Halloween party ideas 2015

If I had to describe Solo in one word, it would be "gentle." This puzzle game completely lacks external conflict and instead turns inward, making you reflect on your own love life while solving all kinds of brain teasers.

To get this out of the way: the whole "reflecting on my own love experiences" thing just didn't do it for me - but that's hardly the game's fault. I guess my approach is a little more... Wordsworthian? Media are not the right catalyst for me to plunge right into deep introspection, I'd rather do that on my own terms, sometime after engaging with something.

Like I said, that's on me, and it's not like the game's approach is faulty in some way. It asks you questions such as "is it true love to put the other before oneself?" or "have you ever loved with your full heart?" and allows you to pick from a set of answers - without any direct consequence for the rest of the game. It just wants you to give these things some thought, and that in itself is pretty cool. (It is also worth mentioning that this doesn't come across as pretentious at all.)

Even without this introspective element, Solo has a lot to offer, such as relaxing puzzles and an utterly charming little world with many curious creatures to interact with. You're basically puzzling your way around a series of archipelagos, all the while helping some rather cute animals and taking selfies. You can also pull out your guitar at any time and play a few chords - just because.

All of this feels so nice and gentle - I think "wholesome" is what the kids these days call it. Don't ask me. I'm a grumpy old dude and loved it regardless. I mean hey, I dare you to look at this trailer and not immediately feel at peace:

What I'm saying is: Solo is wonderful, lovely stuff and - even if I wasn't entirely engaged on an emotional level - absolutely worth your time. Think of it as a really nice vacation.

You can purchase Solo from GOG, The Humble Store or Steam for $14.99. For more information, visit the game's website or follow developer Team Gotham on Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/solo.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/04/resep-breast-chicken-popper.html

Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/04/resep-hurricane-swiss-roll-cake-bolu.html

Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/04/resep-chicken-katsu-sambal-matah-spesial.html

Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/04/resep-sambal-cobek-pedas-mantap.html

Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/04/resep-ayam-kecap-cincang-ala-kadarnya.html

Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/04/resep-ayam-kecap-bumbu-sederhana-ala-saya.html


Knuckle Sandwich, the super-serious RPG of holding down a crummy job while dealing with disappearances around town, now has a new demo out that will let players experience its minigame-based RPG combat and goofy sense of humor for themselves.

Ever landed an attack in an RPG by petting dogs, dancing, guiding hands through a maze, or getting up to other behavior like that? Don't lie to me, it hurts my feelings. Knuckle Sandwich puts all of that and more to work in its rhythm & timing based scraps, giving players some super-involved, endlessly-entertaining fights rather than have them slamming the attack button mindlessly. Go try the demo if you want a taste of it. Just don't expect it to be easy just because it's silly, though.

And you DO want a taste of shower-game based combat.

For more information on Knuckle Sandwich and its developer Andrew Brophy, you can head to the game's site or follow them on YouTube, Discord, and Twitter. You can also donate to the game's Kickstarter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/knuckle_sandwich_demo_explores.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/04/resep-sabtu-1-paket-nila-bakar-ayam.html

Amat rami gawai
Di rumah panjai kitai
Bala nyau kiroh
Bebantai ka utai

Sigi di anti-anti
Maia ari gawai
Enda kala tinggal
Sampai nyau ngiling bidai

Maia ari bulan Ka semak gawai
Sigi tumu Bala kami berancau puang
Ngambi pengawa di atur Lancar di pejalai
Barang di beli Sigi enda kala pungkang

Tiap-tiap taun Gawai sigi di intu
Enda milih ari Ili enggau ari ulu
Kami serumah sigi Sama bela sebulu
Maia gawai sigi mantai Pengelandik belagu

Nadai pengirau ati Nadai utai di kenangi
Sida ke tuai biak Sigi nemu reti
Enda tau dengki Enda tau mudi
Laban ari gawai kena merindang ati

Aram kitai sama-sama Beramai di ruai
Tuai biak Anang malu angkat seretai
Sama-sama bela ngesai ka bulu siga
Janji ktai anang Salah jaku enggai ka belaya

Repeat [1][2][3]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Di Anti Anti Maya Gawai - Robertson

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from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/04/di-anti-anti-maya-gawai-robertson.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Cara Mengubah Kuota Videomax Tanpa Aplikasi Terbaru 2018 Work - Saat ini sudah sangat susah untuk mengubah kuota videomax menjadi flash. Karena pada bulan april 2018 ini banyak sekali URL bug untuk kuota videomax yang di nonaktifkan oleh Telkomsel. Sehingga Anonytun aplikasi VPN yang terkenal dengan kemampuannya mengaubah kuota videomaxpun sudah tidak bisa apa-apa lagi. Nampaknya hal ini membuat

from ASAL OYEG http://asal-oyeg.blogspot.com/2018/04/cara-mengubah-kuota-videomax-tanpa.html

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Sir Albert Wickes and The Right Honourable Clarence Baxter aim to pilot the HMS Fearful on its voyage to Mars. It's a noble endeavor for the intrepid explorers, but unfortunately, their ship is a most unreliable device, requiring two players to work together to keep the clunker in flight in 39 Days to Mars.

Problems will spring up each time players start making their way for the red planet in 39 Days to Mars. Many of the ship's functions require two players carrying out their own actions to pull it off, from fiddling with the ship's wiring to messing with levers to just pouring out a decent cup of tea. No matter what the player is up to on their lighthearted adventure, both players will have to execute some silly task, keeping them both hard at work throughout the journey.

