Halloween party ideas 2015

Berikut ini adalah berita malaysia dan informasi terbaru hari ini untuk pemerintah diraja malaysia, selamat membaca, dan jangan lupa berikan komentar dan berikan pendapat anda tentang apa yang anda baca hari ini. selamat beraktifitas

Posting di laman Facebook bekas ketua menteri Melaka Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik yang mendakwa Raja Muda Selangor memeluk agama Kristian adalah bersifat menghasut, kata Dewan Diraja Selangor hari ini.

Walaupun Rahim berulang kali memohon maaf kepada istana kerana perbuatannya yang melanggar tatasusila itu, Setiausaha Dewan Hanafisah Jais berkata, dakwaan tidak bertanggungjawab itu mengandungi unsur fitnah.

"Setelah membaca kandungan kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Rahim, Dewan Diraja Selangor berpendapat dan merumuskan kenyataan tersebut berbaur hasutan dan mempunyai unsur­unsur fitnah yang boleh membangkitkan perasaan benci umat Islam kepada Raja Muda dan Sultan Selangor," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Rahim menerusi akaun Twitter dan Facebook beliau pada 25 September lalu mendakwa Sultan Selangor bakal bertemu ketua agama Katolik dan Raja Muda Selangor Tengku Amir Shah bakal menukar agama kepada Katolik.

Beliau bagaimanapun menarik balik kenyataan itu yang menurutnya datang daripada laman web yang tidak disahkan kesahihannya.

Beliau juga memohon maaf sebanyak 3 kali sejak menarik balik kenyataan itu dengan permohonan maaf terkini dibuat semalam.

"Kenyataan beliau yang menyatakan Sultan Selangor akan bertemu Pope di Vatican City jelas merupakan pembohongan dan fitnah dan tidak seharusnya dikeluarkan beliau yang merupakan bekas ketua menteri dan timbalan menteri.

"Kenyataan beliau ini juga perlu dibanteras bagi mengelakkan umat Islam daripada terus mempercayai dan menyebarkan pembohongan dan fitnah ini yang boleh mengakibatkan mereka tergelincir menjadi golongan fasik," kata Hanafisah dalam kenyataan itu.

Rahim dalam kenyataannya memetik World Daily News Report, sebuah laman web satira, yang mendakwa Tengku Amir memeluk agama Katolik.

Beliau kemudian merakamkan kesedihannya berkenaan perkara itu yang menurutnya berlaku serentak ketika umat Islam yang menunaikan sedang haji terlibat dalam tragedi kematian di Mekah dan Arafah.

Menurut Hanafisah, ketua polis negara sendiri sudah mengesahkan berita itu palsu sejak ia mula viral tahun lepas lagi.

"Dewan Diraja melahirkan kekesalan kerana Rahim tiada langsung mengambil sebarang langkah menyemak terlebih dahulu kesahihan sebarang posting yang dibuat portal-­portal luar sebelum memberi pendapat dan komen beliau.

"Adalah amat mudah bagi beliau untuk membuat semakan bagi menentukan kebenaran berita berkenaan sekiranya beliau mempunyai sifat tanggungjawab," kata Hanafisah lagi.

Jelasnya lagi, Raja Muda Selangor kini menjalani latihan ketenteraan di United Kingdom dan akan menyertai Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) apabila pulang ke tanah air.

"Dewan Diraja Selangor ingin memaklumkan Raja Muda ketika ini menjalani latihan pegawai kadet di Akademi Tentera di-­Raja Sandhurst, United Kingdom.

"Sekembalinya baginda ke negara, baginda akan ditauliahkan dalam perkhidmatan ATM," katanya.

"Dewan Diraja Selangor menyeru agar Rahim memberhentikan dengan serta-­merta segala tindak ­tanduknya menyebarkan berita palsu dan pembohongan ini," kenyataan Hanafisah dipetik.

Terdahulu, Hanafisah dan Setiausaha Sulit Sultan Selangor, Datuk Mohamed Munir Bani dilaporkan membuat laporan polis berhubung kenyataan Rahim itu lapor The Malaysian Insider

from Anak Sungai Derhaka http://ift.tt/1YODNDv

Sharkoon expands its product range of midi towers and introduces two new case series at an attractive price. For lovers of minimalist design, the T3 case optically leans toward the popular T9 series. Gamers and fans of flashy cases will enjoy the VG5 series, particularly with its brawny front panel feature.

With a proven design the Sharkoon T3 case series impresses through its ideal functionality, easily accessible controls and modern connectivity options. Thanks to the simple design of the front panel it's best for office PCs or computers in a classic style. Colored power LEDs in the front as well a 120 mm LED fan in the Value and Window version completes the optical details for the entire series. The Standard version comes without any LED fans, which is particularly suitable for an inconspicuous computer. Thanks to the broad side panels, the entire series offers lots of space for installing components.

from techPowerUp! http://ift.tt/1Lk1LTf
via Techpowerup is my favorite place to get more review and the computer hardware part review, the review and the news is just so good, i really recommend you to visit the original page to read the full story about what the news beast and what the site talking about, enjoy the computer hardware part information online, visa techpowerup, i hope someday i will easily buying the new list item on the review list, just to make very beast computer rig, to encode the x264, that will kicking some ass... be ready

QNAP Systems, Inc. today announced that from the release of QTS 4.2, support for QGet utlity (for Windows, Mac and Linux OS) will be discontinued due to the improved Download Station in QTS 4.2 incorporating its features. After the release of QTS 4.2, QGet will no longer be supported, and maintenance and update services for QGet will also be discontinued.

"QTS 4.2 has greatly leveled up the performance and abilities of Download Station, making download management much easier. As its features are now included in Download Station, we have decided to discontinue QGet in order to dedicate more resources to improving future versions of QTS and Download Station. We hope that users can try out the new Download Station and experience for themselves why it is the best way to perform their download tasks" said Dylan Lin, product manager of QNAP.

from techPowerUp! http://ift.tt/1KL54iL
via Techpowerup is my favorite place to get more review and the computer hardware part review, the review and the news is just so good, i really recommend you to visit the original page to read the full story about what the news beast and what the site talking about, enjoy the computer hardware part information online, visa techpowerup, i hope someday i will easily buying the new list item on the review list, just to make very beast computer rig, to encode the x264, that will kicking some ass... be ready

Western Digital Corporation and Unisplendour Corporation Limited (Unis) today jointly announced that they have entered into an agreement under which a subsidiary of Unis will make a USD $3.775 billion equity investment in Western Digital. Under the terms of the investment, Unis has agreed to purchase newly issued Western Digital common stock at a price of $92.50 per share.

Immediately following the closing of the investment, Unis will hold approximately 15% of Western Digital's issued and outstanding shares of common stock based on the number of issued and outstanding shares as of Sept. 25, 2015. Unis will have the right to nominate one representative to the Western Digital board of directors and will be subject to a five-year position standstill and voting restrictions. The board representative right terminates if Unis' ownership falls below 10%. In addition, Unis has agreed to a five-year lock-up on its shares, with a limited number of shares becoming available for transfer each year.

