MSI, leading in motherboard design, launches two new motherboards to fully utilize the power of the Intel Xeon E3 v5 series CPUs. The C236A WORKSTATION and C236M WORKSTATION motherboards are engineered to offer the best performance and stability for workstation, entry server and datacenter use, catering to the most demanding heavy-duty computer users.
MSI C236 WORKSTATION motherboards are optimized for professional and industrial use. Advanced PCB design, engineered using industry leading standards and the use of the highest quality components passing the most extreme quality validation, the C236A WORKSTATION and C236M WORKSTATION motherboards guarantee the best in performance and reliability. Designed and optimized for NVIDIA Quadro and AMD FirePro graphics cards multi-GPU setups, equipped with unique Steel Armor and optimal PCI Express slot placement ensure great efficiency and perfect stability for heavy duty computing.
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