devices, though I would love to have the game on my tablet.

10-explore.pngThe game is still in development and could change, but my current assessment is that if you have an itch for a hardcore, finicky simulation to balance, then Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop! won't scratch that itch. If you want a low-pressure simulation game which isn't insultingly easy and has silly potato people versions of celebrities (real and fake), then this would be a good choice.

Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! will be available for Windows and Mac via Steam on July 10th. The price is to be $14.99. The game was Greenlit in a week and Daylight Studios is currently taking applications for beta testers at their web site.

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Hot on TIME.com

Fast Food CEO Says Not All Models Know How to Eat Burgers

"We don't want somebody that's going to go out there and say, 'Well, I don't eat burgers'"

Published on May 31, 2015 at 03:17AM

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Hot on TIME.com

Fast Food CEO Says Not All Models Know How to Eat Burgers

"We don't want somebody that's going to go out there and say, 'Well, I don't eat burgers'"

Published on May 31, 2015 at 03:17AM

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Los Angeles Times

Texas floods: Enough rain to cover entire state with 8 inches of water in May
(CNN) So much rain has fallen this May on flood-ravaged Texas that it could cover the entire state with 8 inches of water, meteorologists say. And it ain't over yet. Every drop of rain these days is a drop too many in much of Texas, where 22 people have died ...
Texas Flooding: Dallas Gets More Rain After a Week of FloodingNBCNews.com
Latest on flooding: Main road in Dallas closed about a weekChron.com
Texas faces more rain and flash flood warningsChristian Science Monitor
Wall Street Journal
all 3,948 news articles »

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SaintPetersBlog (blog)

Marco Rubio tries to reach out to regular Americans at Reno stop
SaintPetersBlog (blog)
Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio tried to reach out to regular Americans during a stop at a Reno gated community on Friday. The Florida senator told some 130 GOP activists that polls show the public believes the GOP cares more about the ...
Rubio: 'There are still people in American politics that do not want to pass the torch'Washington Post (blog)

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Hot on TIME.com

Here’s What Could Happen If the Patriot Act Expires

President Obama warns of lapses in national security

Published on May 31, 2015 at 02:32AM

Shared at 646 shares/hour

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Hot on TIME.com

Here’s What Could Happen If the Patriot Act Expires

President Obama warns of lapses in national security

Published on May 31, 2015 at 02:32AM

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Texas floods: Enough rain to cover entire state with 8 inches of water in May
Are you affected by the flooding? Please share your images with CNN iReport if you can do so safely. (CNN) So much rain has fallen this May on flood-ravaged Texas that it could cover the entire state with 8 inches of water, meteorologists say. And it ain't over ...
More flooding in Texas after week of stormsReuters
Obama Signs Disaster Declaration for Areas of TexasNewsweek
President Obama declares flood disaster in Texas; death toll rises to 28New York Daily News
WFJA Classic Hits and Oldies 105.5 FM -St. Louis American -Carlisle Sentinel
all 270 news articles »

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Belfast Telegraph

Navy rescues 700 in migrant boats
Belfast Telegraph
The late Bob Monkhouse once said: "I enjoy making love at 75. I live at 76 so... Video · Northern Ireland · News · World · Sports · Have You Seen · Entertainment · Sponsored Videos · Video: Cancer charity chief pays tribute to Rory new. The head of the charity ...
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Italy rescues 4200 boat migrants in Mediterranean on FridayTelegraph.co.uk
The Guardian
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Mayat Di Tanam Dalam Rumah Mayat Budak Lelaki | Mayat yang ditanam di bawah lantai dapur rumah di Taman Usaha Jaya, Kepong dan ditemui Jumaat lalu adalah mayat budak lelaki berusia antara lapan hingga 10 tahun.

Mayat Di Tanam Dalam Rumah Mayat Budak Lelaki

Ketua Polis Daerah Gombak Asisten Komisioner Ali Ahmad berkata, hasil laporan bedah siasat juga mendapati mangsa sudah meninggal dunia sejak lapan minggu lalu.

“Punca kematian serta identiti sebenar mangsa masih belum diketahui berikutan keadaan mayat yang sudah reput,” katanya.

Menurutnya, bekas penyewa rumah itu, iaitu lelaki berusia 33 tahun ditahan di Keningau, Sabah pada 7 malam tadi.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, isteri serta anak lelaki itu masih belum dapat dikesan setakat ini.

“Penahanan itu dipercayai dapat membantu siasatan penemuan mayat berkenaan.

"Ujian DNA akan dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti hubungan lelaki dan mayat yang ditemui itu. Kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan,"katanya.

