Halloween party ideas 2015

Flazm's Train Valley 2 has you building a railway network in order to transport materials through picturesque landscapes. It looks like a quaint, casual game that might just evoke some childhood memories if trains are your thing. However, this little puzzle tycoon game can be quite challenging - if you want it to be.

You start off with your main station, which has certain demands that need to be met. "Bring us four units of wood and six units of cows!" And off you go, connecting your station to resource-producing buildings scattered all over the landscape with some fancy rails. Once you got a route set up, you can manually order your trains to and from these buildings.

If this sounds too easy, fret not: it gets complicated quite fast, with multiple production steps necessary before you can haul the goods back to your station. You'll need to extend your rail network and delegate your little trains - all of this without causing an accident.

Depending on how efficient you're trying to be, this is either a relaxing or a horribly stressful experience. You see, there's a scoring system attached to each level. If you want to earn the highest amount of stars, you need to play extremely efficient and execute your planning without any hiccups. Some of the target times are incredibly hard to achieve and require perfect planning and impeccable micromanagement.

Currently, this is purely intrinsic, without your progress being tied to performing well. Just finish a level and you can play the next one, no "you need X stars to advance." This makes Train Valley 2 incredibly accessible and at the same time offers a high challenge for players who strive for perfection.

The game just entered early access, so all of this might change quite a bit, but I'm hoping the way it handles difficulty stays just the way it is right now. There's also a level editor and more levels, trains, and other stuff planned for the near future.

You can purchase Train Valley 2 from Steam Early Access for $9.99. For more information, visit the game's website and follow developer Flazm on Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/train_valley_2.html
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Are random facts from old cartoons and games embedded in your skull? Worried that this knowledge is now useless and you'll never help anyone with it? Fret not, for Majotori will let you flaunt your useless facts, using them to help characters attain their wishes by aiding them in trivia battles where you may need to remember Simba's mom's name.

Ava wants to be a princess. She WISHES it. You can help her with Majotori. You'll just have to recall detailed facts from video games, anime, cartoons and movies, as the game is riddled with trivia that may put even the most die-hard fans to shame. Should you know enough about each of these subjects, Ava just might get her wish. However, Ava's story progresses regardless of whether you get the questions right or wrong, going in a much darker direction should you not know enough niche game factoids.

With over twenty-five characters to help over more than fifty story scenarios, players will work through plenty of different narratives with their knowledge. So, get ready to test your trivia skills and grant some wishes (or see what happens when you fall short)!

You can find Majotori on Steam, Itch.io, Google Play, and the App Store. You can also check out the official website and Twitter!

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/majotori_stars_a_trivia_witch_.html
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Oedipus marrying his mother wasn't exactly a great move on his part, but Oedipus Dating Sim asks us if we could maybe change that for him and turn his life around. Trouble is, the only way around it is to romance one of six eligible bachelorettes when you don't know who they are, meaning players could just as easily end up marrying him to Jocasta (his mother) all over again. Although things are still possibly salvageable in that situation in this silly take on Greek tragedy.

In Oedpius Dating Sim, players gain the help from three fates and Dionysus, an Olympian god with a TV show, who will assist them in finding a date for Oedipus. There are six possibilities of match-ups, including the three fates themselves and Oedipus' mother, but the player is not told who they are speaking with, tasking them with figuring out who they're romancing before they accidentally stick Oedipus with his mother again. However, these characters shift around the Casino Hotel where the game takes place on each run at the game, and their choice of drink changes as well, making it a challenge to nail down who you're chatting up as a potential date.

Players are given fifteen in-game days to get a date lined up, choosing the right drinks, dialogues, and gifts to sway the six possible dates while also trying to figure out if a mother/son date is coming together. It's not a disaster if it does, though, as players can take steps to make this a less ruinous (but no less discomforting) relationship as they work towards the game's ten endings.

Oedipus Dating Sim is available for $2.99 on Steam. For more information on the game and Wholetone Games, you can head to the developer's site or follow them on YouTube and Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/oedipus_dating_sim_shows_the_s.html
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Download GBWhatsapp Terbaru 2018 Apk Versi 6.40 Untuk Android - Para era digital seperti saat ini, komunikasi semakin di permudah dengan hadirnya aplikasi messaging. Salah satu aplikasi messaging yang saat ini banyak digunakan adalah Whatsapp. Pasti kalian semua sudah sangat familiar dengan aplikasi chatting tersebut. Yap, Whatsapp memang saat ini telah menghadirkan fitur-fitur terbaru seperti

from ASAL OYEG http://asal-oyeg.blogspot.com/2018/03/download-gbwhatsapp-terbaru-2018-apk.html

informasi terlengkap dan cara hack android, android sony, android samsung, android oppo , android evercoss, android cross, android advance, android tablet, android smartphone, android paket, bundling smartfren android, android internet, android market, aplikasi android , tema android , android dan root, android bechmark, spesifikasi smartphone android, android warna, versi android, update android, os android, kami berserta segenap kru sangat mengharapkan timbal balik dari para pembaca, paling tidak untuk melakukan sharing apa yang anda baca pada halaman ini, blog baru ini diharapkan dapat bersaing di dalam kompetisi google search sehingga bisa lebih dekat dengan para pembaca baru sehingga informasi informasi yang terkandung di dalam blog ini tidaklah mubazir dan dapat segera dinikmati oleh para pembaca, komentar dan review sangat diharapkan sehingga mendukung existensi dari blog ini. selamat membaca - brainbodymind.blogspot.com