Proceeds from the investment will go toward strengthening Western Digital's balance sheet, providing financial flexibility and pursuing long-term strategic growth initiatives.

from techPowerUp! http://ift.tt/1WxQQqH
via Techpowerup is my favorite place to get more review and the computer hardware part review, the review and the news is just so good, i really recommend you to visit the original page to read the full story about what the news beast and what the site talking about, enjoy the computer hardware part information online, visa techpowerup, i hope someday i will easily buying the new list item on the review list, just to make very beast computer rig, to encode the x264, that will kicking some ass... be ready

Butterworth: Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Fatwa Pulau Pinang Julai lalu memutuskan bahawa pembesar suara di luar masjid dan surau hanya dibenarkan bagi kegunaan azan dan iqamah saja.

Mesyuarat berkenaan juga bersetuju agar 'irsyad' hukum yang diputuskan jawatankuasa itu pada 7 April 2011 mengenai larangan membaca al-Quran sebelum waktu Subuh dengan pembesar suara perlu ditambah baik.

Penambahbaikkan itu termasuk dengan memasukkan larangan bagi semua profram di masjid dan surau seperti qiamullail,tahajjud, kuliah, mesyuarat dan seumpamanya.

Berdasarkan minit mesyuarat berkenaan, penggunaan pembesar suara dalaman saja dibenarkan bagi program dan aktiviti masjid dan surau di negeri ini.

Arahan berkenaan juga sudah dimaklumkan kepada Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Pulau Pinang (JHEAIPP) bagi tindakan selanjutnya berdasarkan salinan surat yang dihantar oleh Jabatan Mufti Pulau Pinang kepada JHEAIPP bertarikh 1 September lalu.

Sementara itu, Mufti Pulau Pinang, Datuk Dr Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor ketika dihubungi berkata, keputusan itu dipersetujui sebulat suara berdasarkan kepada beberapa pertimbangan terutama untuk memelihara imej agama Islam sebagai rahmatan lil 'alamin dan agama yg mementingkan kesejahteraan hidup untuk individu dan masyarakat.

"Keputusan ini tidak menjejaskan kesucian dan syi'ar agama Islam, malah sebaliknya selaras dengan nas-nas al-Qur'an dan al-Sunnah. Sebagai contoh, al-Qur'an memerintahkan umat Islam berzikir dan berdo'a dengan khusuk dan merendahkan suara," katanya. - HMetro

from Lagi Berita http://ift.tt/1GgGN01
Berita malaysia terbaru - terkini - terpopular siap di nikmati dan disajikan dengan penuh emosi, sebarkan pengetahuan kepad kalayak umum , jika anda merupakan pemerhati dunia internet dan pemerhati kemajuan informasi, maka jangan lupa follow blog ini dan sebarkan apa yang baca, karena pada dasarnya informasi adalah hak bagi semua manusia, selamat membaca dan selamat beraktifitas, blog post ini semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda semua, sampai juga di post post dan berita berita selanjutnya, dukung terus perkembangan blog.

Dua beranak warga Iran dijatuhi hukuman gantung sampai mati oleh Mahkamah Tinggi di Shah Alam, hari ini selepas didapati bersalah mengedar 2.5 kilogram dadah jenis methamphetamine di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa KL (KLIA), Sepang, 3 tahun lepas.

Hakim Datuk Ghazali Cha menjatuhkan hukuman itu selepas berpuas hati yang pihak pembelaan gagal menimbulkan keraguan munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan membabitkan kedua-dua wanita itu.

Sejurus mahkamah membuat keputusan itu, Tayebeh Abbasali Najafi, 36, dilihat memujuk ibunya Parvin Yousef Ilanlou, 57, yang menangis teresak-esak dengan hukuman berkenaan.

Tayebeh didakwa mengedar 1297.5 gram methamphetamine di kawasan pintu keluar Pemeriksaan Kastam, Balai Ketibaan Antarabangsa KLIA pada 25 September 2012.

Parvin pula didakwa mengedar 1245.6 gram dadah jenis sama di tempat, masa dan tarikh sama.

Kedua-dua beranak itu didakwa mengikut Seksyen 39B (1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan dihukum mengikut Seksyen 39B (2) akta sama yang memperuntukkan hukuman mati mandatori jika sabit kesalahan.

Seramai 5 saksi pendakwaan dan 2 saksi pembelaan dipanggil memberi keterangan sepanjang perbicaraan.

Pendakwaan dikendalikan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Selangor Siti Noorbaya Jamil sementara dua beranak itu diwakili peguam Muhammad Zaim Azfar Jalaludin. – Bernama

from Lagi Berita http://ift.tt/1N0smF0
Berita malaysia terbaru - terkini - terpopular siap di nikmati dan disajikan dengan penuh emosi, sebarkan pengetahuan kepad kalayak umum , jika anda merupakan pemerhati dunia internet dan pemerhati kemajuan informasi, maka jangan lupa follow blog ini dan sebarkan apa yang baca, karena pada dasarnya informasi adalah hak bagi semua manusia, selamat membaca dan selamat beraktifitas, blog post ini semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda semua, sampai juga di post post dan berita berita selanjutnya, dukung terus perkembangan blog.


When I played the preview build for Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan a few months ago, I was most amazed by how it made me care about the storyline and characters in a beat 'em up. Not that I didn't enjoy the combat, which involved mid-air combos and flinging flaming lions and people's faces. Still, it was that careful mixture of narrative and over-the-top combat, blended so that one didn't overshadow the other, that showed the unique skills of the developers at Kiro'o Games. To complete that vision, they've recently turned to Kickstarter, hoping to raise funds to help further develop the game. Consider taking a peek if you want to see more of the fantasy world they're woven for their game as well as the involved combat style.

For more information on Kiro'o Games and Aurion, Legacy of the Kori-Odan, you can go to the developer's website or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and YouTube.

from IndieGames.com http://ift.tt/1FDCS2B
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

ADATA Technology, a leading manufacturer of high performance DRAM modules and NAND Flash application products, today launched Premier DDR4 2133 SO-DIMM memory, optimized for best performance with new Intel Skylake processors and their chipsets, as well as the Haswell-E platform. ADATA is keen to expand DDR4 adoption and encourage the move to a new generation of DRAM on notebooks, as DDR4 offers outstanding performance and greater power efficiency, assured by meticulous ADATA testing and backed by a limited lifetime warranty.