Jumaat lalu, polis dimaklumkan mengenai penemuan mayat itu oleh anak perempuan pemilik rumah berkenaan yang hendak melakukan pengubahsuaian selepas rumah itu dikosongkan sebulan lalu.


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The Week Magazine

Prosecutor claims 'egregious' mistakes in Cleveland cop verdict
The Week Magazine
An Ohio prosecutor filed a motion Friday asking a state appeals court to correct "egregious" mistakes in clearing police officer Michael Brelo in the 2012 fatal shooting of an unarmed black man and woman, Reuters reports. Judge John O'Donnell ruled a week ...
Prosecutor asks court to correct judge's errors on Cleveland officer verdictReuters
Prosecutor: Judge who acquitted Ohio police officer made errors, should correct ...Fox News

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Tony Blair Not Leaving Middle East After All

by Stephen Lendman

Despite resigning as Middle East envoy, he's maintaining his regional activities. They made him super-rich. It's anyone's guess how much wealth he amassed.

Greed drives him. He wants more. He's remaining active on regional affairs despite no formal role.

An overt racist, RT International reported he wants to be an Israeli/Arab bridge-builder - "drawing on relationships he has in the region."

He wants to build his considerable fortune to an even greater one. He wants his status as a world figure maintained. 

He strongly supports Israel and key regional Western allies - for sure not Palestinians and the Arab street overall.

He's an unindicted war criminal - complicit with US imperial aggression from Belgrade to Baghdad.

He made multi-millions supporting wrong over right. Blair, Inc. is a large enterprise - including hugely secretive offshore companies and trusts.

He parlayed his regional diplomatic role into a fortune. He abused the post he held. He plans continued abuse by sticking around.

His predecessor, James Wolfensohn, treated his responsibilities as a full-time job. Blair hardly showed up - a few times a month, if that. His remaining time was spent  making money.

He has his own consultancy firm - Tony Blair Associates in London. It's described as a secretive complex mix of companies. You’re known by the company you keep.

Blair advises regional despots, earns millions in speaking fees - millions more from New York-based JP Morgan Chase and Switzerland-based insurer Zurich International.

Stop the War UK lists Kuwait, the UAE, Kazakhstan, Albania, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Colombia, Brazil, and Mongolia as nation-state Blair clients. 

Egypt and Oman may be next. Other clients included the Democratic Republic of Congo and Serbia.

A former unnamed Blair, Inc. associate said "(h)e moves in mysterious ways. The Blair organization is like a sort of government with different departments doing different things."

"His office is run on Downing Street lines. It's like he's never not been PM." Before resigning as Middle East envoy, Council for Arab-British Understanding's Chris Doyle said:

"Tony Blair has to decide between his Quartet role as envoy to one of the most dangerous conflicts on the planet, his burgeoning media role in pushing for intervention in Iraq and Syria and his business interests across the globe including in the Middle East. These roles are incompatible and create a huge conflict of interest."

Blair is a crass opportunist parlaying his political background and contacts into lucrative business deals.

He established a post-Downing Street career working with disreputable clients - cashing in big.

On May 30, London's Independent asked if he stepped down as Middle East envoy "to spend even more time with his dictators?"

His only accomplishment was making money. His conflicts of interest are rife. He lives like royalty with a number of multi-million dollar properties - 31 in Britain and five abroad, according to The Independent.

"Secretive off-the-shelf companies called Windrush Ventures and Firerush Ventures" are central to Blair's corporate empire.

Years of investigation show he prostituted himself in pursuing Mammon, The Independent added.

Blair's world is complex, secretive, opaque, distasteful, immoral and perhaps illegal given the rogue cast of characters he cast his lot with.

"Political friends and foes alike are left cold with disgust," said The Independent.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 

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Texas Flooding: Dallas Gets More Rain After a Week of Flooding
Storms swept into the rain-soaked Dallas-Fort Worth area Saturday morning, capping off a week of wild weather for the whole region, forecasters said. Officials and meteorologists were also keeping a close eye on rising river levels in the south of the state as ...
Volunteers continue search in Texas for victims swept away in a massive floodFox News Latino
29 dead, nearly a dozen missing in aftermath of US stormsToronto Star
Texas faces more rain and more flash flood warningsChristian Science Monitor
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Hot on TIME.com

Paul McCartney Says He’s Given Up Pot Now That He’s a Granddad

He says it's "a parent thing"

Published on May 31, 2015 at 01:32AM

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Hot on TIME.com

Paul McCartney Says He’s Given Up Pot Now That He’s a Granddad

He says it's "a parent thing"

Published on May 31, 2015 at 01:32AM

Shared at 657 shares/hour

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[VIDEO] Tindakan BODOH Nazmi Faiz Meludah Terima Padah | Tindakan BODOH Nazmi Faiz Mansor yang meludah pemain Timor Leste mencemari aksi sulung skuad bawah 23 negara (B23) yang sekadar menang tipis 1-0 ke atas Timor Leste dalam saingan Kumpulan B di Stadium Bishan, malam tadi.

