Halloween party ideas 2015

Have you ever wondered about your family and their lives? LooK INside explores that curiosity by spinning it into an artistic experience that combines narrative and point & click elements. You will...

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Berikut ini adalah berita malaysia dan informasi terbaru hari ini untuk pemerintah diraja malaysia, selamat membaca, dan jangan lupa berikan komentar dan berikan pendapat anda tentang apa yang anda baca hari ini. selamat beraktifitas

ANGKA kematian akibat Koronavirus kini meningkat kepada 213 kes berbanding 171 kes semalam. 

Ia susulan 42 kes kematian terbaharu yang dicatatkan di China. Daripada jumlah itu, 30 kematian dilaporkan di Wuhan, wilayah Hubei .

Sehingga kini, 5,806 kes Koronavirus dilaporkan di wilayah berkenaan. Kira-kira 804 pesakit dilaporkan dalam keadaan serius dan 290 lagi dalam kritikal.

Manakala, seramai 32,340 orang masih dalam pemantauan susulan penularan wabak berkenaan. Hospital Huoshenshan dan Leishenshan dikhususkan untuk merawat pesakit Koronavirus di China.

Pada masa sama, pihak berkuasa dijangka menambah lebih 2,000 katil pesakit bagi menampung pertambahan jumlah kes Koronavirus di negara republik itu.

Dalam pada itu, Beijing turut menghantar lebih 7,000 kakitangan perubatannya ke Hubei bagi mengatasi masalah kekurangan tenaga kerja untuk menangani kes berkenaan.

Laporan dipetik dari AstroAwani yang disiarkan di SINI

AstroAwani juga melaporkan bahawa Jumlah kes koronavirus sudah melebihi jangkitan SARS pada 2002-2003

BEIJING: Bilangan jangkitan wabak novel koronavirus dari China sudah merebak kepada lebih 8,200 orang di seluruh dunia pada Khamis, melebihi daripada jumlah jangkitan epidemik Sindrom Pernafasan Akut Teruk (SARS) pada tahun 2002-2003.

Reuters melaporkan, kebanyakan kes positif dikesan di negara ekonomi kedua terbesar di dunia itu, berpunca daripada sebuah pasar hidupan liar haram di bandar Wuhan.

Lebih daripada 100 kes telah dikenal pasti di negara-negara lain, dari Jepun hinggalah Amerika Syarikat.

SARS yang juga berasal dari China, menjangkiti 8,098 orang dan mengorbankan kira-kira 800 orang dan menjejaskan ekonomi global mengalami kerugian hingga AS$33 bilion pada 2003.

from Anak Sungai Derhaka https://darisungaiderhaka.blogspot.com/2020/01/koronavirus-angka-kematian-meningkat.html

Berikut ini adalah berita malaysia dan informasi terbaru hari ini untuk pemerintah diraja malaysia, selamat membaca, dan jangan lupa berikan komentar dan berikan pendapat anda tentang apa yang anda baca hari ini. selamat beraktifitas

GENEVA: Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) sebentar tadi mengisytiharkan wabak koronavirus yang telah meragut sekurang-kurangnya 170 nyawa sebagai kecemasan kesihatan global.

Perkara berkenaan diumumkan WHO selepas mengadakan mesyuarat di ibu pejabat pertubuhan itu di Geneva pada Khamis.

Ini berikutan kes berkaitan wabak berkenaan meningkat lebih 10 kali ganda dalam tempoh seminggu.

Ketua Pengarah WHO Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus berkata perkara yang amat membimbangkan adalah potensi virus itu merebak ke negara yang mempunyai sistem kesihatan yang lemah dan tidak bersedia menghadapinya.

"Sebab utama pengisytiharan ini bukan kerana situasi di China, tetapi kerana negara lain.

"Terdapat 98 kes di 18 negara di luar China, termasuk lapan kes jangkitan manusia ke manusia di empat negara iaitu Jerman, Jepun, Vietnam dan Amerika Syarikat (AS),” katanya dalam video yang dikongsi menerusi Twitter rasmi WHO.

Berdasarkan data terkini, ketika ini terdapat 7,834 kes 2019-nCoV yang disahkan termasuk 7,736 jangkitan di China dengan 170 orang meninggal dunia di republik itu.

“Setakat ini tiada kematian dilaporkan di luar China dan kita semua perlu bersyukur. Walaupun jumlah itu masih kecil berbanding jumlah kes di China, kita semua perlu bekerjasama untuk mengehadkan penularan penyakit itu,” katanya.

Novel koronavirus mula dikesan pada Disember di Wuhan, China yang menyebabkan radang paru-paru dan gejala lain seperti demam, batuk dan kesukaran bernafas. Setakat semalam, Malaysia mempunyai lapan kes jangkitan yang disahkan.

Badan Kesihatan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) mendefinisikan darurat global sebagai peristiwa luar biasa yang merupakan risiko kepada negara-negara lain dan memerlukan koordinasi tindak balas antarabangsa.