Players won't just be messing with ship functions while desperately keeping their clunker ship in flight, as they'll also go through bits of story and action while taking in the game's cute art style. They also won't have to find a friend if no one wants to juggle wires in space with them, as players can play single player with the help of an AI cat. But how likely is it that a cat is going to know how to pour tea or rewire a starship? Hopefully it will, or else it may take far longer than thirty-nine days to reach that distant planet.

39 Days to Mars is available for $14.99 on Steam. For more information on the game and developer It's Anecdotal, you can head to the game's site or follow them on YouTube and Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/cooperatively_keep_a_rickety_s.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

So here's a little thing about The Swords of Ditto that completely sold me on this game: when you're playing co-op and one of your intrepid adventurers falls in combat, the other player can run up to them and literally hug them back to life. Isn't that just the sweetest thing?

This roguelite, cleverly disguised as a top-down Zelda-like, has you trying to rid the land of the evil sorceress Mormo. You are the chosen one, the wielder of the magical sword of Ditto, so it falls on you to end the curse and vanquish evil... except that, should you fail on your quest, another hero will rise one hundred years later and try again.

In order to stand a chance, you have to visit particular dungeons which help you by supplying you with new items (or "toys", to be precise) or which weaken Mormo's influence and make the final battle a little easier. However, if you just beeline to your next objective, you're seriously missing out.

Exploring the game's overworld is a delight, with lots of secrets to uncover and a colorful cast of characters to meet. Some of these have additional quests for you - but there's precious little handholding involved. You can spend a lot of time exploring and gearing up for the final battle. But alas, time is in short supply.

With only four in-game days before the final battle, there is simply no way to do everything at once. Repeated playthroughs are a necessity, and some of your stuff will carry over to the next hero. Figuring out how things work, what to do, and which order to do it in is a huge part of this game.

While the lack of handholding will leave you somewhat clueless in the first few attempts, things pick up from there. The layout of the overworld changes with each playthrough, and - depending on how you did on your previous attempt - the world itself changes with it.

As you constantly fail to defeat Mormo, evil thrives and the land suffers. Things start to look more drab, people seem a little more on edge, and there are more monsters out and about. Conversely, each victory makes the world a brighter, better place.

While the roguelite aspects of The Swords of Ditto are enough to draw you in, what really makes the game shine is its style and charm. This is such an odd and lovely place, with goofy NPCs and bosses, toys, stickers, and sweets - the whole game is childlike in a good way. Simply exploring this world is a lot of fun and will put a smile on your face. And have I mentioned the kazoo? There's a kazoo-based quick travel system. I mean, come on, that's wonderfully silly.

You can attempt to overthrow Mormo on your own, but co-op play is also an option, and it is literally as easy as picking up a controller and just starting to play, with the option of dropping out at any time. Sure, the world needs saving, but sometimes you just want to explore said world with your kids and have a little fun... or maybe you really need help? The game lets you do all that quite effortlessly.

The Swords of Ditto can feel a little harsh and directionless, particularly in the beginning, but it's worth sticking with it. Once you get the hang of the game, its cheery world will leave you grinning like a fool and remind you that yes, videogames are good.

You can purchase The Swords of Ditto from GOG or Steam for $19.99. The game is also available for the PS4 with some platform-specific extras. For more information, visit the game's website and follow developer onebitbeyond on Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/the_swords_of_ditto.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Berikut ini adalah resep masakan yang dapat anda praktekan sendiri di rumah, sediakan semua bahan, dan jangan lupa berekperimen, sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik , sudah sewajarnya selain bisa mengurus anak anda juga paling tidak harus tau beberapa resep dasar masakan yang dapat dipraktekan sendiri dan dibuat sendiri di rumah, hal ini selain menghemat biaya juga dapat membuat anda bisa mengkontrol sendiri kesehatan dan kecukupan gizi keluarga anda, gunakan selalu bahan bahan yang terbaik di kelasnya supaya dapat menghasilkan masakan yang terbaik, untuk selanjutnya silahkan anda coba sendiri resep masakan ini, paling tidak dapat membuat anda bereksperimen dan menjadikan anda betah di rumah dan dapat meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga anda, anda wanita karier??? semoga resep ini membantu anda, jangan lupa berikan komentar dan sharing pengalaman anda dalam memasak dan mempraktekan resep masakan ini, resep resep nusantara yang diolah dengan bumbu bumbu dan sambal sambal yang membuat air liur meleleh, kue , minuman , es, sirup dan semuanya dijadikan satu, baik itu masakan jawa , masakan sumatra, masakan khas bali, masakan khas sulawesi, anda dapat mempraktekannya, yang perlu anda lakukan sekarang adalah persiapkan printer atau catatan anda dan segera mungkin praktekanlah.. sekian.

from Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia 2018 http://resephariini.blogspot.com/2018/04/resep-menu-makan-siang-1-paket.html


Bustories explores the stories and people one often meets while travelling, whether they want to or not. Placing players on a bus ride stuck with an array of oddballs, irritating passengers, and charming people the player will never meet again, it captures that unique strangeness that comes with sharing a close-quarters existence with someone you'll probably never see again.

Each trip is different is Bustories, with a variety of possible strangers taking up the seat beside the player. Players can listen to these peoples' stories, or they can sit back with their tunes and their headset, all while keeping an eye on their body's needs while on a long drive. Food is always key on a long trip, and one of the joys of the ride (even if your guts might pay for your road food later).