Tindakan BODOH Nazmi Faiz Meludah Terima Padah

Tindakan pemain tengah itu menyaksikan dia dilayang kad merah oleh pengadil pada minit ke-32 sekali gus menjejaskan rentak skuad negara yang terpaksa beraksi dengan 10 pemain.

Malah jurulatih Datuk Ong Kim Swee harus pening kepala menjelang pertemuan penting menentang Vietnam Selasa ini dan Thailand (Khamis) kerana tidak dapat menggunakan khidmatnya yang digantung perlawanan.

Skuad negara bermula baik apabila sudah mendahului lawan menerusi jaringan D Saarvindran pada minit ke-11.

Tindakan BODOH Nazmi Faiz Meludah Terima Padah

Selang empat minit kemudian, Muhammad Syafiq Ahmad sepatutnya sudah menggandakan jaringan skuad negara namun mempersiakan peluang apabila gagal merobek gawang lawan ketika hanya berdepan penjaga gol Timor Leste.

Rentak skuad negara selepas itu terjejas apabila Nazmi diperintah keluar padang yang menyaksikan lawan yang sebelum ini dikaitkan dengan skandal mengatur perlawanan tampak mampu menyeimbangkan saingan.

Apa yg ko dh buat tu Nazmi...adoi laa....Artikelhttp://kezoom.blogspot.com/2015/05/video-tindakan-bodoh-nazmi-faiz-meludah.html
Posted by Kezoom on Saturday, May 30, 2015


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Hot on TIME.com

Just Because Something Is Free Speech Doesn’t Mean It’s OK

I question the purpose of free speech when it's hate speech

Published on May 31, 2015 at 12:01AM

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Hot on TIME.com

Just Because Something Is Free Speech Doesn’t Mean It’s OK

I question the purpose of free speech when it's hate speech

Published on May 31, 2015 at 12:01AM

Shared at 814 shares/hour

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ABC News

New clues, questions in Natalee Holloway case
(CNN) Ten years after Natalee Holloway went missing, a Dutch citizen says he knows where to find her. Prosecutors, however, aren't buying it. Jurriën de Jong told CNN's Martin Savidge that the teen's body is buried in a crawl space at a Marriott vacation ...
Natalee Holloway Mystery, 10 Years Later: A TimelineABC News
Natalee Holloway: Alabama teen disappeared in Aruba 10 years ago todayAL.com

all 128 news articles »

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Hot on TIME.com

Watch Live: B.B. King’s Funeral

Singer laid to rest in Indianola, Miss.

Published on May 31, 2015 at 12:17AM

Shared at 892 shares/hour

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New York Times

Women's Soccer Is One Bright Spot on Sepp Blatter's Record
New York Times
Now that Sepp Blatter has won his fifth term as president of FIFA, defying all common sense that the leader of a corrupt sport should be ousted instead of rewarded, he can move on to the next big event on his calendar: the Women's World Cup.
Fifa corruption crisis: Sepp Blatter downplays US indictmentBBC News
FIFA President Sepp Blatter defends his reputation, downplays corruption probeLos Angeles Times
How can Fifa president Sepp Blatter be forced out?Telegraph.co.uk
Newsweek -BBC Sport -CNN
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Hastert Due To Be Arraigned Next Week
Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert was due to be arraigned in federal court next week on charges he paid hush money — reportedly to keep silent allegations of sexual abuse that date from his days as a high school teacher and coach in rural Illinois.
Once-Calming Leader and a Stunning TurnNew York Times
Dennis Hastert indictment: $3.5 million in hush money for molestation claim ...San Jose Mercury News
Boehner 'shocked and saddened' by allegations against HastertThe Week Magazine
Huffington Post -CBS News -Chicago Tribune
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Wall Street Journal

In Texas, people can soon carry guns openly
Business Standard
Handguns could be carried openly in Texas under legislation approved by state lawmakers that Republican governor Greg Abbott has said he'll sign. The measure, approved Friday by the legislature, would make the state the most populous where residents ...
Estes lauds passage of open carry of handguns billMineral Wells Index
Texas poised to allow open carry of handgunsWKRN.com
Texas open carry bill escapes promised filibuster, heads to GovernorGuns.com
Austin Business Journal (blog)
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