China telah memaklumkan kepada WHO kes mengenai patogen baharu itu pada lewat Disember lalu.

Sehingga kini, China telah melaporkan lebih 8,243 kes dikesan termasuk 171 kematian direkodkan setakat 31 Januari.

Sebanyak 22 negara telah melaporkan mempunyai kes koronavirus dengan para saintis ketika ini sedang membuat kajian untuk memahami cirinya dan bagaimana ia tersebar. Pakar berkata terdapat bukti signifikan jangkitan manusia ke manusia.

Virus yang tersebar di China terutama di pusat epidemik Wuhan itu turut mencetuskan kebimbangan dunia susulan kes jangkitan yang dikesan di beberapa negara termasuk Amerika Syarikat, Perancis, Jepun, Jerman, Kanada dan Vietnam lapor AstroAwani

from Anak Sungai Derhaka https://darisungaiderhaka.blogspot.com/2020/01/koronavirus-who-isytihar-kecemasan.html

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion enlists a full cast of vegetables to tell the tale of a rogue turnip who must take on a crooked government. Yes, you read that title right,...

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Trog Smash Island is a platform jumping mobile game where you get to play as a dinosaur (and several other prehistoric creatures), eating pineapples and dodging cavemen.

You play as a little dinosaur that needs to jump up onto platforms high above them, moving up the screen in a quick and safe manner. When you get up a level, you will gain another point. This is the only way to get a higher score. 

Jumping up platforms would be too simple, so as a dinosaur, you can do a single jump, but that’s not high enough to actually make it to the next platform. Instead, you need to jump up, then tap again to slam down on top of mushroom, platforms, or cavemen. Jumping up and slamming down on open ground will just stun your dinosaur, making it so that you cannot move for a few moments. 

Time does matter, despite there not being a timer, as the bottom of the screen has a Super bar, which can be slowly filled up by eating pineapples. If you take too long to eat another pineapple, this bar starts to decrease, so your time is really limited. If it does completely fill up, you turn into a large, adult dinosaur that can jump up a full platform without slamming down onto something and that can eat a caveman in their path. The only downside to this is that once you are back to your normal size, some of the cavemen might be running around the platform, making them much more challenging to jump onto.

If you aren’t careful with where you’re jumping up as a normal dinosaur, cavemen can hit you with their clubs, instantly ending the game. They can also do this if you run into them, making them dangerous creatures to deal with. Despite these dangers, Trog Smash Island is a fun little mobile game with a lot of positives if you like this sort of game. It’s also worth mentioning if you don’t care for dinosaurs, there are a bunch of other animals to choose from and play with.

Trog Smash Island is available now on Google Play and the App Store.

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A series of short and simple puzzles about creating little places and streets, Tiny Towns is a distilled city builder.

Some people will argue about anything, but one thing that I’ve heard people argue in a semi-convincing manner is that city-builders are just puzzle games about filling buckets. Tiny Towns, from Bearish, strips out the ‘buckets’ element of it and instead delivers a pure puzzle experience about building a city with the right layout.

As a newly-promoted city-planner (I’m adding story in here where there is none), you have to meet the placement spec requirements of each town. This could be as simple as having to place a single happy resident – for that all you have to do is run a road to a house, and make it a house near a forest. They might need power though, and then it starts to get tricky. Certain items negatively affect other tiles, certain tiles are needed to activate other tiles, and certain tiles can positively benefit their neighbors.

It’s incredibly simple to play, although as it goes on there are some truly devious puzzles behind its rudimentary appearance.

Tiny Towns is available now on itch.io

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Berikut ini adalah berita malaysia dan informasi terbaru hari ini untuk pemerintah diraja malaysia, selamat membaca, dan jangan lupa berikan komentar dan berikan pendapat anda tentang apa yang anda baca hari ini. selamat beraktifitas

Konflik membabitkan dua kumpulan dalam Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) tidak akan menjejaskan peluang Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk menjadi perdana menteri bagi menggantikan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Setiausaha Agung parti berkenaan, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail menganggap, kemelut itu tidak ada kaitan dengan isu peralihan kuasa tersebut memandangkan keputusan mengenainya diputuskan oleh pimpinan Pakatan Harapan (PH).

"Terjejas atau tidak? Bergantung kepada PH ubah atau tidak konsensus itu. Hari ini, tiada perubahan. Ke depan, tidak ada nampak tanda-tanda perubahan. Sokongan terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar datang daripada PH.

"PH adalah pakatan yang menguasai majoriti dalam Parlimen. Jadi yang menentukan kedudukan Datuk Seri Anwar berjaya atau tidak itu keputusan PH," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri Kempen Beli Barangan Malaysia Dengan Tesco di Tesco Extra Kajang di sini, hari ini.