Bustories is filled with several different stories that may seem all-too-familiar to those who've spent too much time travelling with gabby fellow travelers, bringing up fond memories of people gone forever or less-than-fond memories of some of the vile stories you've been told by people you're stuck with for hours.

Bustories is available for $2.99 on Itch.io and Steam. For more information on the game and developer Nikita P, you can follow them on Itch.io and YouTube.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/bustories_is_about_the_strange.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Surprise, it's the Trailer Roundup! This time, we have unspeakable horrors, rather talkative terrors, deformations, trips through outer space, and horned ladies, among other things.

Monster Prom
Windows, OSX, Linux | $TBA | April 27

I honestly have no idea how a competitive multiplayer dating sim is supposed to work, but Monster Prom's trailer seems to promise good / occasionally bloody-and-gruesome-but-always-kinda-cute fun.

Windows, PS4, Switch | $24.99 | already released

Despite being a survival horror game, recently-released Infernium looks rather lovely... when those towel monsters are not trying to chew your face off, that is.

Seers Isle
Windows, OSX, Linux | $TBA | Summer 2018

This interactive graphic novel looks magical in every sense of the word. Shamans? Check. Myserious horned ladies? Check. Nice trailer music? Bonus check.

Cultist Simulator
Windows, OSX, Linux | $19.99 | May 31

Cultist Simulator promises fun (or rather: apocalypse and yearning) for the whole extended family - brainwashed followers and alien gods included. Its sleek and sexy card game interface actually feels great to use and all those little timers ticking down add a sense of urgency to the whole thing. Appropriate, considering its sinister themes.

Windows, OSX, Switch | $TBA | 2018

When you think that the platformer genre has tried just about everything, a game like Semblance comes along and surprises you with a rather simple concept: deformable levels. It sure helps that the game looks utterly stylish!

Sunless Skies
Windows, OSX, Linux | $24.99 | 2018 (Early Access)

Sunless Skies seems to be merrily chugging along its early access route, and recently added Albion, a new region that looks awfully familiar, to its world. Fueled by the tales of its amazing writing team, this is going to be one weird trip when its done later this year.

The Stillness of the Wind
Windows, OSX | $TBA | Summer 2018

Odd little narrative games are very much my thing, and The Stillness of the Wind, a "quiet game of life and loss", seems to fall into that category. While this short teaser doesn't really convey that much, its minimalism and sense of peace do seem like the perfect way to end this roundup.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/trailer_roundup_-_april_23_201.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy


When your heart finds someone to love, you have little power (if any) to change it. Unfortunately for the protagonist in Ceress and Orea, the one she's fallen for has been, unwittingly, her death sentence. However, players can change their fate in this doomed love by venturing through the abyss and solving puzzles, pleasing a deity so that the two heroines may finally find their happily-ever-after.

Players will act as Ceress, a woman sentenced to death for falling in love with the wrong person. Thrust into the abyss, Ceress is still unaccepting of her fate, and with your help, she just might change it. To do that, players will need to solve puzzles and work through an old deity's underworld realm. Doing this, while also progressing through the story and exploring this gloomy place, will eventually carry players through to the game's single ending.

Ceress and Orea offers players a narrative of lost memories and hope despite the realm of death, pushing them to find a solutions to the game's challenges so that they can eventually make it back to the world of the living. What's a better motivation than returning to the one you love?

You can purchase Ceress and Orea on Steam or Itch.io. You can also follow the developer on Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/ceress_and_orea_is_a_short_adv.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Ari gawai kitai pulai ke menua
Ari gawai kitai betemu enggau bala semua
Aram kitu ngusung kami wai bujang enggau dara
Anang malu-malu enti ka bekelala

Aram meh kitai ngirup dulu
Anang bebula enti bisi sulu
Taun tu gawai sama happy
Ngagai kitai ke single, aram ngiga ganti

Ari gawai ari kitai begagai
Tuai biak semua sama aja
Aram kitu ngusung kami wai bujang enggau dara
Anang malu-malu enti ka bekelala

Repeat [1]

Aram meh kitai sama besampi
Minta Petara merkat ke kitai berarie
Anang nyimpan ati ti dengki
Saritu kiati sama happy

Iya ke nadai pemisi, anang irau ati
Aram meh kitai sama berami
Aram angkat semua, aram sama betanda
Ngansar ka kaki sampai ke pagi

Lirik Lagu Iban: Betemu Maia Gawai - Melissa Francis

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Melissa Francis << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/04/betemu-maia-gawai-melissa-francis.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Sebulan nampun di bukit
Setaun nandan di langit
Saritu hari di anti
Gawai di penyadi

Semua mulai kediri
Datai ari ulu ili
Lama enda kala
Betemu enggau pangan diri

Lantang sereta gaga
Rindu betemu moa
Lama enda bepeda
Lelebgau enda ulih kira

Apai indai di menua
Nyambut enggau ati andal
Anak uchu datai
Pulai gawai

Pengarap dalam ati
Endang tuju nyadi siti
Baka ke taun tu kitai rami

Nembiak udu rindu
Begagai kin kitu
Tanda bebaik enggau penyiru

Begempong kitai teguh
Anang maioh penumbuh
Penyarut anang ngaga
Anang sekali belaya

Anang kitai enggai kiruh
Begulai enggau bala maioh
Ambi ia ke ciru
Buai ke keroh

Repeat [1][2][3][4]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Nganti Hari Gawai - Urai