ADATA Premier DDR4 2133 SO-DIMM modules are offered in 4GB and 8GB densities, both clocked to a high speed 2133 MHz. This represents a performance boost over DDR3, which on notebooks has typically been clocked at 1333 MHz or 1600 MHz. DDR4 therefore brings a new phase in computer memory performance and just as with desktop PCs, ADATA believes notebook users stand to gain much by choosing DDR4. This applies to new notebooks that ship with DDR4 and importantly as an upgrade option for notebooks that are compatible with DDR4 but purchased with DDR3 for cost reasons. ADATA encourages users to upgrade to DDR4 to enjoy the benefits of this essential technological advancement in personal computing.

from techPowerUp! http://ift.tt/1P5gUY8
via Techpowerup is my favorite place to get more review and the computer hardware part review, the review and the news is just so good, i really recommend you to visit the original page to read the full story about what the news beast and what the site talking about, enjoy the computer hardware part information online, visa techpowerup, i hope someday i will easily buying the new list item on the review list, just to make very beast computer rig, to encode the x264, that will kicking some ass... be ready

The demand for increasingly small, but high-performance PC solutions has now been met by four versions of Shuttle's NC01U model. These 29 mm slim barebones are based on the latest Broadwell generation of Intel processors. In order to cover as many areas of application as possible, they come with a selection of soldered processors ranging from Celeron, Core i3, Core i5 to even Core i7.

Their array of connectivity options helps them stand out from the crowd of NUC form factor machines. The NC01U features a Mini-DisplayPort, HDMI, Intel Gigabit Ethernet, audio, USB 3.0, USB 2.0, RS-232 and an M.2 slot. A replaceable wireless combo module for WLAN (802.11ac) and Bluetooth connectivity also comes already fitted. The case can accommodate one 2.5" drive (SSD or HDD). The two USB 3.0 ports on the front enable rapid charging of mobile devices. Each of the NC01U models can hold up to 16 GB of DDR3L SO-DIMM memory.

from techPowerUp! http://ift.tt/1FHJbBS
via Techpowerup is my favorite place to get more review and the computer hardware part review, the review and the news is just so good, i really recommend you to visit the original page to read the full story about what the news beast and what the site talking about, enjoy the computer hardware part information online, visa techpowerup, i hope someday i will easily buying the new list item on the review list, just to make very beast computer rig, to encode the x264, that will kicking some ass... be ready

TechPowerUp presents its very own YouTube channel! We take you on a journey though the very latest in the world of tech, with news, views, previews, and more. We're thrilled to present one of our first official videos. We're still learning, and welcome any and every feedback on what you'd expect from the moving-images version of your favorite tech site.

from techPowerUp! http://ift.tt/1jxsq2A
via Techpowerup is my favorite place to get more review and the computer hardware part review, the review and the news is just so good, i really recommend you to visit the original page to read the full story about what the news beast and what the site talking about, enjoy the computer hardware part information online, visa techpowerup, i hope someday i will easily buying the new list item on the review list, just to make very beast computer rig, to encode the x264, that will kicking some ass... be ready

Berikut ini adalah berita malaysia dan informasi terbaru hari ini untuk pemerintah diraja malaysia, selamat membaca, dan jangan lupa berikan komentar dan berikan pendapat anda tentang apa yang anda baca hari ini. selamat beraktifitas

Dalam satu kenyataan media semalam yang telah diadakan di Pejabat Keadilan di Seberang Jaya oleh Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) Pulau Pinang dan Wanita Keadilan Pulau Pinang yang kini mempunyai jawatan dalam kerajaan negeri supaya melepaskan jawatan sebelum hujung tahun ini. 

Menurut ketua AMK Pulau Pinang, Asrol Sani Abd Razak, ini adalah ekoran dari kenyataan Ketua Menteri telah mengisytiharkan Pulau Pinang sebagai kerajaan Pakatan Harapan.

Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) Pulau Pinang dan Wanita Keadilan Pulau Pinang menyokong penuh keputusan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng yang mengisytiharkan Pulau Pinang sebagai sebuah kerajaan Pakatan Harapan dokongan DAP, PKR dan Amanah.

"Saya mahu mereka (pemimpin Pas) melepaskan jawatan mereka, termasuk Salleh Man yang merupakan pemimpin Pas. Mereka diberi tempoh sehingga hujung tahun ini," kata Asrol.

Asrol turut menyentuh mengenai kedudukan Yang Dipertua Majlis Agama Islam Pulau Pinang (MAIPP) yang kini disandang oleh pemimpin Pas akan digantikan dengan pemimpin dari PKR yang kini sedang memegang jawatan sebagai timbalan tersebut apabila tempoh jawatan berkenaan akan tamat hujung tahun ini.

Asrol yang ditanya pemberita adakah perkara ini telah dibawa ke pihak atasan memaklumkan, pihaknya telah membuat surat mengenai jawatan tersebut dan akan mengadakan satu mensyuarat bagi membincangkan mengenai perkara tersebut.

Itu adalah apa yang telah dilaporkan oleh sebuah portal berita semalam..

Berikut adalah kenyataan media pihak AMK dan Wanita KeAdilan Pulau Pinang sebagai pengesahan portal yang melaporkannya tidak memutar belit ayat..

Berikut adalah jawapan Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail bila ditanya mengenai perkara ini..

"Itu adalah pandangan peribadi mereka bukan pendirian parti,"  
"Mereka (PKR Pulau Pinang) ini 'isolated' jadi, ia hanya kenyataan mereka. Tapi ia tidak menjejaskan (hubungan PKR dengan Pas) kerana kita masih lagi meletakkan Datuk Salleh Man di tempatnya...tidak menjejaskan apa-apa.  
"(Kenyataan seperti itu memburukkan keadaan?) Kitakan parti terbuka, bolehlah jika nak cakap luahkan isi hati," katanya

Memandai-mandai rupa-rupanya AMK dan Wanita Penang ni..

from Anak Sungai Derhaka http://ift.tt/1iKyoMC

DinoSteam.jpgHaving already covered Pixeljam's unique Dino Run crowdfunder, I simply had to let you indie loving playful people know that Dino Run DX and its endangered, fast and lovingly pixelated dinosaurs have finally made it on Steam for Windows and Mac. This new version raises the multiplayer level cap to 20, adds 10 new hairstyles, raises the race limit to 6 and then goes on to add proper fullscreen and controller support, Steam achievements and leaderboards, improved graphics, more hats, more colours and, well, more.

from IndieGames.com http://ift.tt/1O7dWmH
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Suami OKU Akui Isteri Pukul & Sembur Racun Serangga Pada Dirinya | Seorang lelaki orang kurang upaya yang pekak dan bisu memberitahu Mahkamah Majistret Kota Bharu hari ini, dia dipukul oleh bekas isterinya dengan menggunakan penyangkut baju pada lengan serta bahu.

Suami OKU Akui Isteri Pukul & Sembur Racun Serangga Pada Dirinya

Tidak cukup dengan itu, Mohd Bazely Mohamed, 28, mendakwa wanita terbabit, Noor Ashiqin Azmi, 26, turut menderanya dan sering menyemburnya dengan penyembur nyamuk.

“Malam itu, saya bergaduh dengan isteri sebab dia mahu mengambil selimut yang ada dengan saya. Saya kata ‘sekejap’, tiba-tiba dia dah ambil penyangkut baju dan terus memukul saya. Dia juga sembur saya dengan Ridsect,” katanya.

