Menurut WSJ.. Penyiasat di dua negara percaya bahawa US$155 Juta yang berasal dengan 1MDB telah dipindah ke Red Granite pada tahun 2012 melalui cara yang berbelit-belit melibatkan syarikat luar pesisir..
FBI telah telah mengeluarkan sapina kepada beberapa pekerja dan bekas pekerja Red Granite dan kepada Bank dan sebuah firma perakaunan syarikat yang digunakan..
"Red Granite menjawab semua persoalan dan bekerjasama sepenuhnya," kata jurucakap syarikat itu, yang berpangkalan di West Hollywood, California.
1MDB dan Pejabat Perdana Menteri Malaysia tidak menjawab atau memberikan maklum balas terhadap soalan-soalan mengenai Red Granite.
Wakil-wakil DiCaprio dan Scorsese tidak memberi sebarang maklum balas kepada banyak permintaan untuk mendapatkan komen.
Filem ini yang menelan belanja kira-kira US$400 juta ini telah dicalonkan untuk lima Anugerah Academy, termasuk gambar terbaik.
Malangnya tidak ada tanda apa-apa keuntungan daripadanya mengalir kepada 1MDB atau Malaysia...
Red Granite telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 2010 oleh Riza Aziz, anak tiri Perdana Menteri Malaysia, kini berusia 39 tahun, dan Christopher McFarland, seorang ahli perniagaan Kentucky yang berusia 43.
Baca ni..
Investigators in two countries believe that $155 million originating with 1MDB moved into Red Granite in 2012 through a circuitous route involving offshore shell companies, said people familiar with the probes. This same money trail also is described by a person familiar with 1MDB’s dealings and supported by documents reviewed by the Journal.
The story of how “The Wolf of Wall Street” was financed brings together Hollywood celebrities with a cast of characters mostly known for their connections to the Malaysian prime minister. It detours through parties in Cannes and aboard a yacht, and spending on such embellishments as a rare, million-dollar movie poster and an original 1955 Academy Award statuette.
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation has issued subpoenas to several current and former employees of Red Granite and to a bank and an accounting firm the company used, according to people familiar with the subpoenas.
“Red Granite is responding to all inquiries and cooperating fully,” said a spokesman for the company, based in West Hollywood, Calif. He said it had no reason to believe the source of its financing was irregular.
The 1MDB fund and Mr. Najib’s office didn’t respond to questions about Red Granite. In the past, both have denied any wrongdoing. Representatives of Messrs. DiCaprio and Scorsese didn’t respond to numerous requests for comment.
The film grossed about $400 million and was nominated for five Academy Awards, including best picture. There is no indication any profits from it flowed to 1MDB or Malaysia.
The movie, heavy on depictions of Wall Street debauchery, wasn’t distributed in Malaysia after authorities there demanded more than 90 cuts to comply with local morality laws, a Malaysian official said.
Red Granite Pictures was set up in 2010 by Mr. Aziz, the Malaysian prime minister’s stepson, now 39 years old, and Christopher McFarland, a Kentucky businessman who is 43.
Mr. Aziz had worked in finance in London, left to travel and ended up in the U.S., he once told the Hollywood Reporter. Mr. McFarland, called Joey, invested in various ventures and moved to Hollywood to try to make movies, people who know him say.
The two were introduced by a mutual friend: a peripatetic Malaysian businessman named Jho Low, who became a fixture on the party circuit in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York starting in 2009. Mr. Low gained media attention for a lavish lifestyle that brought him into the orbit of celebrities such as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.
Mr. Low knew Mr. Aziz from the U.K., where both had studied, and forged ties to Mr. Aziz’s family, including Prime Minister Najib. In Malaysia, Mr. Low, whose full name is Low Taek Jho and who is 34, played a role in setting up the fund that became 1MDB.
Messrs. Aziz and McFarland worked for a time out of L’Ermitage Beverly Hills, a luxury hotel owned by a company Mr. Low founded. The aspiring movie moguls later set up an office on Sunset Boulevard that they filled with Hollywood memorabilia.
These included a poster for the 1927 Fritz Lang science-fiction film “Metropolis,” a rare original that cost $1 million, said people familiar with it.
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