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Urai << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/04/nganti-hari-gawai-urai.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

[1] S:
Ngayuh perau mudik ke ulu
Batang nyengkal di tengah sungai
Lama udah nadai betemu
Rambau gawai tu kitai begulai

[2] P:
Reba neresa ngalit ke jalai
Ai natam enggai surut-surut
Naka pengerindu ba ari gawai
Ati lelengau udah tepantup

[3] S:
Ranyai gagai udah sedia
Kena nganti hari ka pagi
Tuai biak bujang enggau dara
Betundi-tundi enggau pangan diri

[4] P:
Enti kitai ngundur ke ili
Anang enda jaga peneras ai
Anang ringat maia bebuti
Kitai begulai setaun sekali

Repeat [1][2],[3][4]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Joget Rambau Gawai - Peter Aaron & Sijah

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Peter Aaron & Sijah << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/04/joget-rambau-gawai-peter-aaron-sijah.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

[1] E:
Minta ampun ku sulu
Enda sengaja nyurut kediri empu
Taja nuan milih aku
Apai indai nuan enda setuju

[2] B:
Tinggi peminta sida
Deka milih indu ti kaya
Aku urang merinsa
Jelan diri enda diterima

[3] E:
Anang ngelaban sida
Enggai ke pulai ke dosa
Anang meh belaya mina ketegal nya
Nyangka sigi dah atur Petara

[4] B:
Enda ku bedendam sulu
Nyangka dah nasib aku
Enda ngawa meh bujang
Asal sida lantang
Lama lama aku teperindang

Repeat [1][2][3][4]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Milih Menantu - Emma Anthony & Bolkiah Rewina

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Emma Anthony & Bolkiah Rewina << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/04/milih-menantu-emma-anthony-bolkiah.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

KLANG - Nenek kepada 10 cucu tidak menyangka lelaki yang ditemuinya di kaki gunung ketika masing-masing menyertai sebuah kelab pendakian tiga tahun lalu akhirnya menjadi peneman hidupnya.

Sarimah Yusuf, 55, yang berstatus janda selepas kematian suami beberapa tahun lalu berkata, dia mengenali suaminya A Razak Ismail, 47, ketika mendaki sebuah gunung di semenanjung negara ini bersama rakan-rakannya.

"Kami mula berkenalan dari situ dan menjadi rapat, pada tahun lalu kami mengambil keputusan untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada keluarga masing-masing.

"Selepas mendapat restu anak-anak, kami membuat keputusan untuk berkahwin," katanya kepada Pemberita.

Sarimah dan A Razak merupakan salah satu daripada 21 pasangan yang dinikahkan secara beramai-ramai pada Majlis Akad Nikah Perdana 2018 anjuran Pejabat Agama Islam Daerah (Paid) Klang di Masjid Kampung Raja Uda, Pelabuhan Klang, di sini, hari ini.

Majlis berkenaan hanya mengenakan bayaran RM1,000 kepada setiap pasangan manakala kos selebihnya ditanggung oleh Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais).

Pada masa sama, ibu kepada dua anak berusia 34 dan 32 tahun itu memaklumkan dia sudah berjaya menawan banyak gunung di negara ini antaranya Gunung Tok Nenek, di Banjaran Titiwangsa dan Gunung Stong, Kelantan selama terlibat dalam pendakian.

"Saya juga menanam hasrat mahu menawan tujuh gunung tertinggi di Semenanjung atau dikenali 'G7' bersama suami  jika mempunyai kesempatan serta umur yang panjang.

"Saya mahu menawan gunung-gunung berkenaan bagi melengkapkan pendakian dan syarat sebelum meneruskan pendakian ke luar negara," katanya.

Sementara itu, A Razak yang sebelum ini berstatus duda dan mempunyai enam anak berusia 8 hingga 19 tahun hasil perkahwinan terdahulu berkata, asalnya dia mengikuti aktiviti mendaki gunung itu atas ajakan rakan-rakan.

"Selama berkawan dengan Sarimah kami merahsiakan hubungan daripada pengetahuan anak-anak kerana malu atas faktor usia.

"Selepas melihat kesungguhan dan kejujuran Sarimah dalam perhubungan, saya bertindak menyuntingnya sebagai isteri saya," katanya yang berasal dari Johor.

Melalui perkahwinan itu, katanya, dia berharap isterinya dapat bersama-samanya ketika susah dan senang dan mahu menjadikan kekecewaan pada perkahwinan terdahulu sebagai pengalaman untuk membina perkahwinan yang lebih bahagia. - Sinar

from Lagi Berita http://lagiberita.blogspot.com/2018/04/jodoh-nenek-10-cucu-duda-enam-anak-di.html
Berita malaysia terbaru - terkini - terpopular siap di nikmati dan disajikan dengan penuh emosi, sebarkan pengetahuan kepad kalayak umum , jika anda merupakan pemerhati dunia internet dan pemerhati kemajuan informasi, maka jangan lupa follow blog ini dan sebarkan apa yang baca, karena pada dasarnya informasi adalah hak bagi semua manusia, selamat membaca dan selamat beraktifitas, blog post ini semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda semua, sampai juga di post post dan berita berita selanjutnya, dukung terus perkembangan blog.


If you've ever found yourself attracted to something you just drew, Doodle Date, a game of romancing your own drawings no matter what they are, may be for you.