Betaun taun nuan udah ngejang pegi
Nuan ninggal ke aku ukai enggau ati ransi
Tua ti belegak ukai putus pengerindu
Kerja ke tasik nuan ngiga gaji beribu

Nyangka nuan malu di cabar apai aku
Minta sebuah rumah duit kawin 5 ribu
Taja nya apai aku anang nuan salah sangka
Pengerindu aku sigi enda tumbang ngapa

Genap sepuluh taun nuan udah ninggal pegi
Penyayau aku ke nuan meruan nyulut baka api
Tegempang ku meda nuan ayan ba mua mata
Ngena kereta Mercedes enggau siku deriba

Diatu nuan datai laban deka besemaya
Ngamat ke jaku janji mai aku berumah tangga
Apai enggau indai aku semua enda memunyi
Sida iya baka api ti udah panjah enggau ai

Repeat [1][2]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Baka Api Panjah Ai - Linda

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Linda << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/baka-api-panjah-ai-linda.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Pengerindu tua enda agi bejantil
Ketegal nuan sulu kelalu udah mungkir
Ati nuan udah jauh tesat menalan
Ninggal ka aku enda beadat

Enti nya meh kedeka nuan ambai rumbau
Pandak jaku nadai meh ku enggau
Enggai ku beperang berebut ke utai urang
Engka udah nasib tua mina buya selawang

Putus meh.. pengerindu tua diatu ambu
Putus pemuntang.. baka kayu
Nuanka nyau udah enggai agi
Enda teingat kesemaya enggau janji

Sampai meh ati.. nuan oh apai anak
Ninggal ke aku.. bula ke aku ngapa
Lebu meh tua.. ngelama tua saum peragum
Diatu nyau tumbang patah tiang sukung

Pengerindu tua sempama tinchin tusah ati
Enda agi betipan ngerasuk tunjuk jari
Udah tebererak, mambar kediri
Pengerindu nuan udah alah laban pemenci

Repeat [1][2][3]

Enda ku ngarap.. ke nuan pulai agi

Lirik Lagu Iban: Sempama Tinchin Tusah Ati - Linda

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Linda << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/sempama-tinchin-tusah-ati-linda.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Congratulations, you're an idiot. Running from debt collectors, you snuck onto a spaceship and hid in the cryo pod of all things. And now it's two years later, the ship is floating through space and the crew is nowhere to be seen. Good job, space idiot.

Tardy is an adventure game about pushing buttons. It is very much in love with old computer devices - if it has knobs, you can probably find it in the game, and figuring out how the various terminals, levers, switches and other controls work is how you'll spend most of your time. Whoever designed this space ship you're trying to escape from had a weird sense of humor, putting all these old-school interfaces in there...

It's pretty satisfying to tinker about, and you even encounter a very good doggie to help you with some puzzles along the way. The game's story, on the other hand, is a bit of a letdown, mostly due to a lot of translation issues (the developer is from Belarus), but also because it doesn't always quite know if it wants to be funny or very serious. In the end, it doesn't quite manage to pull of either tone convincingly.

Nevertheless, its puzzles carry Tardy and make this short game worth a look for puzzle fiends and people who appreciate the feeling of pushing some good buttons (and patting a very good dog).

You can purchase Tardy from Steam for $6.99. For more information, visit the game's website and follow developer One Wing Cicada on Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/tardy.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/03/resep-balado-ayam-crispy.html

Kangfikri.com | Cari Referensi Untuk Beli Mobil Baru Kini Lebih Mudah – cuaca diluar panas ? atau bahkan hujan terus ? dan juga anda sudah ada niatan buat beli mobil baru ? tapi terkendala satu hal yakni masih bingung dalam menemukan referensi mobil yang pas sesuai dengan budget dan kebutuhan yang memang anda butuhkan.segera kunjungi belimobilbaru.com untuk menjawab semua kebutuhan anda tersebut.

Sedikit tentang BelimobilBaru ?

Belimobilbaru.com merupakan situs otomotif yang menyediakan informasi sebagai referensi bagi pengunjung situs sebelum membeli mobil baru. sudah mengudara sejak tahun 2014 hingga kini.

Disitus tersebut pengunjung dapat menemukan informasi kontak marketing dealer, harga kendaraan serta program promo terbaru dari beberapa merk dealer resmi di berbagai kota di indonesia.

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Tunggu apalagi Buruan maksimalkan waktu anda dalam mencari referensi mobil disitus yang tepat dan lengkap serta bagi dealer jangan anggurin mobil-mobil yang anda di dealer , langsung saja promosikan di situs belimobilbaru.com

from Blog Kang Fikri | Bukan Ahli dan Pakar Seo Termuda http://www.kangfikri.com/2018/03/cari-referensi-untuk-beli-mobil-baru.html
via blog and kang fkr update, read the more story about the blogging tips and kang fkr informatio on the blog, ready to read, selamat membaca


Bowler has players guiding a green dude with a sweet hat through a surreal platforming adventure, hopping around some flashing, twisting landscapes.

Bowler offers some wonderfully silly lands, as well as wild creatures and beings for players to meet and interact with. At the same time, things can grow suddenly dark and discomforting, its tone changing just as quickly as its vibrant visuals.

Bowler is best played with little information on what it is and what it does, though, so just go ahead and go get it if you need your day shaken up a bit by color and imagination. And great hats.