Selain keputusan dalam konsensus PH, Saifuddin yang juga Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna menyifatkan sokongan daripada ahli Parlimen juga penting memandangkan PH merupakan pakatan yang menguasai majoriti dalam Parlimen lapor Sinar di SINI

from Anak Sungai Derhaka https://darisungaiderhaka.blogspot.com/2020/01/kemelut-dalaman-pkr-tak-jejas-peluang.html

I never imagined that Lucifer’s trident was capable of turning the denizens of hell into cake. Or that the devil would then eat those cake-y demons.

Satan Loves Cake finds our adorable King of Sin coming to the realization that he lacks tasty treats, so it’s off to the halls of hell to go find some. I don’t see many sweet shops around, either, so instead, we’ll be zapping imprisoned sinners with our trident to turn them into tasty morsels to devour. I’m assuming this is the circle of hell for gluttony? That would make a lot of sense.

Your many enemies aren’t keen on being eaten alive (which makes this game sound a lot more morbid than it looks), so they’ll put up a bit of a fight. You can blast in multiple directions, though, so a little footwork should keep you ahead of them and your belly stuffed. Just be careful of the stronger bosses, as they’ll do their best to thump their devilish caretaker.

As you eat your enemies, your belly will fill up. You can then turn this sugary energy into power-ups for your trident and the like. Just don’t ask too many questions about this process or why it seems to occur in outhouses.

Satan Loves Cake is a cute adventure for someone looking for an hour of fun as a sweet-obsessed demon. Just don’t give yourself a tummy ache. No one wants to deal with the devil when he’s got an upset stomach.

Satan Loves Cake is available now (for whatever you wish to pay for it) on itch.io.

The post ‘Satan Loves Cake’ – A Cute Platformer For Hungry Dark Lords appeared first on Indie Games Plus.

from Indie Games Plus https://indiegamesplus.com/2020/01/satan-loves-cake-a-cute-platformer-for-hungry-dark-lords
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ScourgeBringer is an intense action-based roguelite, complete with beautiful pixel art and amazing enemies that I kept playing more and more. 

I am not very good at games like ScourgeBringer, but I really do enjoy them if the movement is perfect and the enemies are interesting. With the aim to be a cross between Dead Cells and Celeste, ScourgeBringer has you playing a warrior called Kyhra who is trying to see what lies in this mysterious, post-apocalyptic world. 

With a limited ammo gun, a melee attack, and a dash that allows you to slam into enemies, you need to go from room to room and destroy every single creature that appears there. Enemies come in loads of different types, and each room seems to have two waves, unless you take on a mini-boss or major boss, then it’s just a single round of enemies. Some fly around, others hurtle about and shoot at you, some just crawl around the walls, and others move around and shoot at you. It’s a fast-paced game where you need to basically take a look at each room then instantly start taking monsters out.


If you are skilled enough, you can chain attacks from enemy to enemy in order to gain a bigger combination and get more blood from your slain enemies. Blood is the game’s currency and can be used to purchase more weapons and upgrades through merchant stores. If you can keep stringing more attacks together, you’ll get more blood and can buy better things that will help you survive the game’s procedurally-generated dungeons. Once you do die, if you’ve made it far enough, you can start unlocking skills from a skill tree before re-entering the dungeon and trying to get even farther. 

Attacking is frantic but fluid – as is the movement through the various platforms. Everything within ScourgeBringer actually feels good. This is very important in a game where you need to quickly move around and kill everything in your path. This good feeling makes it easy to want to go back for round after round of ScourgeBringer, and I have found myself going back again and again. 

ScourgeBringer is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can add it to your Steam Wishlist.

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Chair Up! tasks you with making important phone calls and getting around the office without leaving your seat. Or getting clobbered by your coworkers who are fighting for the same job.

Up to four players can all vie for the same job, each grabbing their office chair and heading into the building. That isn’t as easy as it sounds, as you can’t get up, only controlling your seat with your legs. You can kick the left or right leg to move forward with a push from that direction, and you can also apply the brake with both legs, too. This results in some challenging movements, as it’s not always simple to go exactly where you want to go with this imprecise movement. Still, it’s good for a laugh.

The trouble gets compounded as three other people all work to do the same job, each of them flailing around the office. You need to get into the elevator to start your day, then hop on the office phone and speak with clients. You make points for being the first in the elevator, then increase your bonus for every second you;re on the phone. Other players can bump it out of your hands, so you need to stay away from them as they bounce around the office. Just try to stay away from the windows as you do it.

Chair Up! manages to actually make office work entertaining, using goofy physics to make for a silly scramble to go about your work day.

Chair Up! is available now on itch.io.

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from Indie Games Plus https://indiegamesplus.com/2020/01/chair-up-is-a-productivity-race-where-you-cant-leave-your-seat
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Trailer Tuesday idly rebuilds R’Lyeh, uses hellish creatures to avenge the death of the King of Hell, and becomes a bounty hunter seeking typos in the Wild West this week.



“My Overlord! The stars will soon be aligned, we have to rebuild R’Lyeh and forge the Unnameable key to the Ultimate Gate and awake the one true god: Cthulhu!”