Noor Ashiqin berdepan dakwaan dengan sengaja menyebabkan cedera kepada mangsa dengan menggunakan penyangkut baju plastik di rumah sewa mereka di alamat Flat Hijau, Bandar Baru Kubang Kerian, di sini, pada jam 12 tengah malam, 5 November 2014.

Tertuduh mengaku tidak bersalah ketika kali pertama dihadapkan ke mahkamah pada 8 Disember 2014 dan memohon untuk dibicarakan. Hari ini merupakan hari kedua perbicaraan pada peringkat pendakwaan dengan memanggil mangsa sebagai saksi ketiga yang memberi keterangan.

Prosiding menggunakan khidmat jurubahasa isyarat untuk menterjemahkan soalan daripada pihak pendakwaan yang diwakili Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Kelantan, Mohd Syahrun Nizam Mohd Misan dan peguam bela, Mohd Faizal Hazim Abdul Rahman bagi pihak tertuduh.

Mohd Bazely juga menjawab setiap soalan dengan menggunakan bahasa isyarat yang kemudiannya diterjemahkan jurubahasa itu kepada mahkamah.

Ketika disoal Mohd Syahrun berapa kali kejadian pukul itu berlaku dan mangsa memberitahu kejadian pukul tersebut kali pertama berlaku.

“Sebelum ini tidak pernah pukul, tetapi dia selalu pengang penyembur nyamuk dan akan menyembur ke arah saya termasuk ketika saya berada di dalam bilik air,” katanya.

Sementara itu, ketika disoal balas Mohd Faizal yang mendakwa mangsa pernah mengasari isterinya serta menolak tertuduh hingga keguguran sebelum kejadian pukul itu, Mohd Bazely bagaimanapun menafikannya.

“Adalah tolak sikit, tetapi tidaklah sampai terjatuh dan setahu saya dia tidak pernah mengandung. Tak ada dan saya tidak tahu pun dia mengandung,” katanya.

Mohd Faizal juga mencadangkan, tertuduh menyembur penyembur nyamuk ketika mangsa berada di dalam bilik air bertujuan supaya mangsa cepat keluar dari bilik air dan bukan mahu menderanya, namun perkara itu tidak dipersetujui mangsa kerana dia menggunakan isyarat tutup buka suis lampu jika ada orang yang mahu menggunakan tandas ketika dia menggunakannya.

Mohd Bazely pada perbicaraan itu turut mengaku menghidap penyakit sawan, namun penyakit itu menyerang pada siang hari sebelum berlaku pergaduhan dengan bekas isteri itu.

Perbicaraan di hadapan Majistret, Mohamad Nasrudin Mohamed bersambung 24 November depan.


from KeZooM http://ift.tt/1VmqsmJ
via Kezoom
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Berikut ini adalah berita malaysia dan informasi terbaru hari ini untuk pemerintah diraja malaysia, selamat membaca, dan jangan lupa berikan komentar dan berikan pendapat anda tentang apa yang anda baca hari ini. selamat beraktifitas

Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia (Gerakan) dan MCA mahu parti DAP bertaubat dan meminta maaf kerana menjadi dalang mencetuskan api perkauman semasa perhimpunan BERSIH 4.0.

Setiausaha Agung Gerakan, Datuk Liang Teck Meng berkata, perhimpunan itu jelas dirampas sepenuhnya oleh DAP dengan niat buruk mencapai agenda politik mereka melalui kuasa demonstrasi jalanan.

"Demonstrasi BERSIH 1, 2 dan 3 sebelum ini tidak menerima apa-apa tindak balas politik kerana sentimen perkauman dan keagamaan tidak diusik. Dalam BERSIH 4.0 yang didalangi DAP para penyokongnya memijak gambar pemimpin Melayu (Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang).

"Selain itu, mereka (penyokong DAP) buat istiadat pengebumian, memukul gambar guna penyapu dan ia menyinggung emosi orang Melayu," ujarnya pada sidang media bersama Ketua Biro Agama MCA, Datuk Ti Lian Ker di sini hari ini.

Menurut Teck Meng yang juga Ahli Parlimen Simpang Renggam, tindakan itu mencetuskan tindak balas berbau perkauman iaitu perhimpunan baju merah pada 16 September lalu.

Malah ada peserta dalam Himpunan Melayu Bersatu itu memegang sepanduk supaya menghapuskan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) yang padanya juga akan mencetuskan rasa kurang senang kaum Cina.

"Kami juga ingin menegur pelampau demonstrasi baju merah kerana ada dalam kalangan mereka juga membuat perkara yang berbau perkauman seperti kes Petaling Street," jelasnya.

Dalam pada itu, Lian Ker memuji tindakan Polis Diraja Malaysia kerana bertindak tegas ke atas dalang kedua-dua perhimpunan sama ada BERSIH 4.0 dan baju merah.

"Kami ingin mengingatkan penyokong DAP dan baju merah supaya menghentikan tindakan negatif mereka dengan segera dan pihak berkuasa perlu ambil tindakan tegas," katanya.--MalaysiaGazette

from Anak Sungai Derhaka http://ift.tt/1MFpeLH

Mahkamah Keluar Waran Baru Tangkap Putri Mardiana | Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Gombak Timur mengeluarkan waran tangkap baru terhadap pelakon Putri Mardiana Zainal Abidin dan pasangannya Shahrizam Abdullah selepas mereka gagal hadir pada sebutan kes khalwat, semalam.

Mahkamah Keluar Waran Baru Tangkap Putri Mardiana

Hakim Syarie Shaiful Azli Jamaludin juga mengarahkan waran tangkap itu dilaksanakan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) selepas kedua-dua tertuduh tidak hadir ke mahkamah tanpa maklumat meskipun waran tangkap dikeluarkan pada 25 Ogos lalu.

Mahkamah menetapkan 17 November depan untuk sebutan kes.

Pada awal prosiding, Pendakwa Syarie Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) Mohamad Saufi Mastor Lani memaklumkan kepada mahkamah, waran tangkap dikeluarkan pada tarikh lalu gagal dilaksanakan Pegawai Penguat Kuasa Agama (PPA) JAIS lalu memohon waran tangkap baru dilaksanakan PDRM.

Pada 25 Ogos lalu, mahkamah sama mengeluarkan waran tangkap terhadap pelakon filem Ngangkung itu dan Shahrizam selepas tidak hadir tanpa mengemukakan alasan munasabah kepada mahkamah.

Malah waran tangkap turut dikeluarkan kepada penjamin Putri Mardiana yang sepatutnya hadir pada sebutan kes berkenaan.

Pada 23 Jun lalu, Putri Mardiana, 34, dan Shahrizam, 31, mengaku tidak bersalah atas tuduhan berkhalwat dan dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin RM1,500 setiap seorang.

Mengikut pertuduhan, mereka didakwa melakukan perbuatan itu di premis kediaman beralamat C-05-08 Jalan UP 1/1D Jalan Ukay Perdana, Hulu Klang pada jam 3.03 pagi, 14 Disember 2014.