Bowler is available for whatever you wish to pay for it on Itch.io. For more information on the game and developer PizWiz, you can follow them on YouTube and Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/bowler_-_a_game_of_surreal_jou.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Agi kerebak tawas
Nya maia aku dani
Teberap ka bantal
Kumbai aku sulu ati

Bantal tanya enda nyaut
Saru aku kumbai bini
Aku gusak aku gerak
Ngasuh iya angkat berapi

Tama aku ke bilik
Lalu madah ka indai
Penyelai mimpi diri
Jadi enggau indu tuai

Ka ruai madah ka apai
Nusi mimpi bebini
Apai lala ketawa
Nya mimpi igau ngapa

Repeat [1][2][3][4]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Mimpi Bebini - Bolbo Kamat

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Bolbo Kamat << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/mimpi-bebini-bolbo-kamat.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Lelenggau asai ati ku sulu
Laban ti lama enda betemu

Oh dini meh nuan nya ayam mata
Lama amat nadai dinga berita

Agi ke nuan ingat ka aku
Sekali ka nuan udah bulih baru

Lelenggau asai ati ku sulu
Laban ti lama enda betemu

Lelenggau asai ati ku sulu
Laban ti lama enda betemu

Oh dini meh nuan nya ayam mata
Lama amat nadai dinga berita

Agi ke nuan ingat ka aku
Sekali ka nuan udah bulih baru

Lelenggau asai ati ku sulu
Laban ti lama enda betemu

Lirik Lagu Iban: Lelenggau - Bolbo Kamat

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Bolbo Kamat << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/lelenggau-bolbo-kamat.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Owai kini nuan wai kini
Kini ka nuan ka pegi

Ngetu meh dulu enda lama
Anang tak mansa pia aja

Owai kini nuan wai kini
Kini ka nuan ka pegi

Wai sulu o.. wai sulu
Kini ka nuan tak berumban peda aku
Kini pejalai nuan kediri
Ngetu meh dulu, ku anti

Owai kini nuan wai kini
Kini ka nuan ka pegi

Wai sulu o.. wai sulu
Penat endar kaki
Aku nitih enda ngetu
Kasih ke aku anang beduan
Bai ku pegi wai pangan

Owai kini nuan wai kini
Kini ka nuan ka pegi

Ngetu meh dulu enda lama
Anang tak mansa pia aja

Owai kini nuan wai kini
Kini ka nuan ka pegi

Lirik Lagu Iban: Owai Kini - Bolbo Kamat

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Bolbo Kamat << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/owai-kini-bolbo-kamat.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu


Undoubtedly inspired by shmup classics such as Darius and Xenon 2: Megablast, sepia-tinted underwater shooter Earth Atlantis has you hunting down giant sea monsters in a postapocalyptic future.

Earth Atlanis' monster hunting takes places in one huge level. It is technically not an open world since progress is somewhat gated by the game's many bosses, but it sure does feel like one.

However, this doesn't mean that there's a straight line between these important fights. You have to find your way through an underwater maze and fight off thousands of smaller sea creatures in fast-paced firefights. These lesser enemies also drop power-ups, which prepare your tiny vessel for the things to come.

25 giant bosses are waiting to be vanquished, and these fights can be tense, with some attacks killing you in one blow. Squids, sharks, nautili, weird big things with way too many tentacles, and other assorted creatures really do mind you trespassing in their waters.

The game's art style is also remarkable, with a sketched, sepia-colored look that's quite unlike anything else out there.

When it was released for the Nintendo Switch last fall, Earth Atlantis had a bit of a balance problem, with some boss fights being nigh-impossible. These issues have since been fixed, but don't think that those bosses are pushovers now. Looking at you there, monstrous spiky octopus... thing.

You can purchase Earth Atlantis on the Nintendo Switch eshop. PS4 and Xbox One versions - along with some more balance changes - have recently been announced and will drop later this year. For more information, visit the game's website and follow developer Pixel Perfex on Facebook and Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/earth_atlantis.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Cara Mengubah Kuota Movie Max Tri Menjadi Kuota Reguler Terbaru 2018 - Tri adalah salah satu operator yang terkenal dengan harga paket internetnya yang murah. Selain harga kuota yang murah, Tri juga memiliki jaringan internet yang cukup baik di perkotaan. Maka tidaklah heran jika pengguna Tri kian hari semakin bertambah saja. Baru-baru ini Tri meluncurkan jenis kuota hiburan yang dapat digunakan

from ASAL OYEG http://asal-oyeg.blogspot.com/2018/03/cara-mengubah-kuota-movie-max-tri.html

informasi terlengkap dan cara hack android, android sony, android samsung, android oppo , android evercoss, android cross, android advance, android tablet, android smartphone, android paket, bundling smartfren android, android internet, android market, aplikasi android , tema android , android dan root, android bechmark, spesifikasi smartphone android, android warna, versi android, update android, os android, kami berserta segenap kru sangat mengharapkan timbal balik dari para pembaca, paling tidak untuk melakukan sharing apa yang anda baca pada halaman ini, blog baru ini diharapkan dapat bersaing di dalam kompetisi google search sehingga bisa lebih dekat dengan para pembaca baru sehingga informasi informasi yang terkandung di dalam blog ini tidaklah mubazir dan dapat segera dinikmati oleh para pembaca, komentar dan review sangat diharapkan sehingga mendukung existensi dari blog ini. selamat membaca - brainbodymind.blogspot.com


Kobold Garden reveals itself as a game with a big heart, which players can see in the form of a knight carrying a happy little critter called a Kobold. You'll be in charge of keeping these scaly babies safe from starvation and predators throughout this game of monster care and loving warriors.