Doodle Date will have players drawing the people they wish to date, the movies they go to see, the food they eat, and more, creating their own activities and romance options as they work their way through their budding romance. Flirting, seduction, and eventually marriage will eventually come from your connections to your own drawings, so expect to build a loving, touching relationship with that picture of a merman or piece of toast that you drew a few minutes before. If only all artists could be so in love with the things they created.

While creating your romance options and activities, players will also be able to take their lives down two different routes, offering multiple ends for you and your piece of art. There may even be a secret ending to unlock through the game's short, hour long playthroughs, so it will be worth digging deep into the life you're now sharing with that spandex-clad fish you created.

Doodle Date is available for $4.99 on Steam.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/doodle_date_is_a_game_of_seduc.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Cara Setting Anonytun Kuota Chat dan Social Media Telkomsel Terbaru 2018 - Kuota sosmed Telkomsel ini merupakan jenis kuota baru yang dapat digunakan untuk mengakses beberapa aplikasi messenger. Saat ini kuota chat dan social media Tsel ini hanya bisa mengakses Line, Whatsapp, BBM dan FB. Namun dengan aplikasi Anonytun kalian dapat mengubah bandwith kuota sosmed Telkomsel ini sehingga bisa

from ASAL OYEG http://asal-oyeg.blogspot.com/2018/04/cara-setting-anonytun-kuota-chat-dan.html

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Enda disangka tua ulih betemu
Ngujungka tua ulih begulai sama
Nuan Sempama dinding ti ngelindung aku
Lebuh biau balai ti datai nempuh aku

Nadai ku ngadang, tua berserara
Enda disangka, nuan nyau pegi.. oooo
Awakka nyadi kenang cherita ngagai tua
Ingat aja nuan enggau aku belama ia..

Nuan selalu bisi, maya ku labuh
Diatu nadai agi, nuan ditisiku..ooo

Repeat [1],

Enggau aku belama ia..ooo 2x
Nuan enggau aku..

Lirik Lagu Iban: Nuan Enggau Aku - D'Renaissance

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: D'Renaissance << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/04/nuan-enggau-aku-drenaissance.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Pulai mih aku lemai
Tubuh aku lelak enda berasai
Mata kau pejam benung bejalai
Ambis aku lantak sengapa utai

Buka kasut enggau baju
Meda perut nyau lutung udu
Bau tengung enda aku nemu
Bau but chapi parai seminggu

Besabun aku ngena Fab buku baru
Salah ambi aku salah jengkau
Berus ku geli tekena ka berus baju
Laban palau pala agi bungau

Nama mih penyadi tua tu
Pasukka tanchut nemu nya baju

[3] 2x
Salah ambi salah jengkau
Ngiga sugu tepegaika iku mayau

Repeat [1][2][3]

Ngiga sugu tepegaika iku mayau 3x

Lirik Lagu Iban: Reggae Pengidup Bujang - Bunyau & Mujap

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Bunyau & Mujap << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/04/reggae-pengidup-bujang-bunyau-mujap.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Bula chukup bula
Bisi penulah ila
Nuan madah diri bujang
Nemu nya apai urang

Ukai bujang..
Tang nuan apai urang

Diatu ku udah nemu
Semua urang nusi ke aku
Nuan bisi anak dua
Darjah satu enggau darjah lima
Apai urang, beranak dua
Apai urang, ka bebini dua

Bedau chukup pandai
Nuan ke ngelalai
Tang dulu tebantai
Bedau bulih aku
Agi belala nipu
Rahsia nuan lalu di temu

Anang nuan saru
Meda pendiau aku
Ku enda sengapa tuju
Aku tu enda gerah
Alai nuan ngiga dengah
Anang ngumbai ku indu murah

Repeat [1][2][3]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Ukai Bujang - Emma Anthony

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Emma Anthony << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/04/ukai-bujang-emma-anthony.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Ku udah lama nganti
Nuan maie ku jadi
Kada amai tauka nuan
Mina nundi

Enda kasih ke aku
Tua dah lama besulu
Nganti lama baka sungai
Nadai ulu

Umur tua majak manggai
Ku ka baka urang bukai
Bisi anak enggau begagai
Oh.. happy amai

Enda alah anti nyadi kaya
Ku enda malik pengeraja
Ni naka ulih tua
Asal tua begulai sama

Repeat [1][2][3][4],[3][4]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Udah Lama Nganti - Emma Anthony

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Emma Anthony << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/04/udah-lama-nganti-emma-anthony.html
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu


With just a bat (and the occasional explosive) and a good dog, can you channel your protective instinct long enough to keep your faithful friend safe? In The Tragic Tale Of Bark Scruffalo, a tower defense-style game, you'll have to do just that! Luckily, he's a good boy and worth braving this storm of monsters.

The name of the game is protecting a precious pup. The things that stand in the way of that mission will come at you from all directions. Use your trusty bat to smack them back to wherever they came from - or just straight up smack where they came from by beating down the Enemy Spawn Monoliths. Do enough damage and you'll stop production of the nasty fiends momentarily. Defeating these enemies will yield core crystals, which you can turn into mines and plant them as traps to stop waves of monsters from overrunning you and your trusty dog pal.

Keep that good boy safe and smack some baddies!


You can find The Tragic Tale Of Bark Scruffalo here. You can also follow the developer on Twitter here!

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/the_tragic_tale_of_bark_scruff.html
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JRPG-like turn-based combat, roguelike relentlessness, and tabletop maps to traverse. If you're looking to prove yourself as a tactician, For The King is your challenge. With procedurally-generated maps full of ruthless monsters and rewards, you'll have to make every move count.