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AMD today introduced its most powerful line of AMD PRO A-Series mobile and desktop processors (formerly codenamed "Carrizo PRO" and "Godavari PRO") to deliver exceptional value and performance for today's challenging workloads. The new line of AMD PRO A-Series processors offer enhanced performance, reliability and opportunity to business users and IT decision makers and are designed for the future with Microsoft Windows 10. With its AMD PRO mobile processors, AMD powers some of the first-to-market Windows 10-enabled commercial notebook systems for those looking to upgrade.

"The innovative architecture of new AMD PRO processors delivers compelling performance to stay ahead of the evolving demands of business today," said Jim Anderson, senior vice president and general manager, computing and graphics, AMD. "Going PRO with AMD means unmatched dependability with platform stability, processor longevity and an opportunity for richer system configurations. AMD gives its customers choice and affordability to meet specific business needs, without compromising the ability to manage and maintain a secure, stable, and reliable environment."

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FinalWire Ltd. today announced the immediate availability of AIDA64 Extreme 5.50 software, a streamlined diagnostic and benchmarking tool for home users; the immediate availability of AIDA64 Engineer 5.50 software, a professional diagnostic and benchmarking solution for corporate IT technicians and engineers; the immediate availability of AIDA64 Business 5.50 software, an essential network management solution for small and medium scale enterprises; and the immediate availability of AIDA64 Network Audit 5.50 software, a dedicated network audit toolset to collect and manage corporate network inventories.

The latest AIDA64 update introduces monitoring of sensor values on RGB LED keyboards, implements enhanced support for Intel NVMe SSDs and LGA-1151 motherboards, and supports the latest graphics and GPGPU computing technologies by both AMD and nVIDIA.
DOWNLOAD: FinalWire AIDA64 v5.50

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Al Fatihah, Adik Dalili Akhirnya Kembali Ke Rahmatullah | Adik Nur Syafiqah Dalili, 2, yang menghidap biliary atresia (kegagalan fungsi hati) yang menjalani pembedahan pemindahan hati di China Ahad lalu disahkan telah meninggal dunia awal pagi tadi.

Al Fatihah, Adik Dalili Akhirnya Kembali Ke Rahmatullah

Perkara berkenaan disahkan ayahnya, Mohd Razali Shamsuddin, 39, menerusi aplikasi WhatsApp sebentar tadi.

"Berita mengatakan Dalili dah tak ada tu memang benar. Dia menghembukan nafas terakhir kira-kira jam 2.06 pagi tadi (waktu tempatan).

"Dua hari pertama pembedahan semuanya berjalan lancar...tetapi hari ketiga dia mula demam. Hari keempat, hanya ALLAH yang maha mengetahui, " katanya.

Dalili telah selamat menjalani pembedahan pemindahan hati bersama bapanya merupakan penderma.

Mereka sekeluarga berlepas ke Hospital Renji 3 September lalu.

Tambahnya, mereka perlu menyelesaikan beberapa urusan hospital terlebih dahulu sebelum dapat membawa pulang jenazah Dalili.

"Bila urusan dekat sini selesai, baru boleh dibawa balik," katanya.


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Because no two system builds are identical, CableMod, the premier purveyor of premium PC cables, is all about offering our users more options to better suit their individual style. We began by offering a wide range of color options, and then launched a series of DIY extensions where users could customize each and every wire as they saw fit. In that vein, CableMod is happy to announce a brand new cable configuration for users who just want the basics - CableMod Basic Cable Kits.

CableMod Basic Cable Kits come with four cables that cover the most popular cable types, including one 24-pin ATX, one 4+4 pin EPS, and two 6+2 PCI-e cables. These cables are easily the most visible cables in a typical system build, which makes these basic kits ideal for users who don't need or want all of the cables included in our full kits. CableMod Basic Kits are also offered at a lower price point than our full kits, which makes them a fantastic entry point for users who want to spruce up their systems on a budget.

from techPowerUp! http://ift.tt/1O6UNRO
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Dini janji sulu, semaya tua
Dini janji tua ka begulai sama
Agi aku ingat...
Meruan aku ingat...

Tekenyit ku ninga
Nuan madahka aku
Nuan deka jadi enggau ia, Sulu...

Pedis ati aku, telih ati aku
More On: http://ift.tt/1vwIs1x
Ba rami seduai, ku meda nuan
Begaun burak, nuan tetuchum

Atiku enda nyamai, maya nuan malik
Sepiak nuan...bediri ukai aku

Atiku nyabak...tang nadai didinga
Telih bedarah...enda dipeda mata


Repeat [2][1], Woohooo...
Repeat [1], Woohooo...

Iya nyium nuan, iya merap nuan
Asai ditangas, di dalam dadaku [2x]
Asai ditangas, di dalam dadaku...

Lirik Lagu Iban: Sepiak Nuan Ukai Aku - Gagung Kirai

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Gagung Kirai << - http://ift.tt/1vwIs1x

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://ift.tt/1O6u7AR
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

[1] A:
Tuboh mesti nyaga tuboh
Sigi pengerai, enti bisi pansut peluh

[2] J:
Ati mesti senang belama
Ngambi penyakit, enda berani tama

Sama seretai, aram-aram sama nyerata
Ngambi ke tuboh kitai manah di peda
More On: http://ift.tt/1vwIs1x
[3] J:
Sama sereta, ayun jari singkang ke kaki
Ngambi ke isi berasai lempong berari

[4] A:
Anang enda sayau anang enda ngintu
Pengerai diri di jaga selalu
Pikir runding ati mujur penemu

[5] J:
Anang enda nangi mesti bepenti
Kencing manis enggau darah tinggi
Apin tekena mesti ka nyikap diri

Repeat [1][2][3][4][5]

Lirik Lagu Iban: Nyaga Pengerai - Angela Lata Jua & James Ruai

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Angela Lata Jua & James Ruai << - http://ift.tt/1vwIs1x

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://ift.tt/1KQvUnF
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Bisi siti cerita, cerita siko nemiyak
Nama iya Keling Timpang, udah ditinggal apai
Kasih amat urang meda Keling Timpang
Tubuh kurus kering mita nyau tampak tulang

Keling nadai sekulah, tiap ari nurun nginti
Diau udah dunya IT iya enda nemu A.B.C
Mina nemu ngiga ikan ngaga umai
Ujan angat celap iya agi ba paya
More On: http://ift.tt/1vwIs1x

Keling enda baka urang bukai
Tusah lelak agi meh iya tuchum tuchum
Endang sigi udah gaya ya
Tubuh kurus tang gamal sigat

Keling enda manchal enda ya kera
Ia manah enggau semua urang
Ari mit idup enggau aki iya
Always very very nice looking

Taun betukar taun keling agi
Baka suba tubuh agi kurus kering
Nurun pagi pulai lemai
Amat nasip keling jadi
Enggau kumang anak maioh
Bisi dua belas urang

Lirik Lagu Iban: Keling Timpang - Harry (Acid Rain)

>> Click Here for more Lirik Lagu Iban: Harry (Acid Rain) << - http://ift.tt/1vwIs1x

from Lirik Lagu Iban! http://ift.tt/1jvTKya
via Lyrik Lagu Terbaru Terupdate Song Chart - Song Lyric - Lirik Lagu

Davey Wreden, writer of The Stanley Parable, will be releasing his newest game, the narrative adventure called The Beginner's Guide. Foregoing traditional mechanics and gameplay, the title will instead focus on the story of a person struggling to deal with something they cannot understand.