In its pre-alpha state, Kobold Garden shows a lot of promise to be a great game. Currently, to give a feel for the game, players will be able to run around to explore the setting and pet Kobolds. I mean, if one of the priorities goes to petting, who's going to complain? The creatures are cute and certainly draw upon the player's innate desire to pet and protect adorable things.

To keep these little guys happy and healthy, you'll have to wander the area to find resources, as well as fend off predators that could invade your village. Not only this, but neighboring factions may invade as well and jeopardize your Kobold's safety! So, keep your defenses strong and always make time for hugs.


You can try out Kobold Garden on itch.io here. You can also follow the developer on Twitter, Tumblr, or support them on Patreon!

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/kobold_garden_lets_players_car.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy


Baobabs Mausoleum Ep. 2: 1313 Barnabas Dead End Drive offers players the keys to a very surreal city, letting them explore a nightmare town where the can awaken dinosaurs made of avocados, fish up ancient coelacanths, and get up to whatever a vampire eggplant FBI agent normally gets up to.

The point & click adventure will allow players to explore the game's silly, yet horrifying, city, meeting the sixty-four inhabitants of Flamingos Creek, a town that only appears every twenty-five years. That may be for the best given the array of unique folks who live there, each carrying on their day throughout the game's day and night cycles. Lovers of the lighthearted and mystifying will get a kick out of many of these folks, each offering their own silly stories and goofy quests for players to overcome.

"Consistently surprising" is probably the best way to describe Baobabs Mausoleum, so if you enjoy heading to worlds where unexpected events are the norm, and there is no telling who or what you will meet and get up to, then the series continues to be well worth your time.

Baobabs Mausoleum Ep. 2: 1313 Barnabas Dead End Drive is available for $5.99 on Steam. For more information on the game and developer Zerouno Games, you can head to the developer's site or follow them on YouTube and Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/baobabs_mausoleum_opens_up_a_s.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Sigono's OPUS: Rocket Of Whispers has you exploring a literal ghost town. After an apocalyptic plague that killed most of Earth's population, a rocket engineer and a witch try to send the spirits to their final resting place - to space.

Much like The Day We Found Earth, Sigono's previous game, Rocket of Whispers has a story to tell, and it tells you in a slow, relaxed pace, giving you something to do inbetween story beats. In this case, you're building a rocket out of scrap metal by exploring a deserted, snowy town and dismantling old machines.

Why would you do that, you ask? Well, apparently this strange world was conducting "space burials" before the plague hit. The spirits would otherwise linger on and disturb the residents - and after the plague there are a lot of spirits.

This is a slow-paced, character-focused game, and sometimes the exploration feels like it is meant to just give you something to do and not just watch the story unfold - which is perfectly fine.

I've grown to enjoy this kind of storytelling, and it fits the medium incredibly well (especially on the Switch, which lets me play in bed, right before going to sleep). This slow, melancholy story would probably bore me out of my wits as a book or television series.

However, as a game, the repetition and plodding exploration becomes part of its very structure, part of what it is and how it tells its story. And it does so remarkably well.

You can purchase OPUS: Rocket Of Whispers from Steam for $8.99. It is also available for the Nintendo Switch, as well as Android and iOS devices. For more information, visit the game's website or follow developer Sigono on Facebook and Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/opus_rocket_of_whispers.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Chukup gaga meh asai ati
Ku raun enggau kuda besi
Anang ka ketawa
Meda iya nyau luya
Nya pan pama Ari bejalai kaki

Taja iya ku beli Enggau rega murah
Sigi di intu ku manah manah

Datai maya ba ari minggu
Suah iya di bai aku
Enti ku nadai duit Pinjau sepuluh ringgit
Kepenabat maya tayar pancit

Lebuh maya mansa Raban indu utai
Ulih di taban ku raun kebukai

Datai maya musim pengujan
Ku tusah ati dibai ngelaban
Laban nadai alai belindung
Arap ke tupi mesai tekura

Kampung enti ku udah jempuk
Penyakit mudah masuk
Pedis pala nyau tebatuk batuk
Enti ku enda nangi Betucuk ke klinik
Penyakit tu mudah ngerampit

Chukup gaga meh asai ati, Ku bisi kuda besi
Maya ku enda mindah Suah iya ku tuchi
Sigi di las di servis ku berari
Ngambi ke penumpang ku selalu muji
Kapcai aku hey kuda besi

Repeat [1][2][3]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Kuda Besi - Lauis Bennet

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Lauis Bennet << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/kuda-besi-lauis-bennet.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Chukup pengaga dalam ati
Pengudah nuan mulai kediri
Besabung baru pengerindu tua
Begulai dalam rumah tangga

Suba tua sama ngati kediri
Pengudah tua becerai manis
Diatu nuan nikal nama tuju
Udah tua sarak jadi baru

Ti nuan suba enda ninga asut urang
Enda rumah tangga tua terumpang
Tang nuan nadai ngerunding dudi ari
Enggai enda bejera pangan diri

Nasip tua manah begulai jadi baru
Enti enda pia sama nanggung pengelebu
Sida bejaie tua badu ibuh sulu
Buai meh ke keruh ambi meh iya ke chiru