CLICK OF CTHULHU is available now on itch.io.



“You play as Edward Armitage, a renowned explorer, returning home from an expedition gone wrong.”

Avarice is available now on itch.io.


Metal Unit

“Play as Joanna, a soldier on a mission to capture her treasonous sister. Wear the M-Unit 11 suit and battle against monsters and aliens while uncovering the truth about humanity.”

Metal Unit is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can follow its creation on the game’s site.


Dark Princess: Hell’s Little Army

Dark Princess: Hell’s Little Armyfeatures Princess Darkfire and her army of minions facing combat and puzzle challenges to avenge the death of her father, the King of Hell.”

Dark Princess: Hell’s Little Army is available now on itch.io.


Tumbleweed Typo Hunter

“You are a freelance bounty hunter searching for typos in a spaghetti western world populated entirely by words.”

Tumbleweed Typo Hunter is available now on itch.io.



“Welcome to Psycutlery, where a spork gets used in a plethora of practical and illegitimate ways!”

Psycutlery is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can follow its creation on the game’s site.



“When you wake up, you find yourself alone in a mysterious place. Everything seems alien, nothing is trustworthy anymore.”

Evershift is available now on itch.io.


Goonya Fighter

“A floppy kind of party fighting game!”

Goonya Fighter is available now on the Nintendo Switch.



“Survive the unknown, test your limits of perception, and uncover the secrets of an alien planet reclaimed by nature.”

AQUAMARINE is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can support its creation on Kickstarter.


There Is No Tomorrow

There Is No Tomorrow is a 3rd person action-adventure survival horror game with a talking doll companion. Leon traveled into the future where humans are at a brink of extinction due to the ‘RA’.”

There Is No Tomorrow is available now on Steam.

The post Trailer Tuesday – No Typo Army appeared first on Indie Games Plus.

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Churro Truck Fever has you quickly driving around town, disregarding the rules of the road, as all that matters is destruction and getting your goods delivered.

Playing as a large, colorful churro truck, you can race around a big city trying to beat the timer when it comes to delivering churros. Following the road isn’t all that important, either – instead, you can just race around the world however you like in hopes to make it on time. There is a green arrow showing you where to go next as well as a timer quickly counting down. 

When it comes to movement, you can drive straight through most trees, however cars and trucks might knock you off-course. You cannot move through buildings, but these are only in dense little sectors, allowing you to move through everything else instead. To help you with your journey, you have a booster  for extra speed (but it drains your health) and breaks if you want to slow down to make a turn. Although I found myself never using the breaks.

Churro Truck Fever

If you’re running low on health from boosting or ramming into things, it can be refilled by hitting one of the many hot dog stalls that seem to litter every street corner. These explode in brilliant chunks of color and pieces as you continue forward with a newly-filled health bar, and there are plenty to destroy. However, they do not give you any points.

You actually only get points and more time by making it to the green area where you need to deliver your churros. Churro Truck Fever becomes harder and harder over time as you need to take the most direct in these routes once the timer has been ticked down a bit. It’s a challenge, but a fun one fueled by metal music and destruction. 

Churro Truck Fever

Churro Truck Fever is available now on itch.io.

The post ‘Churro Truck Fever’ Sows Destruction as You Race to Make Food Deliveries appeared first on Indie Games Plus.

from Indie Games Plus https://indiegamesplus.com/2020/01/churro-truck-fever-sows-destruction-as-you-race-to-make-food-deliveries
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We often hold onto a object that has ties to a person to remember them. Keepsake is a digital collection of those things, having us build digital shrines to those we love.

Keepsake gives you an array of different objects you can choose to hold onto, depending on the meanings you’ve assigned to them and the people they remind you of. You then take these objects, be they vacation items or food or a symbol of a hobby, steadily building a collection of memories that are brought on by each object. As you put them all together, you will soon shape a place carved out by your memories and pleasant experiences with someone, living or lost.

The game is a touching look at grief and loss, looking at how we can draw memories and small bits of joy from the things we held dear with that person. It looks into the raw power the most innocuous object can have – especially an object that the person couldn’t have possibly made contact with. Many keepsakes have ties to the person from using it, but this game looks at the object itself as a means of representing those memories. Is it the connection with an object the person touched and treasured that’s important, or is it simply the object, and what it represents, that makes it something worth holding onto as a memory trigger?

Keepsake brought up some painful memories as I built my own place for someone I’d long lost, but also made me happy to recall them through the things they loved, reminding me of the joy they’d brought to my life.

Keepsake is available now on itch.io.

The post ‘Keepsake’ Explores the Memories an Object Can Hold appeared first on Indie Games Plus.

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Bright Steel lets you deal with a Twitter beef by going to that person’s dungeon and beating them up. Finally.

Your nemesis has said some untoward things about your adorable cat, and you’re absolutely not going to tolerate it. As such, you’re going to drop all of the productive work you were tied up with and go to a stranger’s dungeon home to punish them for filling your feed with pictures of their ugly dog. You’ll just have to cut down every single one of their insipid followers in order to do it. Which really just adds to the appeal of doing this, anyway.