The game will launch on October 1st on Steam and Humble, from Everything Unlimited, Ltd., Wreden's new banner for personal work. His Stanley Parable collaborator William Pugh will not be involved, thus the game not being released as a Galactic Cafe production.

More details are expected to be released as the game comes closer to launch. Fans of The Stanley Parable will likely want to keep this on their radar, as I have no doubt Wreden's excellent writing will be true to form in The Beginner's Guide.

from IndieGames.com http://ift.tt/1WvQWiL
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

30 - September - 2015


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AMD today announced multiple new discrete AMD Embedded Radeon graphics options suitable for multiple form factors. The suite of products is specifically designed to advance the visual and parallel processing capabilities of embedded applications. The graphics cards represent continued AMD commitment to embedded market innovation, providing engineers with more choices to achieve their design goals, from leading performance to energy efficiency.

The new offerings cover a broad range of needs, from 192 GFLOPS to 3 TFLOPS of single precision performance, and from 20 to less than 95 watts of thermal design power. The products are offered as a Multi-Chip Module (MCM), Mobile PCI Express Module (MXM) and PCIe options, with AMD offering the only MCM solutions. All of these products offer extended support and longevity. The new discrete graphics cards offer the right balance of performance, power and graphics memory size, to meet the needs of most customers.

"The demand for rich, vibrant graphics in embedded systems is greater than ever before, and that demand is growing," said Scott Aylor, corporate vice president and general manager, AMD Embedded Solutions. "Our latest additions to the embedded product lineup help designers build mesmerizing user experiences with 4K multi-screen installations and 3-D and interactive displays. In addition, the powerful capabilities of our GPUs can address the toughest parallel compute challenges."

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NVIDIA today announced that Microsoft will offer NVIDIA GPU-enabled professional graphics applications and accelerated computing capabilities to customers worldwide through its cloud platform, Microsoft Azure. Deploying the latest version of NVIDIA GRID in its new N-Series virtual machine offering, Azure is the first cloud computing platform to provide NVIDIA GRID 2.0 virtualized graphics for enterprise customers.

For the first time, businesses will have the ability to deploy NVIDIA Quadro-grade professional graphics applications and accelerated computing on-premises, in the cloud through Azure, or via a hybrid of the two using both Windows and Linux virtual machines. Azure will also offer customers supercomputing-class performance, with the addition of the NVIDIA Tesla Accelerated Computing Platform's flagship Tesla K80 GPU accelerators, for the most computationally demanding data center and high performance computing (HPC) applications.

from techPowerUp! http://ift.tt/1h7kqDy
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Bekas menteri besar Selangor, Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 12 bulan bermula hari ini kerana menyalahgunakan pengaruhnya ketika mentadbir negeri itu untuk membeli sebidang tanah dan banglo pada 2007.

Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan Tan Sri Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin yang menyampaikan keputusan itu juga mengekalkan keputusan mahkamah lebih rendah melucutkan hak terhadap hartanah berenaan.

Hakim berkata, khidmat masyarakat seperti dicadangkan peguam Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah tidak sesuai dalam kes ini.

“Hukuman seumpama itu akan menjejaskan keyakinan rakyat kepada kerajaan,” katanya.

Zulkefli berkata Dr Khir sebagai penjawat awam menyalahgunakan kedudukannya untuk mengambil hartanah tanpa pertimbangan secukupnya.

Dr Khir boleh memohon mendapatkan pengampunan daripada Sultan Selangor.

Minggu lalu, Mahkamah Persekutuan menolak rayuan Dr Khir selepas panel hakim mengekalkan sabitan yang dibuat mahkamah rendah.

Hakim Tan Sri Jeffrey Tan Kok Hwa yang menyampaikan keputusan sebulat suara panel 5 hakim berkata pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan kes itu.

“Semua perkara dalam pertuduhan sudah dibuktikan, termasuk sama ada beliau penjawat awam atau tidak,” katanya ketika menyampaikan keputusan.

Dr Khir tenang ketika penghakiman hukuman dibacakan dalam mahkamah yang penuh sesak dengan ahli keluarga, penyokong dan media.

Beliau akan menjalani hukuman di Penjara Kajang.

Dr Khir sebelum ini diikat jamin RM750,000 sehingga rayuannya selesai.

Shafee ketika ditemui wartawan berkata Dr Khir mungkin kehilangan pencennya sebagai bekas menteri besar dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Pasir Panjang.

Undang-undang menyatakan mana-mana wakil rakyat atau bekas wakil rakyat yang didenda RM2,000, atau dipenjarakan minimum 12 bulan akan hilang ganjaran mereka.

Shafee berkata pengampunan adalah satu pilihan tetapi pihak pembelaan sedang melihat kemungkinan lain yang masih belum boleh didedahkan.

Difahamkan pilihan lain ialah memohon semakan terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan berasaskan kepada ketidakadilan kepada tertuduh.

“Kami terkejut dengan sabitan bersalah oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan kerana kami mengharapkan beliau dibebaskan. Kami juga berharap hukuman lebih ringan selepas mahkamah ini pada minggu lalu mengekalkan sabitan,” katanya.

Shafee berkata, beliau diarahkan anak guamnya untuk memulakan prosiding menghina mahkamah terhadap akhbar The Sun kerana menyiarkan 2 artikel bertujuan mempengaruhi hakim.

Dalam penghakiman hari ini, Zulkefli berkata rasuah dalam apa juga cara dan bentuk tidak boleh diterima dan denda saja tidak akan memberikan pengajaran.

“Begitu juga khidmat masyarakat. Dalam apa juga keadaan, khidmat masyarakat hanya pilihan dalam kes membabitkan pesalah muda dan tidak terpakai kepada perayu (Dr Khir),” katanya.

Hakim berkata, penjara adalah hukuman yang tepat dan sesuai walaupun pihak pendakwa tidak merayu untuk hukuman lebih berat. – TMI

from Lagi Berita http://ift.tt/1juqMP5
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Bukan semua pengundi daripada masyarakat Cina menyokong DAP, dakwa Naib Presiden PAS Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah.

Timbalan menteri besar Kelantan itu berkata ini berdasarkan kaji selidik dijalankan PAS selepas parti itu mengesahkan  memutuskan hubungan dengan DAP pada muktamar tahunannya Jun lepas.

"Jangan ada tanggapan semua orang Cina sokong DAP ... DAP juga tidak boleh menganggap dia mendapat sokongan (100%) daripada masyarakat Cina (ketika  ini)," katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di pejabatnya di Kota Darul Naim, Kota Baru, hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas mengenai sokongan masyarakat Cina terhadap parti itu selepas PAS tidak menyertai Pakatan Harapan yang ditubuhkan pada minggu lepas dan dianggotai PKR, DAP dan parti yang dalam proses didaftarkan Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah).