Aram meh tua besatu ati
Ngelaban jalai arus penguji
Ngica pengidup tua menuku
Sampai ke bisi anak uchu

Repeat [1][2][3]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Udah Sarak Jadi Baru - Lauis Bennet

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Lauis Bennet << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/udah-sarak-jadi-baru-lauis-bennet.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Tiga ari tiga malam
Mata aku buntau tinduk
Tegal aku bambu isan
Ngerami indu

Ka enda limpang ari pengawa
Enggai ke jai jaku sida
Ukai urang bukai ti di rami
Ngulu ayak ku bebini

Mayuh ulah macham pengerami
Kena ngibur ayak bebini
Ku diundang nyadi penyanyi
Gawai lelabi

Tuai nembiak bekejengkak
Ngansar ke kaki tengah geladak
Ransing ati bala berami
Sampai ke pagi

Chukup gaga ati ayak
Nyau ketawa rising rising
Aku semina kerendut dada
Chelap isi

Ni kemaya berumah tangga
Umur chukup ngintu diri
geram ati meda aya
Diatu udah bisi bini

Repeat [1][2][3][4]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Geram Meda Ayak Bebini - Lauis Bennet

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Lauis Bennet << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/geram-meda-ayak-bebini-lauis-bennet.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu


It's been a cold winter this year and some of our feline friends need some shelter from the storm in this hidden object game. Aiming to offer fun for cat lovers, Hidden Paws is all about using your eyes and ears to save these animals from a chilling fate.

If you've ever owned a cat, you know that cats find the most intricate, utterly-baffling hiding spots. In Hidden Paws, your job is to uncover all of these spots and secure those kitties throughout a 3D world, digging through wood piles, garbage, boxes, and more to find them. If you're having a tricky time with your eyes, have a listen - a kitty may meow when you are near the spot!

With over 12 landscapes to poke around in and explore, and more than 120 cats to find, you'll be the crazy cat person in no time.

You can purchase Hidden Paws on Steam here. For more information, check out the official websiteand YouTube channel.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/i_spy_something_that_meows_in_.html
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A monster from the depths of the ocean, grand and terrible, may just get to enjoy the beauty of the surface world if you help it pluck some colorful balloons from the surface in The Majesty of Colors Remastered, a game of choice and the joys even deep sea horrors may feel.

Players will control one of the beast's tentacles, able to reach up into the surface to pluck objects from the sky, people from their ships, or a colorful balloon floating by. Players are free to choose what to interact with using their powerful colossus, and how to treat the people they see on the surface, steadily dictating the monster's personalities and desires through their actions. Depending on how they behave and their fascination with the world, as well as their kindnesses and cruelties, they will lead the story to one of the game's multiple endings.

Players who want to see the softer side of colossal creatures from deep beneath the waves may wish to stop on by and explore the gentle side of ancient horrors with The Majesty of Colors Remastered.

The Majesty of Colors Remastered is available for $2.99 on Itch.io, Steam, Google Play, and the App Store. For more information on the game and Future Proof Games, You can head to the developer's site or follow them on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/the_majesty_of_colors_remaster.html
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Infinite Fall's Night in the Woods took home the $30,000 Seumas McNally Grand Prize for Best Independent Game at the 20th annual Independent Games Festival Awards tonight. The ceremony took place as part of the 2018 Game Developers Conference at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco.

In addition to the grand prize, Night in the Woods also received top honors for Excellence in Narrative. Night in the Woods is an adventure game that focuses on exploration, story and character development within a lush, vibrant world. The full presentation of the Independent Games Festival Awards (IGF Awards), can be viewed on Twitch.

The night's other multiple award winner was Baba Is You, a puzzle game created by developer Hempuli that allows players to alter the rules and game logic as a part of solving the puzzles. Baba Is You was recognized for Best Student Game and Excellence in Design.

The Nuovo Award, for the title that makes jurors 'think differently about games as a medium,' went to developer Bennett Foddy for Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy, a merciless climbing game that rewards players who can reach the top of the mountain. This unconventional game featured an awkward control scheme and frequent failure, causing players both frustration and joy if they could miraculously summit the mountain.

Excellence in Visual Art winner Chuchel from Amanita Design is a comedy adventure game about a quest to reclaim a stolen cherry; the game is an artistic showpiece with outlandish creatures and a distinct animation style. Nifflas Games' Uurnog Uurnlimited, a delightfully silly 2D puzzle platformer about stealing animals and exploring a whimsical world, earned the Excellence in Audio award for its dynamic music and rhythmic beats. Finally, the Audience Award, which is chosen from among all of the IGF finalists through a public online voting process, was given to Celeste from creator Matt Makes Games. Celeste is a challenging, visually striking pixel platformer about climbing a mountain, with thoughtful storytelling and a truly unique gameplay experience.

All IGF titles, including both finalists and winners, are playable for any GDC pass holder at the IGF Pavilion located on the GDC Expo Floor in San Francisco's Moscone Center through Friday, March 23rd.