It’s an odd (and oddly satisfying) premise for this sharp black & white action game, but it’s as good a reason as any to set out into a randomly-generated dungeon and fight everything that awaits you inside. Staying light on your feet will be key with so many followers attacking you at once, so take care in knowing when to fight back. Your main target is also capable of some spectacular attacks that won’t leave many safe places on the screen, so be extra careful should you make it to the end. You don’t want someone snapping a picture of you just to dunk on your lifeless body.

Bright Blade is quite striking to look at in motion, with the white on black color scheme making the action look as stylish as it is fun. Or maybe I just enjoy being able to do something about a Twitter fight besides waste my time arguing online for hours.

Bright Steel is available now on itch.io.

The post ‘Bright Steel’ Offers Social Media Revenge Through Black & White Battles appeared first on Indie Games Plus.

from Indie Games Plus https://indiegamesplus.com/2020/01/bright-steel-offers-social-media-revenge-through-black-white-battles
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So many people document their lives with photos, but what if the use of a camera could physically rewind something back to its original state?

TAPE is a narrative-driven horror game with time-related puzzle mechanics all throughout. Starting in your home, you find yourself alone after you had just woken up from a nap. You play as Iria, a young girl whose father disappeared not too long ago. After finding a mysterious tape your father recorded, you are transported to a hospital where the game truly begins. 

The hospital is abandoned (naturally). Crawling and navigating around the winding hallways and discarded furniture, you’ll find this place to be a confusing snarl that seems to change as you walk around. Despite it looking abandoned, there is something crawling around with you, growling and snarling as it makes its way through the halls. The monster doesn’t seem to notice you at first, but you can catch glimpses of the strange, massive beast. 


Eventually, in TAPE, you’ll make your way to your childhood bedroom, where you can find your dad’s old camera. This camera has changed in a way that it can now bring items forward and backwards in time, placing them at original locations or freezing them in mid air. This camera can be used to protect Iria as you can move furniture into the way of enemies or move objects to fling them across the room. This opens up a lot of new puzzle mechanics as you rewind and fast forward items to change positions and work your way through the game.

TAPE is currently in Alpha, but is quite polished. Everything is voice acted in Spanish with English subtitles, the visuals are striking, and the music feels good. The entire atmosphere of the game feels creepy even in little places that should feel like home. 

An Alpha version of TAPE is currently available on itch.io.

The post ‘TAPE’ Rewinds & Shifts Time to Keep You Safe From Monstrosities appeared first on Indie Games Plus.

from Indie Games Plus https://indiegamesplus.com/2020/01/tape-rewinds-shifts-time-to-keep-you-safe-from-monstrosities
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fisti-fluffs makes cats fighting each other fun for four players! Which is nice, because it normally just means your stuff is going to get wrecked.

Up to four players can each pick their own special cat, equip them with a fancy hat, and then go wild in someone’s living room. You’re supposed to be smacking each other around, but with four cats all arguing over a single room, the furniture is going to get ripped up and start flying around. Expect to make some big messes as you fight over who is the strongest feline.

There’s a certain delight in all of the carnage you cause as four cats ripping up a living room. It’s pretty funny when it happens in real life, like I said, but deep down, you always know you’ll have to clean up afterwards. fisti-fluffs only makes for a digital mess as fish are flung, house plants get toppled over, and tables get bumped out of place. There’s no clean-up after a silly cat tussle, here, which makes it well worth grabbing. Plus, makings cats slap one another while wearing silly hats just brings me joy. If only because it’s the easiest way to get a hat on a cat without getting clawed.

The current demo will only allow two cats to scramble against one another in some poor soul’s home, but it’s enough to let you have fun being the creature that’s doing the destroying for a change. It’s a lot nicer than being the human who cleans up afterwards.

A demo for fisti-fluffs is available now on itch.io.

The post ‘fisti-fluffs’ Captures the Mayhem of a Cat Fight in Your Living Room appeared first on Indie Games Plus.

from Indie Games Plus https://indiegamesplus.com/2020/01/fisti-fluffs-captures-the-mayhem-of-a-cat-fight-in-your-living-room
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Shippu Senki Force Gear 2 brings some deeply challenging, satisfying Mega Man-like action in this week’s IG+ First Look.

I couldn’t read a word of what any of the game’s text said, but when those chiptunes started slamming my eardrums, I understood all I needed to know about this fast-paced sidescrolling shooter. You can choose between a melee or firearm-using warrior, taking them into an array of levels filled with nasty robots you need to blast to pieces. You’re not the most durable protagonist, so don’t take too many hits. You are a very persistent one, though, as the game lets you try again as many times as you like.

Items will help you get through things as well. You can pick up edible collectibles all over the place that you can save to heal yourself in a pinch. Very handy stuff, assuming you don’t use it all when you’re doing a terrible run at a boss, as you may respawn, but your goodies will be gone. And I certainly learned that the hard way.

