Al Jazeera melaporkan..Sara Netanyahu, isteri kepada Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, telah disoal siasat oleh polis atas dakwaan menggunakan wang rakyat untuk perbelanjaan peribadi.
Wanita pertama Israel itu tiba di Unit Polis Anti Rasuah Israel di tengah bandar Lod, timur Tel Aviv, pada hari Khamis, untuk menjawab soalan mengenai sama ada dia menggunakan dana negeri untuk membiayai kerja-kerja penyelenggaraan dan perabot baru untuk rumah peribadi pasangan itu di bandar pantai yang eksklusif Caesarea.
Beliau juga disyaki telah menggunakan wang pembayar cukai untuk membayar untuk rawatan arwah ayahnya semasa dia tinggal di kediaman rasmi Jerusalem , menurut satu laporan agensi berita DPA .
Siasatan dilakukan berikutan laporan oleh pemerhati rasmi kerajaan yang mendedahkan secara terperinci perbelanjaan yang besar oleh pasangan Yahudi itu..
Wanita Pertama Yahudi itu turut dipersoalkan kerana sering berbelanja meewah dan bersikap kurang ajar terhadap kakitangannya.
Berikut adalah laporannya..
Sara Netanyahu, the wife of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been questioned by police over allegations of using public funds for private expenses.
Israel's first lady arrived at the anti-corruption unit of the Israeli police in the central town of Lod, east of Tel Aviv, on Thursday, to answer questions on whether she used state funds to finance maintenance work and new furniture for the couple's private home in the exclusive coastal city of Caesarea.
She is also suspected of having used taxpayers' money to pay for her late father's care while he was living at the official Jerusalem residence, according to a DPA news agency report.
Allegations over excessive lifestyle
The investigation follows a report by the state's official watchdog that detailed large sums of public money the couple spent.
Just last week, Israeli media reported that the Netanyahus asked for state funds to cover the cost of food for Kaiya, their adopted dog which bit two guests at the prime minister's Hanukkah party earlier this month.
The Netanyahus have long faced scrutiny over their spending and accusations that their lifestyles are out of touch with regular Israelis.
The Israeli first lady has come under fire for her expensive tastes and alleged abusive behaviour toward staff.
The Netanyahus say they are the victims of a media witch-hunt and have denied any wrongdoing.
The prime minister says political opponents cynically target his wife as a way to get even with him ~ Al Jazeera
Kat negara Yahudi tu.. tapi di sebuah negara Islam tu lain pulak jadinya.. berbelanja mewah melebihi pendapatan suaminya pun tak apa...
from Anak Sungai Derhaka
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