Amar mendakwa bukan semua masyarakat Cina marah kepada PAS selepas parti itu tidak lagi menjalin sebarang kerjasama dengan DAP.

"Dalam konteks masyarakat Cina di Kelantan, masih elok hubungan (masyarakat itu) dan (mereka) masih menyokong PAS. (Ia berdasarkan) kaji selidik yang kita buat.

"Ada (dakwaan) yang cakap bila PAS berpecah dengan DAP sekali gus menyebabkan masyarakat itu menolak PAS, itu tidak betul. Bukan semua yang marah kepada PAS," katanya.

Ditanya mengenai hasrat Amanah untuk bertanding di 6 kerusi Parlimen di seluruh negara termasuk Parlimen Kuala Krai, Amar berkata segala kenyataan yang dibuat oleh pihak penaja parti itu adalah bohong semata-mata.

"Dulu dia (Amanah dakwa) tidak akan ganggu PAS di Kelantan. Kalau betul-betul mereka nak bantu PAS, dia patut biar PAS (sahaja) bertanding di Kelantan," katanya. – Bernama

from Lagi Berita http://ift.tt/1VoNhAX
Berita malaysia terbaru - terkini - terpopular siap di nikmati dan disajikan dengan penuh emosi, sebarkan pengetahuan kepad kalayak umum , jika anda merupakan pemerhati dunia internet dan pemerhati kemajuan informasi, maka jangan lupa follow blog ini dan sebarkan apa yang baca, karena pada dasarnya informasi adalah hak bagi semua manusia, selamat membaca dan selamat beraktifitas, blog post ini semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda semua, sampai juga di post post dan berita berita selanjutnya, dukung terus perkembangan blog.

80daysPC.pngAfter popularizing interactive fiction on iOS and Android, Inkle's wonderful globetrotting adventure / steampunk retelling of Jule Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days has finally made it to Steam, GOG and the Humble Store for Windows and Mac.

It's the same excellent game only better and bigger and rebuilt to fit properly sized monitors. New secrets, cities, characters and adventures have been added to the already brilliant vignettes and exotic locales and you'll thus be able to visit the Moon, a floating village and, maybe, Atlantis, while trying to circle the globe as fast as possible.

Airships, mechanical camels, submarines, steam-cars, retro futuristic trains and more will become available to you as you explore cities, unlock routes, buy and sell monocles and run into all sorts of trouble. Apparently you'll even be able to join forces with Europe's most notorious jewel thief and play a hand of poker with an equally notorious billionaire.

If you haven't tried 80 Days on a phone or a tablet, well, now's your chance and if you have here's what's new and should also be coming to touch devices on October 1. Also, here's a trailer:

from IndieGames.com http://ift.tt/1KOvzRj
via IndieGaming, visit and read the original first posting to get complete and more detail about this article, support the independence Gaming , Enjoy

Corsair, the most awarded and recommended PC power supply brand in the world1, today announced the release of its new RMx Series of 80 Plus Gold certified PC power supplies, continuing Corsair's legacy of delivering superior power to drive today's most demanding high performance PCs. Boasting 80 Plus Gold efficiency, silent Zero-RPM fan mode, fully modular cables and premium components throughout, the RMx series offers the high-end features needed to power an enthusiast PC at a fantastic price. The RMx series of PSUs is available immediately in 550W, 650W, 750W, 850W and 1000W capacities.

The new RMx Series PSUs provide the extremely high-quality electrical performance and tight voltage regulation that discerning enthusiast's demand, using only industry-leading 105°C rated Japanese capacitors and specifically selected premium components to ensure long-term reliability and stability under even the most demanding conditions. Their high quality components also allows RMx PSUs to deliver power at 80 Plus Gold rated efficiency of up to 90% or better, generating less heat and lowering operating costs.

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Bebulan betaun aku ninggal ke rumah panjai
Laban ati aku ransing deka ngiga penyamai
Tang kati ko baka sebedau ku bulih utai
Nuan lalu ninggal ke aku nadai ampun ndang, beapai indai

Enggang sama enggang, biar pipit sama pipit
Tunang nuan ku tunang sayau ke nuan oh indu jegit

Bekuli ke Berunai aku ngiga ke utai
Nyangka nya ngasuh nuan encelak mata badu ngerambit
Mimit nuan enda malik meda utai bai ku pulai
Nyangka mata nuan sulu ditampal duit beribu ringgit
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Mayau sama mayau, biar chit sama chit
Sayau nuan ku sayau, tang sayau nuan gila duit

Bekerja di kem batang di sebelah Batang Rajang
Ngiga puko ti di kena tua ila betunang
Tekenyit aku ninga, nuan jadi udah betaban
Nyangka ati nuan sulu udah dijayau ngau kunci lipan

Pinang sama pinang, biar upih sama upih
Kumang nuan tu kumang, tang sayau nuan ka ngiga lebih

Enti induk ya bajik, semina diempu urang kaya
Kati kami ti merinsa enda di palih ke kita
Tang induk di dunya nda semua iya sebaka
Bisi ati iya manah, matuh agi ngila pengeraja

Selasih padi selasih, biar pulut sama pulut
Kasih nuan ku kasih sayau nuan enda nyaga mulut

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Beribu-ribu bungai ngerembai di tasik madu
Beribu-ribu Kesulai datai datai ka nutu
Taja pen mayuh dara dipeda dalam dunya tu
Mina nuan siku dipilih aku ari seribu


Naka meh penguntung aku ila, enti ngempu nuan
Udah lama ku nyimpan pengerindu deka bepangan
Ukai semina pemajik nuan ngasuh ku ingin
Budi ngau basa cukup ba nuan, ngasuh ku gila
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Tasik ti besai aku semerai ngiga nuan ambai
Bukit ti tinggi aku ka niki, nitih ke nuan
Lama laun aku tetap datai ngambi nuan ambai
Mai pengerindu enggau jako janji, mai nuan jadi

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Puas ku meda puas ku ngiga
Malik ku kiba malik ku kanan
Bejalai ke ulu bejalai ke ili
Induk dayak endang pengabis mananh

Bebudi basa dalam penemu
Jako iya lembut pandai begaya
Enda milih bnasa Iban Bidayuh
Dara menua dara nenggeri
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Peda ku meda enda aku leju
Mua iya bajik ngasuh ku rindu
Sapakah nama ni alai rumah
Enti sudi padah meh oh wai dara


Dara menua dara nenggeri
Mentas semua bebudi basa
Bajik semua Dara Sarawak
Ngasuh atiku kelalu geram

Enti nuan suka tua sama suka
Tau meh madah ngau apai indai
Anang nuan laun, anang meh malu
Enggai ke nuan nyau putih mata

Peda ku medah enda ku leju
Mua iya bajik ngasuh ku rindu
Ni alai nadai ni alai ada
Dara Sarawak meh kedeka ati

Lirik Lagu Iban: Dara Sarawak - Harry (Acid Rain)

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Paul Franzen's A Stranger Comes Calling is a game about answering your front door. That's...not a lot to make a game about. That still didn't stop Franzen from creating a sprawling web of choices and consequences surrounding a knock at his door, making something funny out of a tiny anxiety many people have. Through a natural instinct for humor, a smart look at available resources, and a hint of the absurd, Franzen created a game that will leave some laughing while others scratching their heads at why the beardy man is talking into a Game Boy.