The gunplay felt great, with the gun firing as fast as you can tap the button, with durable enemies making you really want to hammer that button. More than that, the bosses had a complex array of moves with varied timing and attack patterns, making each fight feel quite intense and involved. The single boss I fought took ages to overcome, but I couldn’t deny a sense of satisfaction when I finally got those patterns down. Even if the game DID seem like it was taking it easy on me.

Shippu Senki Force Gear 2 is one sharp Mega Man-like, with excellent chiptunes, bosses, enemies, and weapon systems, and is a must play for anyone who digs the Blue Bomber. Plus it’s available by donation, so there’s no excuse not to get on it.

Shippu Senki Force Gear 2 is available now (for whatever you wish to pay for it) on itch.io.

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There is no treat quite like smooth pixel art. Fluid animations, dynamic backgrounds, and striking lighting – all wonderful details that pays off. Especially when tied to a great story.

A Space For The Unbound – Prologue is more than just a pixel art experience though. You will be able to enjoy a short prologue chapter to the upcoming adventure that tackles hard topics like anxiety and depression, exploring them through the relationship between a boy and girl with supernatural powers. Judging from prologue, it is sure to stir your feelings.

You will take control of the boy in the preview and explore a late 90’s rural Indonesia. You’ll also learn about the dynamic between the main characters and the world they live in. This prologue will allow you to take in the locals as well. Chat them up and learn about their lives. Then again, you might not need to talk as you have the ability to dive into people’s minds similar to the movie Inception. Perhaps this will help you learn even more about the lives of the locals and the environment you live in.

I cannot get over the level of artistry displayed in just this little taste of the game. When a game takes the time to animate the shade of a tree’s leaves on their characters (like you see in the trailer), you know that the artists are ready to give you the best eye-candy that pixel art can offer. Personally, from the trailer, I got a strong sense of Makoto Shinkai’s movies through the seamless blend of art, sound, and cinematics. I know this game will be one to watch out for.

A Space Unbound – Prologue is available on Steam.

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When a spell goes wrong, Abra and her sister Cadabra need to get rid of all of the colored vials currently popping up over their land in Magic Twins.

Magic Twins is a local co-op game where one person plays Abra and the other plays Cadabra – two twin witches with the same goal in mind: save the world from their spell gone wrong. A giant cauldron has blasted a bunch of colors out into the world after a mistake when it came to changing the witches’ school uniforms. Now, Abra and Cadabra have set up barriers and need to get rid of the colorful potions that keep appearing.

Magic Twins

On each side of the screen, there is a witch. You can move your witch up and down, throwing out colored spell orbs towards the various color pots. At the bottom of the screen, you can see the different colors you are able to switch to and throw. You will need to make sure you hit the right color with the matching spell, unless it’s a black or white color, which can be hit with anything. Sometimes, when you destroy a color pot, it will drop a new color orb, which you can pick up by shooting that orb with the matching orb spell. This will add the orbs to one of four slots on the bottom of the screen. You’ll want specific combinations of these colors to make large spells, which can help you in a pinch.

Once you have filled the orbs at the bottom of the screen, you and the other player will need to press the spell-casting button at the same time and watch the screen change. It’s a very useful action, especially when you are able to strip color from all the colored pots on the screen. Working together, you both can keep the screen clear and hopefully fix your mistake.

At the start of each level in Magic Twins you get three goals to try to achieve. These are sometimes vague like ‘be brave’ but become challenging quests like destroying a specific number of one color in a row. You’ll need to communicate with the other player to actually achieve these goals.

Speaking of communication, there are some levels in Magic Twins where you don’t have control over what color spell you have in your hand. Instead, the other player picks the color you will have and vice versa. This means that you both need to talk and request colors to keep the colored pots at bay. It’s a really interesting and intense way to play!

I got the chance to play through a bit of Magic Twins at Pocket Gamer Connects London, where I very much enjoyed this cute and fun little local co-op game. I look forward to seeing the game released!

Magic Twins is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can find out more about the game from the developer’s site.

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The forest has always been a scary place for children, but in Children of Silentown, the woods are deadly for those who are young or old.

Everyone seems to know that the forest is bad news. Only the carpenter goes into the forest, alone, to collect the wood needed for the rest of the town. Unsure what’s even in the forest, you play as Lucy, a young girl who wants to play with her friends and make her family happy. 

Your friends look to you to play with them in the town center, but your family needs you at home early, and no one can go out after dark. You’ll need to help out your mother and listen to your father to keep the peace in the some-what tense household you live in. You have your own pet cat, who is somewhat of a troublemaking pest, but you love your family anyway.

Children of Silentown

Children of Silentown is a point and click adventure game where most things feel creepy and slightly off. There are whispers of people going silent and of monsters in the woods. Everyone seems to be having nightmares, with monstrous growling from the forest keeping them awake at night. Voices are calling your name… but at the same time you can collect little sounds and make brilliant music. 