The winners of the 20th annual IGF Awards are:

Excellence in Visual Art ($3,000)

Chuchel (Amanita Design)

Excellence in Audio ($3,000)

Uurnog Uurnlimited (Nifflas Games)

Excellence in Design ($3,000)

Baba Is You (Hempuli)

Excellence in Narrative ($3,000)

Night in the Woods (Infinite Fall)

Nuovo Award ($3,000)

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy (Bennett Foddy)

Best Student Game ($3,000)

Baba Is You (Hempuli)

Audience Award ($3,000)

Celeste (Celeste Team)

ID@Xbox Gaming for Everyone Award


alt.ctrl.GDC Award ($3,000)

Puppet Pandemonium

Seumas McNally Grand Prize ($30,000)

Night in the Woods (Infinite Fall)

The Independent Games Festival offers finalists worldwide exposure and more than $50,000 in cash prizes to each year's winners. The IGF - which includes the two-day Independent Games Summit as part of GDC - was established in 1998 by the UBM Game Network to recognize the best independent game developers and encourage creativity and excellence in independent games.

Organizers would like to thank the generous supporters of this year's IGF, including ID@Xbox (Platinum Sponsor), Steam (Platform Sponsor), and Gamasutra.com (IGF Media Partner).

For more information on the Independent Games Festival, please visit the official IGF website at www.igf.com. For information about the 2018 Game Developers Conference, please visit the official website at http://www.gdconf.com. For the latest updates on GDC, follow the official Twitter account @Official_GDC.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/night_in_the_woods_baba_is_you.html
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Stegosoft, whose first game Ara Fell was a rather lovely old-school JRPG, just unveiled their next project. Rise of the Third Power will be yet another retro roleplaying game loosely based on the political climate of Europe in the mid 1930's - and it's looking very promising.

Rise of the Third Power promises a game similar in style, but larger in scope than Ara Fell, with more playtime, greater ambition, and a deeper narrative which features a cast of 8 playable characters.

The combat system in particular warrants some attention. It's the same kind of turn-based combat you know from other games in the genre. However, there are different lines in combat, allowing your full party of eight to participate in each battle:

"The Front Line and Back Line can be swapped as a unit on any active character's turn to act. Characters in the Aux Line provide unique passive bonuses to those in the front line. For example, the priestess Reyna provides a constant regenerative healing bonus when placed in an Aux slot, Corrina increases the party's critical strike damage, and so on."

This sounds interesting and probably leads to less party micromanagement out of combat. Additionally, the full party will be able to gain experience this way - no more needless grinding sounds like a very good thing indeed!

Rise of the Third Power is currently being funded via Kickstarter, with a modest funding goal of $10.000. If all goes well, the game will be released later this year. For more information, visit the website of developer Stegosoft Games or follow them on Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/rise_of_the_third_power.html
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Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/03/resep-cara-membuat-risoles-sosis-keju.html

Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/03/resep-cara-membuat-sate-bakso-bakar.html


Neo Impossible Bosses pits players against colossal, punishing bosses in matches that might feel a little bit like those MMOs often toss players into. Featuring powerful beasts that just suck up damage while doling out complex attacks, players will need to play very carefully as they guide all six playable warriors in a battle against these bosses (or go get five buddies to help).

Drawing from MMOs and an RTS/MOBA formula, Neo Impossible Bosses offers ten different challenging creatures, each with its own special attacks, damage spreads, and movement styles for players to observe and slowly overcome. Players will have to know every attack these creatures can do if they stand any chance of winning, and will also have to know where to move each of their six party members in order to get them out of the way. Should things get hairy, players do have an option to pause the game and issue orders (or use multiplayer), since controlling six players can be a bit much for some.

Players don't have to suffer without growing in strength, though, as their characters will gain new powers and abilities to use on the next boss as they survive each match.If all that seems a little too easy, though, they can always choose one of the two higher difficulty levels, or play on Ironman mode where a single loss costs them the game. You know, if controlling six characters while dealing with weird fire spreads from an angry dragon isn't hard enough for you.

Neo Impossible Bosses is available for $12.99 on Itch.io and Steam. For more information on the game and developer x0to1, you can head to the developer's site or follow them on YouTube and Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/neo_impossible_bosses_aims_to_.html
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SYNTHETIK is a roguelite arcade shooter with randomized levels and fast-paced gameplay. These kinds of games feel awfully familiar by now. And yet, this one manages to stand out thanks to a couple of small design changes that have a big impact on how the game feels.

First, there's weapon handling. When you empty your clip, you don't just hit a key to reload. You hit another key to toss away your magazine and then you load your weapon again. This feels completely unnecessary at first, but it adds additional tension to the firefights and shakes up the whole feel, the rhythm of confrontations. This small extra step leads to a more deliberate sense of weapon handling, and it makes a huge difference.

Accuracy is another element that's handled quite differently. Mousing over your enemies changes the size of your reticle (and thus your chance to hit the target), depending on factors such as distance, weapon range, and movement. Simply firing a few rounds in their general direction doesn't do you much good. Positioning and timing are actually important! Pulling off a well-aimed headshot feels good. Even more so when you're being swarmed by enemies and are forced to constantly move around.

There's other neat stuff, such as online co-op, unlocking new equipment when leveling up, gigantic boss fights, and a rather lovely sound design where bullets go CLANK! as they meet their targets or ricochet from walls and containers.

What's most impressive about SYNTHETIK is how just a few meaningful design changes can turn what would otherwise be a fairly run-of-the-mill shooter into something quite special. The game just launched in Early Access, but it will be fascinating to see where it goes from here.

