Halloween party ideas 2015

beberapa fitur dari ROM ini:
# tampilan yg mirip Android Kitkat,
---- Launcher;
---- Icon;
---- Wallpaper;
---- Keyboard;
---- Calender;
---- Clock;
---- Status bar;
---- Notification Toggles;
---- Camera & Gallery;
---- Fonts;
---- Sounds;
---- Boot animation;
# Gapps terbaru;
# Init.d Tweaks,
# sudah ditambahkan Root;
# Busybox;

panduan penginstalan :
-download ROM di https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9y1CDj3hvZkYTZzcmtmNlBud28/edit?usp=sharing
-copy ROM ke SDcard;
-boot ke CWM;
-wipe cache;
-wipe Data;
-Instal Zip from SD card;
-ikuti proses hingga selesai.

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