I played a demo build of Children of Silentown at Pocket Gamer Connects London. There was a lot of curiosity left as the demo ended – the monsters living in the forest seem to just be haunting Lucy in her sleep, but is she right to be afraid? 

Children of Silentown is currently in development, but in the meantime, you add it to your Steam Wishlist

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Grandpa’s missing! It’s up to a plucky pair, and your co-op skills, to solve the mystery of the disappearing Grandpa.

Kika & Daigo: A Curious Tale wants you to put your puzzle-solving skills to the test, but if your partner just wants to pee on everything, it may take a bit.

In this split-screen co-op adventure, you will have control of both Kika the human and Daigo the dog. Each player will have a unique set of abilities available to them that they will have to use in conjunction with the others’. For example, Kika has a nifty umbrella that has a lot of bounce, and Daigo is the perfect projectile to bounce off of it. You’ll be able to use this combination to launch Daigo onto some pretty high scaffolding, if need be. Kika also has the ability to climb ladders because she’s got those nifty hand things. Not saying dogs can’t, but in this case, Daigo is not ladder-friendly. Basically, anything that requires a certain level of dexterity will fall to Kika.

Daigo’s abilities are nothing to turn your nose up at either. If you’re driving this dog, you’ll have to do one of the things that dogs to best: fetch. Daigo will be able to retrieve pieces of keys and other nifty items that Kika can use to solve puzzles. Need an extra boost? Have a dog treat and increase your speed to see how fast you can solve the mystery of Grandpa’s disappearance.

Also you can pee and poop on everything if you feel like being that way. Your partner may just not appreciate it. Or maybe they will. It depends who you’re teaming up with. Either way, it’ll be a fun co-op experience for those who enjoy a little bit of goofiness with their puzzle-solving.

Kika & Daigo: A Curious Tale is available now on Steam.

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Dish Life sees you following you dream of becoming a scientist, but you start off as an undergraduate in a small office space.

You’ve got your own lab, which is more than most, as well as an assistant who can help you out. The beginning of this mobile games has you playing around with stem cells, doing research, and trying to complete quests. There are a bunch of different quests to choose from which can give you XP. You can have up to three quests pending at a time.

Your main goal is to keep an eye on your cells and continue your research. Cells need to be happy to help you with your research. This means you must feed them, make sure they are not crowded in their dish, remove any dead cells, and make sure they are well looked after. If your cells are happy, your characters are happy and can do better research. In your lab, you can make food for the cells, work at various stations, and take a rest so that your work can be done in a more efficient manor.  

Dish Life

There are some things you can do to upgrade your lab and give you more actions. When it comes to improving the space, your XP works as currency which can be spent to upgrade existing equipment, purchasing new rooms, or grabbing new items that can then be helpful in your research. You can also purchase more cells if you need to fill up your dish so you can do more experiments. 

Throughout Dish Life, there are a number of different factoids that appear, asking you about different aspects of stem cell research, which you can try to guess at. There are also different dilemmas which will require you to make a decision. These decisions then affect how people work with you, if people want to join your lab, and what happens at your lab. 

Dish Life also has some really brilliant graphics. I got to play a bit of the game at Pocket Gamer Connects London and really enjoyed both taking care of the adorable cells and trying to learn a bit about the research currently being done in stem cells. 

Dish Life

Dish Life is coming to iOS, Android, and Steam this year. In the meantime, you can find more information about the game on the developer’s site.

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Why does the gear have two pistols? Why does the hippo have a gatling gun in its mouth? Who deputized the sheep to stop them? DEEEER Simulator has many questions to answer.

DEEEER Simulator hasn’t gotten any less ridiculous since the last time we looked at it. You play as a deer, peacefully co-existing with the other animals of an odd town. Maybe your life will be so nice that you’ll gain your own human fan club that wears antlers. Maybe you’ll get along with the fish and koalas and other creatures that wander the city streets. You can be the better animal, if you want to be.

But you also have guns. Guns where your antlers should be. And you can stretch your body. And attach animals to basically make the Devastator of woodland creatures. And you can blow stuff up. Start fights by running people over with a kaleidoscopic zebra. Knock over buildings. You’re free to make a big nuisance of yourself if it helps you blow off some steam in this absurd place. Just don’t expect the other well-armed animals to take this lying down. You might not expect a rabbit to be able to use a machine gun, but I wasn’t exactly expecting a deer that could use pistols, either.

DEEEER Simulator just wants you to let loose and be silly within its wild environments and world, spreading mayhem in ways you might not expect. What better way to unwind than with a rubbery, stretchy deer with pistols at the end of a hard work day?

DEEEER Simulator is available now on Steam Early Access.

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In Moons of Darsalon, you will find yourself trying to lead a bunch of fearful, silly astronauts back to the base, as they are lost and cannot find their way back.