The kingdom of Fahrul is in complete distress. The King has been assassinated and the assailant is at large. The Queen, desperate to quell the growing chaos, requests a call-to-arms for all adventurers to fight off the horrors that lurk in the dark corners of the kingdom. That means you'll have to gather a group of party members of all different classes and put your thinking cap on to make best use of them.

Strategy is the key in For The King. You'll have to make choices, such as whether you'd like to keep your party group tightly-knit to tackle tremendous foes and obstacles, or split up and sever the smaller underlings. You may even simply want to gather herbs or set up camp for the night. Feel confident? Tackle dungeons filled with traps and bosses to bask in the light of a treasure chest for your efforts! If you're not feeling up to par, grab a buddy and try out the local or online co-op.

Avenge the King and take down some beastly adversaries at the same time in For The King!

You can purchase For The King on Steam here. You can also check out the official website, Twitter, and Facebook!

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/for_the_king_prioritizes_strat.html
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Barbarians and lanky warriors wage battle on a hand-drawn hex map, over a dying world where the once great Giants have gone extinct and a mutating pestilence sweeps the land. This is the world of Urtuk:The Desolation, an upcoming turn-based strategy RPG.

You play as the titular Urtuk, an escapee from the infamous Sanatorium on a quest to find a cure for an affliction that's slowly killing him. As you travel across the world map, other characters can be recruited into your party, from the crossbow-wielding Hunter to the hooded Warmonk, among others. Along their journey, Urtuk and his companions will also collide with various events and encounters, and your interventions and outcome of battle can influence them, such as defeating a bandit camp that terrorizing an area.

Combat looks reminiscent of Battle Brothers, with a large focus on positioning and different stacking effects due to where your units are in relation to foes. Height advantages, flanking, and manipulating enemy position with shield bashes and other attacks can be just as crucial as damage dealt, while environmental objects like rocks, spikes, muds all cause different status effects that can be used against enemies to overcome overwhelming odds.

Urtuk:The Desolation is still early in development, and doesn't have a release timeframe yet. You can find more details and an overview of mechanics and the game's world, on its site and Twitter page.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/tactically_battle_across_a_dar.html
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... in fact, it's the most thankless job in any RPG party. We all know you're the one doing the heavy lifting, keeping your buddies from dying, and yet, nobody takes you serious. It certainly doesn't help that said buddies are the worst.

But then, you've got to make do with the hand you've been dealt, and you're stuck with the idiots for good, so better keep them healthy. The game is structured like your typical RPG - with one crucial difference: you only have direct control over the healer.

While your buddies are happily hacking away at the enemy without regard for their own well-being, you need to focus your healing spells and buffs on them. In the beginning, this can prove pretty tricky, but once you leveled up a bunch and put some points into that skill tree of yours, things are actually getting manageable without half the party dying every time. Just make sure that your wand doesn't overheat. Yes, that's a thing.

Healer's Quest is full of self-referential humor that just doesn't break the fourth wall, it tears it down and stomps on the remains. Characters are chiding the game designer, wondering what some buttons do, or complaining about various RPG tropes ("Rats and bats... how bland!").

What I've played so far has been pretty funny, but then, humor is pretty subjective and I can imagine that these constant digs at RPG conventions can quickly overstay their welcome. For now, however, Healer's Quest is a a fun romp and a clever examination of what makes your average RPG tick... or not.

You can purchase Healer's Quest from Steam for $14.99. For more information, visit the game's website or follow developer Rablo Games on Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/healers_quest.html
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Might & Delight's Shelter series has been out for a while, but a recent port to the Nintendo Switch warrants another look, thanks to some very subtle new features and the chance to quite literally carry these lovely games close to your heart - which is where they belong.

Shelter Generations collects Shelter 2 and its spin-off Paws and their soundtracks, as well as the "living books" Fables From the Den and The Lonesome Fog in one nice package. Alas, the first Shelter's badger family gets left out but still, this is a very good collection.

Shelter 2 puts the fate of a lynx family in your hands. Playing as the mother, you have to nurture and raise your cubs to adulthood. However, the world outside can be a scary place and lots of dangers await. The game feels fairly open, with a variety of terrain to explore. It basically lets you play however you want and tugs on your heartstrings whenever one of your cubs is in danger.

Paws, on the other hand, is a self-contained, fairly linear little story of a lynx cub getting separated from its family and having all sorts of adventures on its way. It is sweet and sad and features some very light environmental puzzle solving. But you're mostly here for the cute animals, I know.

The Switch port doesn't really add anything except for portability and a very soft vibration when you're moving around. This might just be a tiny addition, but it adds so much to the experience! It's like feeling the world beneath your paws. If you haven't played these wonderful, unique games yet, this collection is the ideal way of making up for it.

You can purchase Shelter Generations from the Nintendo eShop for $19.99. The individual games are also available from GOG and Steam. For more information, visit Might & Delight's website and follow them on Twitter.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/shelter_generations.html
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Waking up besides a dead family, armed with your father's revolver and a strange cat, Itta sets you out on a journey of revenge across the island of Jigoku, in a far-future fantasy bullet-hell adventure inspired by the first Zelda and Titan Souls.

The former inspiration means Jigoku is a sprawling environment filled with mysterious characters, different areas to explore, secrets to uncover, and weapons to unlock. From the remnants of cities filled with odd monoliths to overgrown temple ruins where strangers lurk, Itta promises a colorful and unique world to discover on your journey.