SYNTHETIK is available as an Early Access title from itch.io and Steam. For more information, visit the game's website and follow developer Flow Fire Games on Facebook and Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/synthetik.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Kitai indu kemaia ari
Mesti pandai mai diri
Anang sengapa rembang
Ngambi idup ial enda tumbang

Ukai kitai ka jual mahal
Ngambi idup ila enda nesal
Taja iya sigat
Iya bisi ngembuan adat

Bebasa.. ke urang tuai
Bisi kereja.. idup nyamai

Ukai aku milih
Ukai maioh dalih
Semina deka nyaga diri

Ukai jaku lawa
Sebedau ku mawa
Ngambi jemah ila
Idup senang menyana

Repeat [1][2]

Ukai jaku lawa
Sebedau ku mawa
Ngambi jemah ila..

Repeat [2][3]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Milih Laki - Penny Prescilla

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Penny Prescilla << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/milih-laki-penny-prescilla.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Bepangan tua cukup pengelama
Begulai tua cukup pengerindu
Tang sayau naka penyayau
Pengerindu tua semina nginjau

Tua begulai enda ngelapang ke ari
Nyabung pengerindu pengeran ati
Janji begulai sampai mati
Taja nemu tua enda ulih jadi

Nya cerita tua kelama
Tinggal pengingat ngasuh ati merinsa
Aku dilengka nuan pia aja
Tegal nuan milih antara dua

Beserara meh tua sulu
Badu ngenang cerita dulu
Salah aku labuh pengerindu
Ke nuan sulu

Repeat [1][2]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Pengingat Ngasuh Merinsa - Era Muna

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Era Muna << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/pengingat-ngasuh-merinsa-era-muna.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Tekenyit amai asai ati ku
Ninga berita
Nuan tepejuh udah ngejang jauh
Nadai dimenoa

Baru seminggu enda betemu
Begulai sama
Nadai ku ngadang ati nuan kempang
Nyau lelang mawa

Patut ngelamatu
Ku selalu mimpi ringat
Ngayu ke pengerindu
Tua enda lekat

Patut ku selalu ninga
Burung bejampung lemai
Ngayu ke tua sulu
Enda panjai begulai

Repeat [1][2]

Bisi nuan suba
Enda meh ku bangat lantang
Nadai nuan diatu
Enda meh aku puang

Bisi nuan sulu
Enda meh ku bangat tampak
Nadai nuan diatu
Enda meh aku rawak

Repeat [1][2]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Nadai Nuan Enda Rawak - Jeshyca Jhanam

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Jeshyca Jhanam << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/nadai-nuan-enda-rawak-jeshyca-jhanam.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu


The Way Of Life highlights moments from childhood, adulthood, and old age, examining moments of existence from perspectives of characters at each of these ages. These times come with happiness and sadness in this emotionally-driven game, and players will be forced to make life-altering decisions that, ultimately, choose each of these three lives will lead.

The Way Of Life stars three characters at different points in life: a child, an adult, and an old man. The developers have pushed to make players feel 'their age' by adding certain design mechanics to drive it home. For example, when you're a child you have much greater range of movement and colors are bright. Life is exciting, of course! Compare that to adulthood, where the world seems a bit bleaker and apathetic, and the world doesn't seem as big as it used to.

With each moment in life comes choices for these three protagonists, with the end results dictating how your life unravels. These decisions won't be easy, either, exploring subjects from bullying to euthanasia. The Way Of Life doesn't turn its head from these dark tones, but merely contrasts them with the joys of life, like love and growth.

Which is kind of what life is all about, right?

You can purchase The Way Of Life on Steam here. You can also check out the official website, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube channel!

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/the_way_of_life_shines_light_o.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Cara Setting Anonytun Ubah Kuota Youtube XL Jadi Reguler Terbaru 2018 - XL merupakan salah satu provider seluler yang terus mengembangkan jenis paket internetnya. Saat ini XL menghadirkan paket internet extra combo yang dimana di dalam paket extra combo ini XL memberikan kuota khusus untuk mengakses Youtube hingga 35GB. Tidak hanya itu, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggannya yang telah membeli

from ASAL OYEG http://asal-oyeg.blogspot.com/2018/03/cara-setting-anonytun-ubah-kuota.html

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Football Game is an adventure game about a strange, discomforting night for Tommy, a high school football star who finds himself at the center of some dark events.

Football Game quickly weaves a bleak, unsettling atmosphere with its colors and visions of a dark world, as well as its choice of unsettling music. Tommy's life may seem quite normal at first, but this game works quickly to make the player feel unsafe here long before things start to go awry.

Football Game is an experience best gone into blind, but if you have interest in twisted, Lynch-ian narratives and have an hour free, you probably won't regret it.

Football Game is available for $2.19 on Itch.io, GameJolt, and Steam. For more information on the game and developer Cloak and Dagger Games, you can head to the developer's site or follow them on YouTube and Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/football_game_promises_an_unse.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Puas ku ninga indai aku kucau kucau
Ngerara aku enda ngasuh aku ngelangkau
Tiap lemai aku selalu segau segau
Ngiga utai ngasuh pala palau

Enti maya urang bisi pengerami
Aku siku sigi endang idup asi
Ngirup enggau kaban sampai nadai nemu diri
Tinduk meluku ngena gari guni

Ukai nama indai ku suah bejaku
Ngica ke mabuk aku tau badu
Enti diatu ku enda tetagang kediri
Baka ni enti bisi anak bini, Oh.. nama penyadi

Pengawa ngirup aku udah chukup gian
Laban teleba di bai bala kaban
Nadai nya ngira pengerai ke dudi ari
Janji diatu ku agi steady

Repeat [1][2]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Gian Ngirup - Lauis Bennet