Landing on the planet, you need to find and lead around various crew members, making sure they do not get hurt and can make it back to the ship. Each level has a minimum number of people that need to make it to the end, as well as a time limit to collect them all and lead them back.

Your main job in the game is to lead and control the various other people on this planet through shouting commands. Often, you will just be able to tell the others to follow you, shouting out a beautifully voice acted command, before moving forward. Other times, you might need to tell them to move left or right, or wait for you to come back. They won’t move in the dark, so using flashlights is needed, as they seem to be easily scared.

Moons of Darsalon

The other characters have big voice bubbles that appear above their heads to indicate their moods – things like laughing after you’ve taken a fall or falling themselves and stating that the action was stupid. If you leave them some place, they end up saying things about being left in the dark or sending out emojis. These add a lot of personality to the blubbering astronauts that you need to lead.

As you get further in the game, it’s less about leading them and more about keeping everyone safe as aliens attack, land needs to be built, jumps need to be timed, and paths need to be plotted. There are also vehicles to travel on, if you want to speed up your movement and make it back in time!

Moons of Darsalon is currently available (in an Early Access state) on itch.io.

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Dungeons & Deadlines wants you to succeed. Whether you choose to do so in your family life or career is up to you, because you can really only choose one of those.

You’re a recent hire and need to survive to the end of your probationary period. You’re not exactly getting paid a lot for your efforts, though, so how hard should you throw yourself into your tasks? Do you spend long hours at the office with the hope of impressing your bosses and getting a promotion? Or do you prioritize your family life (arguably the people you’re making the money to support)? And how will either decision screw you over?

All you do to press forward is to make a few decisions about what you want to do at certain points in your day. Do you go in early, late, or on-time? Do you work hard or try to take care of yourself throughout your day? Do you go home on time or stay late? All of these affect you Health, Stress, Esteem, or Family in some way, with each decision giving you some points in a few categories and remove them from others. If you don’t carefully balance them, you might not survive. Still, if you don’t get that Esteem up there, will you even keep your job? And what happens if you sacrifice your family to get that job?

Dungeons & Deadlines seems lighthearted at a glance, but is a depressing look at the labor many of us put in at our day jobs in order to feed ourselves and our families, and how all of that extra work to “get a leg up” often makes our employers rich as we rot in our personal lives and health. It’s bleak, but extremely effective at capturing the steady drain our jobs can have on our lives. Assuming you need another reminder about how you’re working your life away.

Dungeons & Deadlines is playable for free on itch.io.

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Spooky things happen around bed time, shadows make our lives difficult, and we take on a job driving a cab for aliens across the galaxy in this week’s Trailer Tuesday.


Try to Fall Asleep

“John Herrin survived a horrible accident and as a result, he damaged his brain and lost his memory. Only Dr. Rick Norberg and the friendly robot “AB” can help John to recover from his brain damage and restore his broken memory.” 

Try to Fall Asleep is available now on itch.io.


Mythic Ocean

“Teach the gods to create a better universe – or mess it all up in Mythic Ocean, a narrative exploration game where your choices shape the fate of the cosmos.”

Mythic Ocean is available now on itch.io and Steam.


Giraffe & Annika

“Lovable, cat-eared Annika sets off on a grand quest on the Island of Spica! 3D adventure & rhythm action genres mesh in the lush, pastoral and beautiful manga-inspired world of Giraffe & Annika!”

Giraffe & Annika is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can add it to your Steam Wishlist.



“In this epic quest you must reach the end by going through black holes. Try to avoid all the traps, solve all the mind-bending puzzles and escape form the powerful bosses. OH… And one more thing …. secrets are everywhere.”

VOiD is available now on Steam.


Revenant March

“Seven years after the destruction of her home, Olenine wanders the land as an exorcist, a specialist who harnesses spiritual essences to confront supernatural forces. Yet with her rare knowledge of inhuman languages, she strives to settle conflicts through words rather than violence.”

Revenant March is available now on itch.io.



Akurra is a block pushing puzzle and exploration game inspired by games like Zelda, Star Tropics, and Chip’s Challenge.”

Akurra is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can grab a demo from the game’s site.



“A first-person puzzler where shadows kill you. Watch your step or be swallowed by the darkness.”

Lightmatter is available now on Steam.



“Explore an open galaxy as a lonely TAXINAUT carrying fares across alien worlds.”

TAXINAUT is projected to release (in an Early Access state) on itch.io on March 6, 2020.


Eclipse: Edge of Light

“After crash-landing on a sentient planet, you awake to find a dreamscape world filled with discovery, wonder and the littered remains of a betrayed civilization.”

Eclipse: Edge of Light is available now on Steam, PSVR, the Nintendo Switch, the Oculus store, Google Play, and Viveport.


Chuusotsu! 1st Graduation: Time After Time

Chuusotsu! is a fun, colorful story of three girls brought by their individual circumstances to live under the same roof and being forced to tackle existential questions to win their place in society.”

Chuusotsu! 1st Graduation: Time After Time is available now on Steam.

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