The latter also means that your journey is one fraught with danger, from myriad challenging bosses. The trailer shows a few - a relentless stranger blocking your shots with a huge blade, a transforming blob of a beast with a wide-fanged grin, a cloaked warrior orbited by twin pillars - but all will test your skills and evasion with bullet-hell chaos. Dodging bullet patterns and using the right weapons in your arsenal will be key to surviving Itta's battles.

Itta is slated to released on Steam in 2019; for more details and screenshots, you can visit the game's site and Twitter page.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/itta_combines_bullet_hell_acti.html
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Suah bepansa enggau nuan
Bejalai kediri nadai pangan
Deka ku nanya mai bekelala
Enda kempang aku ka nyapa

Suah berimbas enggau ia
Aku tuchum iya nundukka mua
Sapa indu nya bajik dipeda
Ngasuh pintu atiku tebuka

Saritu iya nadai dipeda
Kini mih alai penunga

Basah lutu ditinggang ujan
Enda ngenduh aku jenuh ngipa nuan
Ari pagi nyentukka malam
Ayas nuan pan nadai ga ayan

Beraie aku ngenang nuan
Pulai ke rumah mata enggai pejam
Genap seminggu, nuan nadaiku temu
Kemayang nuan lekat ba ati ku

Ohhh ho..

Repeat [1], Ohhh ho..
Repeat [3][4], Ohhh ho..

Lirik Lagu Iban: Kemayang Nuan - D'Crystal Band

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: D'Crystal Band << - www.liriklaguiban.com

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://www.liriklaguiban.com/2018/04/kemayang-nuan-dcrystal-band.html
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"I've always been interested in telling stories about connection - to land, to a person, to a thing, even to a point in time. Exploring connection is the focus of so many areas of creativity - especially film, art, and music - but much less so video games. Why is that, I ask myself." says Katie Gall of The Blushbox Collective, a group promoting the exploration of intimacy, love, and sex in games.

Games possess a unique power to place the player into a different headspace, having them become the role of another for a time. There is a special power to empathize in this, tasking the player with feeling what that other person is going through as they go through their actions and live out their lives. Like a form of acting, the player becomes this other avatar and exists as them for a time, and in this action they are brought into intimate connection with the thoughts and feelings that come from living these lives.

This unique ability to live and empathize with, moreso than books or movies or other forms of passive media, can make the player truly feel what the characters are going through. Gall's work with The Blushbox Collective, as well as their annual Heartbeat Symposium - a three-day event where they seek to bring developers together for days of game jams and speakers from various disciplines working in love and intimacy - looks to capture and explore that connection.

"I think there is something powerful about the prospective opportunities you have in video games. You can play with how inside the character a player is - give them agency and put them in the shoes of someone different from themselves. There's so much opportunity to capture the nuance, silliness, fun, excitement, and heartbreak through games, and I want to explore how more games could contain those moments." says Gall.


Love & Games

Games, through their ability to connect a person to another life, may have been underutilized for years in placing players in more realistic, emotional experiences, but that has begun to change.

Still, why explore these kinds of connections? "Because hello, it's fun!" says Gall. "Sex, romance, love, these are universal desires for everyone. Games can also allow us to play, observe and process some pretty complicated issues, or partake in light-hearted fantasy for fun. It's such a diverse topic that there are many reasons to explore it."

"Games in particular are an interesting way to explore these topics because you can engage more senses than reading or film; you can see, you can hear, you can feel and touch and in some cases, with alt controllers, you can also taste :P. That's a bit more senses being engaged than with music, art, or film. How can we manipulate these senses to create a new experience for these stories? That's what I want to know." Gall continues.

It's a largely untapped part of what games are uniquely capable of, and for Gall, something that offers some interesting opportunities to explore our emotions in and feelings on challenging issues in a space outside of the self. They allow for a safe self-reflection on actions we might not otherwise experience or be afraid to experience, allowing us to learn about ourselves through these shared digital experiences.

Gall has explored these themes in games before as well. "My own work often focuses on nostalgia in a lighthearted way. The Blushbox Collective is my side project, so I generally don't make these games for commercial purposes. I see it more like drawing or painting as a hobby. So, having said that, I've worked on a range of games from the casual, Pudding Boyfriend, a game about dating foodboys (croissant boyfriend was my fave) to other games such as ASL."


"ASL is a 3D walking simulator about exploring a world inspired by my memory of 90s internet sites. I've imagined the sites I used to frequent such as Neopets, MSN messenger, Hotmail, Yahoo, and others as real physical spaces. In the game, you can explore and flirt with or interact with the creatures or people in those environments. I've also been working on Nic Cage Himulator- a game where you've accidentally guessed Nic Cage's Hotmail address and you're going back and forth on the phone with your friend, Becky, about what to say to him. It's a coming-of-age story which explores teenage development." says Gall.

These works, while appearing light and fun, explore important aspects of life growing up, dating, friendships, and connections, all with disarming stories that can encourage players to feel something about their own thoughts on these subjects without necessarily meaning to. Their charming nature gets the player to open up within themselves, or feel free to explore more serious feelings even if the context is light.

"With Blushbox we've worked on IncorpoREAL Romance Revival Center, a game about dating dead people, 'find the love of your life, even if theirs is over' which explores power and control as well as themes of digital online persona and generally dystopian future ideas. Currently I'm working on Woblets (working title) with a friend of mine, which is what I'm calling an interactive sculpture toy. It's like a Mr Potato Head game but all the parts are fleshy genitally type things. You can create your own strange sculpture which will react to things like shaking and prodding. It generally just flops around. Think of a plumbus, it's a bit like that." says Gall.