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Lauis Bennet << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/gian-ngirup-lauis-bennet.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Setegal belaki biak
Laban runding kelalu pandak
Sebulan berumah tangga
Kami duai lalu beserara

Diatu ku dah jadi janda
Taja janda tang agi berega
Baka bungai ngerembai belama
Pemajik baka ka agi dara

Taja janda tang agi begaya
Mayuh lelaki ka datai nyapa
Ku baru ngijap ka mata
Semua datai betanya ka nama

Taja janda tang manis sereta lunak
Nya pemanis indu janda biak
Benung manah dikayam asai ke ka ditaban
Tang anang-anang ka nguji sebarang

Aku enggai dikeduan kedua kali
Udah jera aku dipenyati

Repeat [1][2][3][4][5][5]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Janda Biak - Joyce Menti

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Joyce Menti << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/janda-biak-joyce-menti.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Seleka amau enda meh ditagang
Meligai pengerindu Rentap ninggang menalan
Taja ditanggam ngena semaya tanchang
Ngipak ka ati diri ti kelalu keran

Suba sanggup nerima ukum pemali
Enda mending tagang mina ngira diri
Tang nama meh dudi tu tau bebali
Pengerindu dikayam nyadi api pemenchi

Tikal ka aku.. Ooo.. pulai baru
Nyema ba ati nadai laluh pengerindu
Padam ka sekali namaku.. Ooo.. Sulu
Udah chukup pedis dipejal bakatu

Nerutu aimata ku labuh naya
Leka sebana ku nuan enda ninga
Ditundi nuan ngena semaya danji
Diuti nuan ngena andau penguji

Luluh meh tudah atiku jawang
Diubat nuan ngena rachun danji
Lesi meh kedap pengerindu ku bujang
Dibunuh nuan ngena dilah enda betulang

Ohh.. Oho.. Uu.. Ohh.. aaa..

Repeat [1][1]

Uuu.. Ooo.. Uuu.. Uuu.. Uuu..

Lirik Lagu Iban: Laluh Pengerindu - Joyce Menti

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from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/03/laluh-pengerindu-joyce-menti.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

There is an air of wrongness to Paratopic, a feeling that reality is just a thin layer and there's something underneath, wriggling, trying to break through. And sometimes it does.

This eerie fever dream of a game follows an assassin preparing for her kill, a man smuggling contraband VHS tapes over the border, and a young girl who finds the rusted remnants of illicit industry deep in a dark forest. It's also full of "weirdness, gore, and body horror."

Featuring a glitchy, unsettling PSX aesthetic (which is quite gorgeous, really) and BeauChaotica's appropriately atmospheric soundtrack, this one stays in your mind long after that hour or so you spent with it. Seriously, the less said about it, the better. Paratopic needs to be experienced.

You can purchase Paratopic from itch.io for $5.49. I highly recommend the Soundtrack Edition ($8.99). You can follow the developers Jess Harvey, Doc Burford, and Chris Brown on Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/paratopic.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy


In Ghost Of A Tale, you'll be in control of Tilo, a mouse minstrel, on a quest to find their true love, Merra. As such a tiny rodent, your defences are lacking against predators, but your cunning mind and soft, quiet feet will help you sneak past an otherwise untimely encounter with the large lethal creatures who mean to end your journey through a medieval world that's run by animals.

Ghost Of A Tale doesn't shy away from putting players in a seemingly defenceless position as a mouse minstrel - your enemies will not be swayed by your sweet symphonies. Using the environment and your petite stature, you can sneak around your enemy's senses. If that option doesn't seem to be working out, you can try luring your enemy into a trap, slamming the door right in their face as they try to pursue you. Between stealth, disguises, and a little help from the animal allies you meet, you should keep the minstrel safe to play his tunes another day.

Overflowing with highly detailed areas, whether in tight castle corridors or large, sunlit fields, Ghost Of A Tale urges players to delve deep into the world, searching every nook and cranny for new friends and new, striking vistas. Using the information you find from the environment and pairing it with the chats you have with other animal-folk, you just may be able to find your true love!

Ghost of A Tale Is available on Steam, GoG and Humble Bundle. For more information, check out the official website, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube channel!

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/ghost_of_a_tale_serves_up_a_bi.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy


Bird Game offers a calming flight through pretty black and white woods, having players swoop among the insects and flowers along their way.

Not that it is ALWAYS calming, though. Being a very tiny bird comes with a few challenges, after all.

Players will guide a bird through woodland areas throughout Bird Game. Most of these will have insects and other creatures flitting around or getting in the way, creating many opportunities for the poor bird to bump into someone and mess up its flight. Not only are those creatures causing trouble, but the plants and logs that dot the environment sometimes start moving around or getting in the way, turning a relaxing flight into a more white-knuckle journey. The game CAN be calming, but it also offers a challenging experience for those who don't want their time as a bird to be too easy.

However, the game aims to calm the player down even as it works to wind them up. The black and white art style, often drawn in as the player grows near, is striking to behold, drumming up a sense of wonder as the world is created before them. The music is also quite soothing, offering a balm when a stupid bug blunders into your path and ruins the zen of your flight.

Equally pretty and punishing, Bird Game aims to draw in players seeking various things from its flights.

Bird Game is available for $2.99 on Steam. For more information on the game and developer Bryan Tabor, you can follow them on YouTube and IndieDB.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/03/take_a_serene_black_white_flig.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

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