"I think A Stranger Comes Calling is the sort of game where either it clicks with you and you're into it right away, or it doesn't, and you just think it's the dumbest thing you've ever seen in your entire life." says Franzen. Humor, in all of its forms, is a challenging aspect for games. What makes one person laugh won't necessarily work on another, and absurdist humor can be especially difficult. Not everyone thinks a grown man cramming himself into a tiny cardboard box is funny, even when presented seriously in stark, crisp black-and-white.

Still, this humor, and the direction of the game in general, felt natural for Franzen. "So much of this game's design was totally instinctual. I knew the game had to be black-and-white; I knew I had to make stupid motions with my face whenever the character 'talked'. It was never so much a question of 'What should the game be?' as it was a statement of 'This is what the game is', period." Franzen didn't spend hours laboring over whether a joke would work with a set audience, but rather let a natural feel for silliness guide his work.


How silly can answering the door be, though? From Franzen's own life experience: very. "I work from home, so I'm always here to answer the door (or not) when someone comes calling. Not long ago, I answered the door for a guy holding a clipboard, and wearing a polo shirt advertising meat. Another time, it was a private investigator with the U.S. Department of State. I didn't catch him, but he left a business card and a handwritten note that said 'Call me ASAP about your landlord'." Franzen says. Strange things can happen when a stranger wants to talk, which Franzen channeled into a natural anxiety about answering the door in his game.

Ignoring the knock, pretending you're not home, and sneaking to a window to peek at who's there aren't especially rife with humorous possibility, though. Again, a natural instinct and desire to make people laugh got Franzen through. "So much of A Stranger Comes Calling's design was me writing on impulse, following whatever garden path of dumb ideas I strayed to. A lot of it also just came up during filming. 'Okay, I wedged my camera into the light fixture to get a weird angle, but something's missing. What's something else dumb I can do? Where are my stuffed animals?" Franzen says.

Still, Franzen was making a game about choice, and that required that he branch out into other responses. Part of the humor of the work stems from the serious arthouse look of the game, using striking camera angles and a deadpan look on his face to create an experience where the absurd stood out by contrast. The contrasting tones and the need for more choices gelled into the creation of some strange activities that came out of nowhere to surprise the player, as well as some funny interpretations of what seemed like normal responses.


One such surprise came from the protagonist, Awkward Steve, taking a soothing drink of soda tea, a life experience Franzen felt like sharing. "The 'soda tea' specifically was based on a real-life experiment that I would not say went especially well. There's a reason why God keeps Lipton's and ginger ale in different aisles in the supermarket; let's just say that." said Franzen. This was an option that became available when you could calm the player down with a drink of tea, but was just another example of how Franzen would slip something goofy in to make the player laugh through sheer surprise and through the absurdity of the action.

Other actions, while seemingly more normal than soda tea, involved hamming it up a little for humor. Shutting off the lights to make it look like no one was home involved some secret agent antics and a tense dive for the switch, all of which made a normal action that much more fun. Even at its most quiet and straightforward, A Stranger Comes Calling usually involves Franzen acting goofy in some minor way through small gestures or other small jokes. Franzen was not interested in filler scenes to keep the game going, instead using his sense of humor to keep the game interesting and fun for his players as well as for himself as a developer.

"Everything I do inevitably turns out silly; even in school I couldn't resist slipping dumb little jokes into my tests and papers, if for no reason other than to just keep me interested in the history of salt, or whatever. (Some teachers appreciated this more than others, if you can imagine.) I enjoy laughing and I really like making people laugh; and I mean without the comedy this would've just been a game about a guy answering the door. ...Which I guess it kind of is, anyway." Franzen says.


Not all of A Stranger Comes Calling's design stemmed from Franzen's desire to crack people up. Much of it actually came from looking at his capabilities and the limitations of his budget and resources. "Once I figured out my limitations--I'm the only actor, because I don't know anyone else to join in; I'm filming it in my house, because I'd be too embarrassed to do it where people could potentially see me, etc.--everything else sort of fell into place." Franzen says.

This was important, as while Franzen really wanted to make an FMV game, he looked at what he would be most capable of doing and set out to do that. Could he work within his limitations and still make his vision occur? "I've been going through a bit of an FMV kick lately (inspired by thrift stores always having random 90s FMV games for some reason--what's up, Critical Path; hello there, Quantum Gate). I thought it'd be cool to do something like that, one because I knew I could, using Ren'py, and two because there's nothing not fun about filming myself being a goofball."

Knowing the limits of his budget, programming skills, and resources not only meant that he could make his game easily and effectively, but it also helped guide the narrative and the gameplay. Franzen could play to his strengths, and the limits forced him to use his abilities creatively. He may not have had a crew to act in his FMV game, but he had himself and his instinct for humor and desire to make people laugh. He may not have had the equipment to film the game exactly as he desired, but he had programming skills with Ren'py and a phone that could record. He looked at what he had and made it work, creating a fun, silly game in the process.


Every developer feels a twinge of fear when their game hits the market. This was especially strong for Franzen, who was a little nervous that people would think he was being serious about all of this silly stuff. Again, absurdist humor doesn't click with everyone, and when you're hiding under a table while avoiding opening your front door, you do run the risk of people thinking you're just a ridiculous person - especially when you've gone out of your way to make your game look serious as part of the joke.

"My biggest concern was 'How are people going to take this? What in the world are they going to make of this dumb, dumb thing I'm making?' I wanted to make it obvious that I was in on the joke, too--I didn't want people to laugh at me, the creator; I wanted people to laugh at the Awkward Steve character. Relating to him is also acceptable. I used the goofy Abe Lincoln splash screen to try to set the tone for the game; I was really concerned that otherwise I'd be seen as taking myself too seriously, which is sort of the opposite reaction I was going for." says Franzen.

Through its arthouse look, silly choices, Franzen's instinct for humor, and a smart series of design decisions, Franzen has created something he hopes will at least make you smile. Whether it does or not, though, he's created a work that makes him happy. "A lot of it was just me trying to make my wife laugh. She was super into the game ("I almost died when I played it"), so even if it doesn't sell well, I'm pretty happy."

Can you really aspire to anything higher than being happy with something you've created?

A Stranger Comes Calling is available for $1.46 on Itch.io, and is looking for votes on Steam Greenlight. For more information on the game, Paul Franzen, and Oh, A Rock! Studios, you can head to the developer's site or follow them on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

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