Intimacy, love, and sex can often be treated as incredibly serious subjects, which can make players uncomfortable in opening up their feelings about them. Looking at these subjects from different angles, be they lighter or humorous, or through a fiction that lets the player explore the subject from a different angle, can allow an openness in the self that allows them to explore their feelings in ways that feel safe. Gall's work aims to utilize these tools to help players open up about their feelings a bit more, using the framework of these games to feel in ways they might not feel comfortable doing otherwise.


Romantic Difficulties

Games, in allowing players to live out other lives and control their fates, words, and deeds, seem like a natural place to explore intimacy, but this isn't often the case, from Gall's own observations. Not everyone is comfortable exploring these topics through their games, and for various reasons.

"What makes it so difficult to explore the messiness of human love through a video game format?" says Gall. "Is it that we just haven't been trying? Is it that it's too difficult with the technology we have available? All these questions were running through my head and I'd been having conversations about this with a few of my developer friends."

Preconceived perceptions of what games can be and do also harms their ability to explore intimacy. "Also fear, because people are afraid to be associated with projects that deal with sex in the games industry. It's strange because most other creative industries wouldn't bat an eyelash, but because games have this perception that they for kids, people put their arms up in the air when they present adult themes."


There have been other challenges that have made the exploration of sex and love in games difficult as well. "The biggest challenge to exploring these themes are ignorance and fear. A lack of research in the nuance of characters and environments, and stereotypes and bad writing are rife in the sex games category." says Gall.

Exploring character, especially when it comes to love, sex, and intimacy, requires a grasp of writing and character creation. It requires a deft hand when it comes to telling their stories and creating believable moments and feelings between them. It can be a challenge to tell these kinds of stories from a purely skill-based perspective, and also require an honesty from the writer that can be daunting.

With this need for a deft hand and high skill comes a fear of what will happen should the developer get those things wrong. "Fear also stops people from trying and failing because the repercussions of failure can be so damning- you can be kicked out of a community and blacklisted for trying something that people perceive as derogatory, sexist, racist etc. It's a minefield. Like any creative field it's important that we practice our art and have places that are safe for us to try, fail and learn from our mistakes."

It can be difficult to experiment in this field without possibly making insensitive mistakes, or fouling up the game with stereotypes or other poor writing mistakes. To avoid these, developers need room to goof up without it feeling like a career-ending mistake. This requires help and encouragement from players and other developers, which would be what lead Gall's work in bringing developers together to encourage each other in the creation of these games.


The Heartbeat Symposium

Shared experiences, hopeful advice, and an actual connection with other developers doing the work seemed like a powerful way to help creators explore intimacy with comfort and help. As such, The Blushbox Collective's work would lead to the creation of the Heartbeat Symposium, a gathering of developers designed to further work in interactive experiences in love and sex.

"Heartbeat Symposium is a 3-day event focused on love, sex and romance in games. It's held in a different place each year. The first one was held in Byron Bay Australia. The aim is to get developers and creatives out of the traditional game making spaces and use the environment as both a source of inspiration and a framework for creativity." says Gall.

It's been designed as a comforting space for developers to experiment in, as well as receive advice from other developers, psychologists, actresses, writers, and other creative individuals, sharing their knowledge of love and sex in games and beyond. Through this, the event looks to improve the works developers are creating, as well as provide them with a place where they can explore intimate themes with their peers.

"I think Heartbeat provides education about pitfalls, cross collaboration from other industries (our speakers are not just game developers, but also psychologists, sex workers, artists, performers and more), and also a space to practice and get guidance. It's important that developers and creative have a community to check in with and create with so we're not just doing this in isolation. The more diverse a community can be, I think the better educated we get." Gall continues.


Through this diversity, Gall hopes that developers will be able to see their topic from all manner of angles and backgrounds, helping move away from painful stereotypes and into a well-thought-out exploration of love and sex.

With events like The Heartbeat Symposium and other initiatives around the world, development of intimacy in games has seemed to be steadily improving. "I actually think it's going great! We've come so far in the last 5 years in including these topics in both mainstream games and in independent titles. I think we've got a lot of work to do building tension between characters and removing some problematic trends, but I do think we're out there making a massive effort, so go games industry!" says Gall.

"I think that we could improve it by collaborating more with other industries." says Gall. "The screen industry is becoming rapidly more interested in video games, and there are a lot of great script and dialogue writers out there who could help us in the games industry a lot. Also, it would be good to work with film and television makers who have mastered camera angles to create a meaningful gaze from the player or viewer to the object of attention. We could learn a lot from that. I'd also like to see more support from the industry in creating and talking about these topics at conferences and online, more of those spaces to practice that I mentioned earlier."

All of these things are exactly what Gall and The Heartbeat Symposium are working towards - more creatives from other industries contributing helpful tips, and more places for developers to experiment and hone their craft without fear. In doing this, The Blushbox Collective and Gall hope to continue the positive trends they've seen in the industry, continuing to help developers unlock the ability games have to help players explore intimacy, love, and sex in meaningful ways.

For more information on The Blushbox Collective, you can head to their site, or to learn more on The Heartbeat Symposium, you can head to its site.

from IndieGames.com http://indiegames.com/2018/04/the_heartbeat_symposium_-_expl.html
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